Extreme gardening


Well-Known Member
So I just tried using their mycos and so far im loving the results but when I went to get more for a new batch of ladies I'm about to transplant they were out of it and won't have it for a couple of weeks. Sooooo my question is, I have some mycos madness and was wondering if anyone has used either one of these and how they might compare to each other? The EG stuff you add to your soil and the MM you add to the water. Do you think I will get the same results using the MM as i'm having using the Extreme gardening mycos?


Well-Known Member
Results I like so much I'm always gonna use it.. Cut my veg time from 2-3 weeks to 11 days, Not one discolored leaf, all stems as green as can be and fan leaves bigger then my hand when they were about as big as my thumb a little over a week ago


Well-Known Member
Should work just the same, no problem. Most of it is bought in bulk and just repackaged/relabeled.

There is only a couple of places that grow it, since it has to be grown on living roots and then harvested and processed. Look for the best price.



New Member
okay so i had ?'s about mycos 2 so i went and bought some. i made a compost tea with the mycos and a compost tea without the mycos( my mixture guano bone meal tsp miracle half a vitamin and sugar) i watered half my plants with each after letting them both sit for about 40 hours its been about a week and i have not seen a diff between growth rate of plant and actually one of the mycos ones has developed a nute lock. from what i can see the mycos just encourages microbial bacteria that is already there you really dont need it if you make a good tea with low non organic nutes they will breed themselves just add sugar. and remember b4 i get in another fight about sugar. sugar is sugar it does not matter which one you use the difference is extra nutrient which can be a bad thing such as using calmag w/ molassis since molasses is already high in calcium and magnesium


Well-Known Member
Should work just the same, no problem. Most of it is bought in bulk and just repackaged/relabeled.

There is only a couple of places that grow it, since it has to be grown on living roots and then harvested and processed. Look for the best price.

It kinda sucks cause the one and only hydro shop in town doesn't really sell it, he gave me a free jar of the mycos madness but doesn't carry the extreme gardenings line.. I am having great results with this stuff. @wet, what kind of roots are they grown on? and damn dude is there anything you don't know? lol