Experts: Job Spike Mostly Part-timers, Home-Based Jobs


Active Member
With almost exactly one month left till the election, the government reported Oct. 5 the unemployment rate plummeted to 7.8 percent in September. While media outlets like The New York Times called the number “unexpected good news for Obama,” both liberal and conservative economists were quick to tear it apart.

The labor force jumped in one of the two government employment surveys – “the government said the total number of workers employed surged by 873,000, the highest one-month jump in 29 years,” wrote The Wall Street Journal. The Journal’s forecast had predicted an increase to 8.2 percent.

Economist Peter Morici of the University of Maryland noted in his commentary that “the unemployment rate decreased to 7.8 percent, because the number of self-employed jumped dramatically.” How much? He told Business and Media Institute he put the ballpark number at 700,000 newly self-employed. Morici also said that they couldn’t have all been full-time jobs and more likely were engaged in part-time work such as freelancing.

He said that labor participation had declined a great deal since Obama took office and caused most of the “reduction in unemployment from its 10.0 percent peak in October 2009.” He pointed out that if the participation rate had remained the same unemployment would be 9.8 percent; 10.7 percent if using the rate from beginning of Obama’s term.

Dean Baker, co-director of the lefty Center for Economic and Policy Research, called the result “almost certainly a statistical fluke.” “It is common to have large monthly changes in the employment numbers that are not consistent with other economic data,” he added.

The found other economic experts concerned about the increase in part-time work. “Daniel Alpert a managing partner of investment bank Westwood Capital noted the large benefit that part time workers gave to the unemployment rate. ‘Whoa, folks, stop the music,’ wrote Alpert, on Twitter. He noted a 582,000 increase in part time workers - a general negative – that pushed the unemployment rate lower. ‘The unemp. rate went down b/c of part time,’ wrote Alpert,” The Street reported.

That same story quoted Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a Romney campaign adviser and former CBO director who told Bloomberg TV viewers “The unemployment rate is just a fluke.” “A statistical anomaly,” according to Holtz-Eakin.

Romney adviser Kevin A. Hassett, director of economic-policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, said the survey “portrays a September that was booming, far more so than could possibly be true given the other indicators.”

The BLS release showed a huge jump in part-time workers, and digging into the household survey data revealed 581,000 more people working part-time for economic reasons in September than in August (using seasonally adjusted data).

Liberal reaction to the numbers wasn’t just muted, it was almost non-existent. New York Times Pulitzer Prize winning economist Paul Krugman wrote nothing on the jobs number as of noon. Instead, he posted on Britain and what he called a “wonkish” piece about wages.


Well-Known Member
lol, what a surprise. Wasting time again I see?
Lets see, my posts are4 spam but your repetitive harassment posts are not...
You're the joke if RIU, calling the truth SPAM.
it's more like i am calling the 100+ copy and paste article you have spammed us with spam.

racist republicans from texas. they ain't that bright.


Well-Known Member
Calling people at home, and then asking people if they are employed, is not an accurate way to calculate job growth. All the good jobs are going over seas, while the BLS cooks the books. They should call it the BS, because thats what this is. Bull Sh*t


Well-Known Member
Calling people at home, and then asking people if they are employed, is not an accurate way to calculate job growth. All the good jobs are going over seas, while the BLS cooks the books. They should call it the BS, because thats what this is. Bull Sh*t


Active Member
it's more like i am calling the 100+ copy and paste article you have spammed us with spam.

racist republicans from texas. they ain't that bright.

Strange you just label posts as spam and never refute the facts in the posts, makes your spam posts look more like spam bullshit than anything else.
p.s. all the racists are in the white house.


Well-Known Member
Strange you just label posts as spam and never refute the facts in the posts, makes your spam posts look more like spam bullshit than anything else.
p.s. all the racists are in the white house.
fact is
no matter what metric you use to measure unemployment
if you apply the same methodology to last year or the year before
you still show the same improvement

You fucking fright wingers keep trying to move the goal posts
but the ball is securly in the net regardless of where you try to move it


Well-Known Member
The Republican Prayer

Dear Lord little baby Jesus,
Please let the jobs in America be hard to find so the Muslim Kenyan Barrack Hussein Obama will only see one term. We also pray that you take away the gays, so that they can see the way of the RIGHT. Please bless our obstructions so that we may fulfill our duty to the one and only RIGHT god. Please bless all the raped women so that their body will by nature shut down to prevent pregnancy. These things we pray in the name of our Lord little baby Jesus


Well-Known Member
The Republican Prayer

Dear Lord little baby Jesus,
Please let the jobs in America be hard to find so the Muslim Kenyan Barrack Hussein Obama will only see one term. We also pray that you take away the gays, so that they can see the way of the RIGHT. Please bless our obstructions so that we may fulfill our duty to the one and only RIGHT god. Please bless all the raped women so that their body will by nature shut down to prevent pregnancy. These things we pray in the name of our Lord little baby Jesus

Looks like you put alot of thought into that.


Active Member
"Would you like fries with that," by day, warehouse grower by night.... I dig the setup and the acne from the fryers adds to the facade.


Well-Known Member
looks like you need to know that it's a lot not alot...alot is not a word.

Your space bar complaints seem to be taking away from the topic of conversation. If you're married I feel sorry for your wife that her husband is a whiny little bitch. :cry:


Well-Known Member
With the California's Supreme Court's refusal to hear the AG's arguments on growing cannabis for others, the Repeal of the Ban on dispensaries on L.A. and so on I will start my seed business soon.
I am one who never cared for business but I do care about Cannabis Seeds.

I guess we should acknowledge that many of us have to shift to "employment" we never considered before.

This is another way to see these things.

Oh yeah, I will be opening a Website Soon! It will cater to my local area mostly but you all are welcome to visit!
I hope to help reverse the Ban on Dispensaries in my County.


Well-Known Member
You're welcome... I understand that the third grade may have been a little difficult for you.
How funny you reminded me of that.

I spent Third Grade at an mostly Black Catholic School.

The first girl-friend I ever had was Black. The first feel I ever had was she.. I still remember her to this day.

In a way, until I took a Girl-Friend there, it was a tough experience. What with the Sisters willing to smack my hand with a ruler at any moment, Having to go to Church every-day and so on.. Yep it was an experience for sure!


Well-Known Member
Strange you just label posts as spam and never refute the facts in the posts, makes your spam posts look more like spam bullshit than anything else.
p.s. all the racists are in the white house.
i label your posts as spam because they are.

you've spammed 100+ copy and paste articles.

also, you are a racist. deal with it.