Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I believe it because I've seen it. I've done at least 5 police citizen ride a-longs and for years worked with a police department indirectly because of the admin job I held.

Look kid.....if you're on the wrong side of the law (which is quite obvious), it's time to grow the fuck up, respect authority and change your juvenile loser type attitude.

All lives matter.....fuck all the trouble makers, "hands up don't shoot" liars no matter what their color is.

Obey the law.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oh man I fucking made it, yes! Another 24 hours without being shot be a cop. This obeying the law thing is working out awesome for me!

Ya'll make it too, or did we lose anyone last night?


Well-Known Member
Oh man I fucking made it, yes! Another 24 hours without being shot be a cop. This obeying the law thing is working out awesome for me!

Ya'll make it too, or did we lose anyone last night?
That's cute. Little dumb white guy made a funny. Bet you worked all night on that one, didn't you?


Well-Known Member
I believe it because I've seen it. I've done at least 5 police citizen ride a-longs and for years worked with a police department indirectly because of the admin job I held.

Look kid.....if you're on the wrong side of the law (which is quite obvious), it's time to grow the fuck up, respect authority and change your juvenile loser type attitude.

All lives matter.....fuck all the trouble makers, "hands up don't shoot" liars no matter what their color is.

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Kid? Lol And it's nice that the dumb little white guy agrees with the klansman. Gotta stick together.


Well-Known Member
They weren't dead when they arrived. Only when they left. If that repeatedly happens at my house, I'm probably going to jail.
If they get thrown in jail and murdered by another inmate how is that the cops fault?.... I think what you want is laws only to apply to white people


Well-Known Member
Its probably not how it happens everytime..... But all your complaints seem like bullshit.... And lies
Of course they do. Again, nothing pleases me more than learning about race from someone who calls black children "animals". I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. The irony is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.


Well-Known Member
Of course they do. Again, nothing pleases me more than learning about race from someone who calls black children "animals". I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. The irony is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.
Laws should only be for white people..... Black people should be allowed to murder each other sell crack and rob white people