Experimental Micro Grow CFL's - 1st time grower

Nice to see you testing your heating. That's been the hardest test so far, the nighttime temp up here is about 6C. I've got a freezer (good job its a toploader) in the out house that I've turned side on so the heat from the back is close to my cupboard and my intake (put a filter on intake). Average temp over last 5 days were low 19.8C high 29.9C.

Nice looking spider you have on guard.

Spidey is no where to be seen today and there are more random bugs hanging out...

I must say, Strongy. 29.9 is pushing it a little, as per the Cannabis Grow Bible (check amazon), temps should be between 12C and 29C as out of this range you'll get stunted growth. Below 26C is better to stay away the bastid mites - but apparently they like it a bit better hotter, when vegging.

Yes it was a great idea to test out my heating, as I now have a better idea of what to expect later on when it gets colder. So thanks for the urging! :) At the moment, my external temps are about 12C to 15C to I may be alright with everything off for 12 hours, but I do worry about suddenly switching on when it's colder and stressing the plants with major temp differences.
Nice idea using your freezer's radiator as a collateral heater on your intake ;) Had you considered boxing in the back end of your freezer and hosing the air into your intake? You could probably do it quite easily with cut out cereal boxes and some duct tape LoL

Wish I could move mine inside :( It would solve a lot of probs...
I broke a branch on my Mom plant and just put a piece of reg. scotch tape on it--doin great--was a month ago.
I put the tape on soon as it happened.

Great to know! Thanks Moon :)
If only I'd have known a few days ago! LoL It's no probs though, I will now get to see first hand what are the effects of a SUPER super crop lol
Been a busy fella then Cumbers :-)

things went quite smootly then? ... its all working out quite well, plants look good... even the snapped one don't seem to be moaning about it (i think it should be called stumpy... and get its own thread "The misadventures of Stumpy") lol
seriously ... i've heard so many people say they snapped a plant and it ended up weighing in a nice weight, so it could still be good news
I recently bought a bowl for my bong that literally is as conservative as a gb, no joke. Havent wanted to use anything else since haha. bg's are more of an east coast thing on the regular.
Been a busy fella then Cumbers :-)

things went quite smootly then? ... its all working out quite well, plants look good... even the snapped one don't seem to be moaning about it (i think it should be called stumpy... and get its own thread "The misadventures of Stumpy") lol
seriously ... i've heard so many people say they snapped a plant and it ended up weighing in a nice weight, so it could still be good news

Aye, big hopes for Stumpy lol
Yeah my tests went okay really. I guess I'll just have to work out when I switch on versus when they're needed, nearer the time that they'll b needed. Manjana...

Am looking forward to seeing seed popping :) I've decided to wait until I see green from this seed, before shocking them. That may add another week to my veg time, we'll see...

I just done planted some Pineapple Chunk seeds at my mates house, he intends to veg them for 16 weeks! I can't wait to see the heads on them fat ladies in a few months time :)
16 Weeks FFS! add 8-10 weeks for flowering and your looking at 26 weeks (6 months) how many is he doing at once? and what techniques is he planning on unleashing on the six month-chunks?? are you gonna keep us updated or will he run a journal? and finally are they Barneys Farm™ chunks?... as i have (B-F) pineapple express beans and they we're made from a cross of the Pineapplechunk strain... supposed to be V-NICE ;-)

Stumpy is Cool ...... could you lend him/her to your mate for a little extra veg time, he'd actually have something under his lights while seedlings do what seedling do... and you could turn stumpys fortunes around and have a somewhat larger second harvest??

think you did really well coming up with the heat cable fix... on paper looks like a winner!... and yeah as you said its a case of when its best used now. so yeah thumbs up Cumbers my friend :-)
Thanks for the vote of confidence mate :)

As for stumpy, I like your idea for vegging at me mates house. But his tent is full of exodus cheese right now and his veg room is full of it too! lol so no room at the inn, so to speak...
Well, we put in 8 seeds last night. 4 of them will go in the tent after 8 weeks veg, and the other four will stay in veg for another 8 weeks. That is in-between other cones going in so there will be a constant stream of harvest every month. The 16 week set are going to be monsters!!

Aye, Barney's Farm ;) But he's not on here so no with the journal... I may ask him if I can take some pics for on here as they're pretty damned pretty lol Just wouldn't want people to think the pics are from my micro experiment grow LMAO
Was look at Herbies seeds last night. There's so damn many of them!!!!
They also have a picknmix website where you can buy single seeds - That's my only option with my current funds. If I buy one seed (a good one), get it propogated at my mates vegging room and take several clones for myself :) Giving him a free mother of a good strain, I'm sure he won't complain lol It'll take a while though before I would get my lovely clones but not any longer than if I were to veg the one seed for 2 or 3 months to equal that amount of veg.

Anyway, that's a long way down the road yet. I'm still on my first grow! pmsl
Besides, my mate's got some other awesome strains that I want to get clones from first :) Delicious Cotton Candy pictures look tasty mmmm in a bubbleponics grow... getting ahead of myself? pmsl probably!
Thanks for the vote of confidence mate :)

As for stumpy, I like your idea for vegging at me mates house. But his tent is full of exodus cheese right now and his veg room is full of it too! lol so no room at the inn, so to speak...
Well, we put in 8 seeds last night. 4 of them will go in the tent after 8 weeks veg, and the other four will stay in veg for another 8 weeks. That is in-between other cones going in so there will be a constant stream of harvest every month. The 16 week set are going to be monsters!!

Aye, Barney's Farm ;) But he's not on here so no with the journal... I may ask him if I can take some pics for on here as they're pretty damned pretty lol Just wouldn't want people to think the pics are from my micro experiment grow LMAO

yeah i would like to see them..... worth an ask
nope ... i got three grows mapped in my head ... still scared of the bubble ponics thing.. but i'll get there.... but its a toss up between n-lights and blue mystic Auto bash (6 plants).... or Skunk #1 photoperiod 2 plant scrog or 5 plant LST....

but it depends on getting a new place so i can bust out the tent :-(
I'll try and get some pics from him later, he took some last night.

My next grow, I think I want a longer veg. So I may go for just one or two plants with a scrog. I'll need to veg for at least 2 months to fill the net but I think it'll be the most productive way to use my space. That may be my last grow here too as I need to move house next year - too many kids!

My local head shop; 2m x 10m beaded scrog netting - £0.99p
Yes that is metres! My mate picked up some today. I only need 1m x 1m so I said I'd give him 50p for it LMAO
Me mate's also giving me his old carbon filter, which I'm going to have to mod to fit it to the outside of my cab... pictures of course will follow the installation :)
Okay, I'll hold off on the extra bulbs :) I may consider it though come mid flowering time - I found some good bargains on fleaBay, something like 1.20 for a single 75W 2700k CFL :-D
At that price I could get a fair few!
I could otherwise get cracking on the LED upgrade instead, and buy some red ones instead of extra CFL's. I do have the space for them with the gaps between my bulbs, but probably a lot less hassle just getting more bulbs eh. Summer would be the best time for pure LED growing as there would be less worry with temps being too low.
Anyways, that's later... I'll hold off for the now :)

It will actually be interesting to see the difference in yields. You'd think that I'd achieve more with more bulbs, so we'll see what happens there :)
where on earth did you find those kinda prices, cfls are extortionate in the uk
There's only 4 available and I wanted those... but I haven't the cash right now anyhow so you may as well go for it.

Plus, the guy may well put some more up soon anyway, so go for it man :) Hope they work for your set up. I'm subbed on your thread so I'll be able to see how they do for you :)

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