experimental mushroom substrate grows


These pictures look alike if you look carefully at the colours of the houses on the left.

These pictures look alike if you look carefully at the colours of the houses on the left.
I'm not implying the two last pics of that ONE big mushroom is actually two.. is that what your getting at.. hard to tell with you if your fucking with me at times..lol .. or should i look harder at the houses...lol...
I'm new to mycoligy ( growing shrooms)so I haven't had much experience in mushroom substrates other then using proven tek and subs, so I've read a lot on the subject and watched what videos that are on YouTube but no one really ventures away from brf or composts ...
so I'm making this thread for the purpose of experimental substrate and tek...

I'm goin to try another attempt at crack corn and rabbit shit.. the first jar I made colonized fast and was looking good then all of a sudden the corn turned into slime and must of had some yeast in the shit or something because it was fermenting.. so I'm taking a crack at it again.....

all are welcome to contribute their experiments and tek.. this is an open thread..

Check these out:




Dug up my old thread... I've got two small tubs going and two cakes.. one cake is crackcorn and the other is rolled oats and paper critter bedding..looks like shredded cardboard..
I think people get too hung up on substrate constituents. It makes sense that folks who rightfully concern themselves with the nutritional aspects of soil or hydroponic liquids.

It's a plant and plants like or need all kinds of micronutrients, ballances, pH, oxygen permeability and.. All that.
Most folks here seem to really know what they are talking about when it comes to cannibis growing. I do not.

But mushrooms are not plants. Mushrooms are far more like animals than plants. They give off carbon dioxide.
The things they eat start off being verystronger, feed them simple chemicals like you do plants and you will fail.

Mushrooms adapt to all sorts of foods. They actually thrive on variety,it keeps th m on their toes.

So....if you have the moisture content right, if your pH is even close, if there is even something at least close to what the mushroom can grow on then it is enough.

I've grown mushrooms on dog food, cheese, wood, corn, straw, brown sugar, coffee grounds, paper, coir, cardboard, manure, oil saturated grains, water beads with sugar water.... Point is, I have found that if the specific needs are met, variations in thecsubstrate are pretty much superfluous. You can't make them much stronger or much more prolific with some magic substrate or supplement.

But I could be wrong.
I forgot to add that the mazapatec spores are almost a year old.. they started germination in the syringe when I first got them so I've had them in the fridge for the past 10 months.
The instant rice is super convenient but I do see the downsides. Its has taken 6 weeks for mycelium to colonize and chance for contamination is higher that with jars and SAB.

But for $2 a bag and $10 for mss I just had to try it.