Fair for all black people in the USA to be held responsible / pay reparations for violent acts of some black people?ople against Asians ?

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On the other hand, everything is impossible until someone does it.

Impossible means it can't be done.

Something could be possible, but it simple hasn't been done yet or will never be done because a person chose not to.

It's possible I could get up and go eat another orange in the next ten minutes. It will remain possible even if I don't do it, as long as there are oranges in my house etc.

It's impossible for me to get up and go eat 23,467 oranges in the next ten minutes, even if there were 23,467 oranges at my house.
Impossible is believing the racial segregation signs guy didnt borrow this thread from one of the neonazi forums hes on
It's impossible for me to get up and go eat 23,467 oranges in the next ten minutes, even if there were 23,467 oranges at my house.
It was impossible for "Cool Hand Luke" to eat 50 eggs.. until he did it. Who are you to be the definer of what is possible or what is impossible?
It was impossible for "Cool Hand Luke" to eat 50 eggs.. until he did it. Who are you to be the definer of what is possible or what is impossible?

I hadn't thought of that. I ate a shitload of chocolate easter eggs once when I was a kid. Probably 50 of 'em.

Man, I feel like anything is possible now! Thanks!!
I dont think neonazi op likes me pointing out his undeniable history of blatant racism

That's ok, hes a bitch

I have no history of racism, blatant or otherwise. You're confused or intentionally telling lies, maybe even both.

(paraphrasing here) You've conflated bad things some people did to others of a different race as a rationale for insisting everyone's property rights are violated.

You think when property rights are violated on an equal basis that somehow that serves as justification for doing it. That's not a very logical argument, as it attempts to justify forced association as the solution to forced segregation. Both ideas are wrong, and so are you, numbnutz.
I have no history of racism, blatant or otherwise. You're confused or intentionally telling lies, maybe even both.

Like I said, you're a bitch

(paraphrasing here) You've conflated bad things some people did to others of a different race as a rationale for insisting everyone's property rights are violated.

You think when property rights are violated on an equal basis that somehow that serves as justification for doing it. That's not a very logical argument, as it attempts to justify forced association as the solution to forced segregation. Both ideas are wrong, and so are you, numbnutz.
You've referenced one of your favorite neonazis (who thinks black people are a separate subhuman species) in this very thread

As I said, you're a b1tch
Abraham Dildo ? You decide.

View attachment 4923966

The creators and purveyors of such propaganda is either ignorant to history, or of malicious intent. Being against slavery could get you killed back then and it was a complete loser in law and politics. If you were high level politician and an abolitionist at heart, you had the play a delicate game of placating the average white man(i.e. racists) and quietly take small incremental bites out of inequality as the situation allowed. To state that those are "Lincoln's Views on Race" is trying to present the quotes as if that's him in a nutshell and there's no more to the story. The most you could say is that it's a very selective slice of things he's said publicly.
The creators and purveyors of such propaganda is either ignorant to history, or of malicious intent. Being against slavery could get you killed back then and it was a complete loser in law and politics. If you were high level politician and an abolitionist at heart, you had the play a delicate game of placating the average white man(i.e. racists) and quietly take small incremental bites out of inequality as the situation allowed. To state that those are "Lincoln's Views on Race" is trying to present the quotes as if that's him in a nutshell and there's no more to the story. The most you could say is that it's a very selective slice of things he's said publicly.
let me simplify this for you

"but abe lincoln was a racist!" is a canard across the various neonazi forums like stormfront and 8kun. robroy is a neonazi, and not very original or inspired, so he just lazily spams us with their stupid shit endlessly

the site administrator has decided to allow rob to spam our forum with his stupid neonazi shit and we are also not allowed to point out that he is an avowed pedophile who once called using candy to rape children "a mutual agreement".
Do you remember lil' Bucky when you earned your first couple of bucks as a kid mowing somebodies lawn or in your case maybe letting the creep down the street touch you in special places...When you earned that money it was because you had made a voluntary agreement. If you did X , somebody would pay you Y.

i was slightly off

rob roy described using money to coerce children into rape as "a voluntary agreement" just in case anyone thinks i am exaggerating about what a fucking piece of shit this neonazi is
Pretty ironic to consider that a voluntary agreement while he's hollering nonstop about his involuntary agreement paying taxes, even though one literally cannot give legal consent and the other can literally leave the agreement whenever he wants.
Pretty ironic to consider that a voluntary agreement while he's hollering nonstop about his involuntary agreement paying taxes, even though one literally cannot give legal consent and the other can literally leave the agreement whenever he wants.
i know, i have reminded him over and over again, since he is unemployable and has never worked a job in his life, that taxes can only be taken from you if you sign on the dotted line. he thinks thats slavery

but he's ok with raping children.
The creators and purveyors of such propaganda is either ignorant to history, or of malicious intent. Being against slavery could get you killed back then and it was a complete loser in law and politics. If you were high level politician and an abolitionist at heart, you had the play a delicate game of placating the average white man(i.e. racists) and quietly take small incremental bites out of inequality as the situation allowed. To state that those are "Lincoln's Views on Race" is trying to present the quotes as if that's him in a nutshell and there's no more to the story. The most you could say is that it's a very selective slice of things he's said publicly.

Hmmm. That's odd, Lysander Spooner was an unabashed abolitionist and lived in the same time frame as the racist Lincoln.

Next you'll be making excuses for the racists FDR, Truman, Hillary and Biden.
i was slightly off

rob roy described using money to coerce children into rape as "a voluntary agreement" just in case anyone thinks i am exaggerating about what a fucking piece of shit this neonazi is

Actually I goofed on you, by detailing a hypothetical tryst you had with "the badman" when you ran away from a real conversation about consent.
I can't remember exactly but I was likely kicking your butt, as I usually did back when you tried to present a real argument.
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