Fake piss???

lately ive been doing masonry on the side. i went to school for welding but i had enough time in plumbing to take the tests. so i went that route. ive done a whole lot of other shit though, excavating was a lot of fun. but i was doing that when work was slowed down 2008 ish.. so i got out of it. masonry is real good money though if you have an eye for detail.
By the brick?
So you just dropped trout and put the cup under the bottle and squeeze?

i've also heard of people using a condom to fill with the fake piss, and they just puncture it with say a pin or w/e, and it supposedly sounds like you're really taking a wee if you do it right..
this is just second hand info, i think i've read it on here, not something i've ever tried personally fwiw..
Wait, how lucky we talking?