This whole thread


and it worked on you.
Fuck them indeed. My neighbor was assaulted by her business partner who is an ex cop, we took pictures of her bruises then called the police to file a report. She was visibly shaken and had been crying since the attack. When she got there the police saw her red eyes and asked if she was on drugs. Really you fucking pigs? He is a 6'3 220lb ex cop she is a 5'4 130 lb single mom.
Fuck them indeed. My neighbor was assaulted by her business partner who is an ex cop, we took pictures of her bruises then called the police to file a report. She was visibly shaken and had been crying since the attack. When she got there the police saw her red eyes and asked if she was on drugs. Really you fucking pigs? He is a 6'3 220lb ex cop she is a 5'4 130 lb single mom.

She couldnt have been on drugs? How do the cops know the situation when they arrive on a scene? You do know they deal with domestic situations all the time that involve alcohol or drugs right?

I mean, at worst your example shows a cop being rude.
Go fuck yourself cop apologist. They wouldn't take her report. A neighbor told her to go to the next town and report both him and the cops.
Fuck them indeed. My neighbor was assaulted by her business partner who is an ex cop, we took pictures of her bruises then called the police to file a report. She was visibly shaken and had been crying since the attack. When she got there the police saw her red eyes and asked if she was on drugs. Really you fucking pigs? He is a 6'3 220lb ex cop she is a 5'4 130 lb single mom.

You took pictures of her bruises ? Why didn`t you go fuck him up instead ? You`re my hero........ellipses.
Don't be a dumbass besides when we went to pick up the property he disappeared and had three sheriffs waiting in the wings. Pork protects pork.

Devious shit isn't past me I just wouldn't post about it here. Duh. You're such a "g" bruh
Just don't respond to these cop dick-suckers, Man! Anyone who defends the corrupt actions of the pigs in a thread like this one is probably a pig too. At the very least they are trying to get us to respond like this, so they can get their jollies. Exactly what a pig does.

Don't be a dumbass besides when we went to pick up the property he disappeared and had three sheriffs waiting in the wings. Pork protects pork.

Devious shit isn't past me I just wouldn't post about it here. Duh. You're such a "g" bruh

I draw a line when man beats women. Even if they have a badge or friends. I also don`t judge many because of few. I hate a lot of cops in my area, they think they can just do as they please, but you'll never hear me blame them all. Can you promote me to "og" I been smoke`n longer than you been alive.