experimental mushroom substrate grows

I'm not sure if they're the same or not.. some people I know say there's some differences , I can't speak on it personally because all I've grown so far is the Thai - koh samui super strain, I believe it's also called T2 or ksss.
I'm really thinking on getting some b+ or PF's. and I'm deffenatly considering some p. cyanescens in the near future.
What method are You going to use for pan cyanescens?
Got any recipes?
What method are You going to use for pan cyanescens?
Got any recipes?
I have some alder chips I'm partially composting in a drum composter along with maple and oak leaves and grassclipping with a little rabbit and chicken poop..
I'm also going to buy pellitized chicken manure and do a peat based mix with some gympsom.. . there's this old dude growing copilandia cyanescens on you tube.. I was considering trying his tek as well.. he uses pellitized chicken shit in his subs..
well the cased shoebox failed .. so now the side by side is over for now..
on the 2nd I started some more grain.. I took regular black oil sunflower seed and washed the hell out of them, six times or until the water wasn't staining .. then after which I simmered in coffee water .
when then seeds were done and partially dry I added a teaspoon of gympsom .. on the 3rd I inoculated .. six days later and I have one pint jar 90% ish colonized .. ( I'll post pics soon)
on the 7th I started a New shoebox(spawned with crack corn), I'm going to let it recolonize for two weeks or until it starts pinning before I start inducing fruiting .. I'm curious to see if letting it sit longer will increase fruit size..
Great thread. I have some experience growing mushrooms, but only in cow manure. What worked best was older manure from grain fed cows. And they liked shade too. Either tall grass or low brush. {I grew outdoors} When I found a good producing pile of cow manure out in a pasture, I would bring it home. As the rains of summer stopped, I could still water those and kept getting shrooms well into fall. All I ever grew were the local mushrooms from my farm in NW Florida. I didn't get any outside spores.
Some of my weed growing friends in the Rec states are starting to grow shrooms on the side to offset the plunge of weed prices. I think Blue Thunder or something like that is the popular strain right now. Some talk about it being legal soon.
well just killed one shoe box.. I picked it up looking through the bottom for shrooms that may of grown on the bottom and fucking dropped it ....lmao... DURRRRPP!
Some of my weed growing friends in the Rec states are starting to grow shrooms on the side to offset the plunge of weed prices. I think Blue Thunder or something like that is the popular strain right now. Some talk about it being legal soon.
yeah I had read some where that the rec states were considering legalizing shrooms.. that would be cool if it happend
yeah I had read some where that the rec states were considering legalizing shrooms.. that would be cool if it happend
I was raised on a cow farm, so we have always had them. They are not against the law unless you pick them. I never tripped until I was 19, so they were more trouble than they were worth. Folks will go into your pastures looking for them, getting chased by the bull, messing up fences and what not.
well my coffee pop corn grain are jamming along.. another couple days ( 3 or 4) and it should be ready ..
the sunflower seeds I made up is just an experiment so I only made one jar. I'm going to make a small tray for them..
I was raised on a cow farm, so we have always had them. They are not against the law unless you pick them. I never tripped until I was 19, so they were more trouble than they were worth. Folks will go into your pastures looking for them, getting chased by the bull, messing up fences and what not.
no cubes grow near me.. there is psilocybes that grow in the woods and river banks but they are a bitch to find and they look simular to deadly galirina which grow in the same places , even right tight next to each other.. I'm always looking for them at certain times of the year but even if I found them I still wouldn't eat them .. to high of a risk..
The way I was taught to tell them apart, is they look like a breast. White and creamy around the edges, getting more color closer to the nipple. And they leave a little purple band when the cap releases from the stem. {and they grow in cow shit}
well I'm now using all black oil sunflower seeds .. so far they colonize the fastest of seedgrains I've used.. I'm working on four shoeboxes now.. two are recolonizing .. one of which is spawned with all sunflower seed. the other is pop corn and crack corn.. the compost mix is still the same ...
one of two that are in the big tub..1218171709.jpg

these guys I just took a peek at.. about ready , afew more days.
this is the sunflower seed spawned box. it had tons of rhizos but they stuck to the wax paper..1218171711.jpg
this one is the crack corn & popcorn spawned box..1218171711a.jpg
I'm pist off.. the pop corn /crack corn tub failed.. a few pop corn kernels molded.. I dug out the bad spots but it's a lost cause I'm sure..
second shoebox pinning up nicely .. nothing awinspiring . . shit ton of knots forming for the second flush if you look closely ..1223171736b.jpg
this pic on the bottom is on it's forth flush... a couple hogs forming..1223171736d.jpg