@Scoob, I am like T but I dont eat Catfish no more. If you ever catch some Rainbow Trout you must EAT IT! Thats what I was fishing for today with some Trout Power Bait, but we caught Bass with it only. Guy next to us caught about 4 Trout and 2 Rainbow Trout. I actually asked him if he would give me one and he said NO. LOL I dont blame him.
@fumble, did everything work out with the deal??? Keepin my fingers crossed for you! Yes they do grow up very fast, sometimes its scary how fast!!
I eat any and all fish

. i prefer mine fried or grilled.
I am with ya T but being in the Navy killed the whole Catfish thing for me. Thats all they ever made on the ships and it got old real quick so I dont eat it no more.
so i found something kinda interesting.
i now need 2 1000 hps, 1 bedroom, a nice cloner and a nice t5. everything else i have.
You need to get something running soon!!! Someone like you can do that easily cause your bills are so CHEAP!!! Lucky fucker
Seed Fairy came today!! Thanx a lot!!
FM thats so cool that he caught a fish, I bet he was almost as excited as you were for him!
I was very proud more than anything. Seeing my son pull that fish out made all my problems disappear and it felt fucking great! Something I will cherish for the rest of my life!!!
Ok, well tonight is going to be a feeding night. Since I have everything in 3 gallon Dirt Pots means I am burning through water. I dont water like others, I pretty much flush feed every watering! Crazy but the shit works, called Making It Rain.
I will post pics after I am done feeding them.