Fan Leafs making to much shade, PRUNE???


Well-Known Member
ok i hard abouth this shit called pruning wat does it do juss move the fan leafs out of the way so that ur buds can recieve more light ??? or can i jus taketrim my fan leafs off??? wat should i do because i know in late flowering ur plant uses up the energey saved in the fan leafs when u flush so wat should i do any opinions would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of what she looks like atm i only have fat buds at the top since i dont have enough light for the bottom im planning on buying 2 more CFL'S for these last couple of weeks of flowering but here she is at 6 weeks



Well-Known Member
you should try to keep as many fan leaves as possible, but cutting a few off to get more light to the bottom is fine, and will help the bottom nugs to be bigger


Well-Known Member
yea i got a shitload of fan leafs so im thinkin bout takin off half at least or maybe juss 1/4 from wat i can see


Well-Known Member
That canopy doesn't look too dense, I wouldn't trim any leaves at all... just tuck them under or around other branches or buds.



Well-Known Member
let the plant grow she knows how many leaves she needs

the plants #1 goal is to make big buds so it can catch as much pollin with it as possible, so if it didnt need those leaves she wouldnt have grown them, and once she doesnt need them anymore she kills those ones off.

just let her grow in peace

look at these 5 ft monster i grew with out trimming 1 single leaf and it 5ft tall!!!! and the bud still supa dupa



Well-Known Member

Fold them back and tuck them away, or use paper clips, but don't trim healthy leaves! If they are yellow leaves, then pluck 'em. If they are dead leaves, then get rid of em. But when leaves are healthy green that means they are still useful to the plant!


Active Member
you guys are crazy trimming is good but dont go crazy maybe 4 leaves
kinda like if a deer walked by and took a few bites


Well-Known Member
you guys are crazy trimming is good but dont go crazy maybe 4 leaves
kinda like if a deer walked by and took a few bites
Okay maybe if they directly covered the buds, but yeah... keep it to a fair minimum... leaves are like elecricity generators for the plant...

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Skunky Joe is right. Indoors, of course let the light get to ALL the Buds. Outdoors, as mine, I hire the Grasshoppers to trim for me. Who am I to argue with Mother Nature.


Well-Known Member
And a paper plate for a light reflector. How cool is that! :blsmoke:
lol well i couldnt get a hold of anygood reflectors than i looked at a paper plate and i rembered flat white paint i put it to the and it reflected more light than the aluminum sheet that i was orignally gunna use but yea im pretty sure the paper plate reflects like 100% of the light lol:roll::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dont trim the fan leaves. Your fan leaves act as a storage center for mobile nutrients(NPK) that the plant builds so it can draw on those reserves during flowering. During late flowing the fan leaves show signs of extream nute deficiency as the plant drains them of nutrition, eventually leaving a light brown wringled mass.
Removing these leaves denies the plant this nutrient buffer and as a result production can suffer. Sometimes common sense moves like cutting fan leaves to promote light penetration can back fire, look at both the good and the bad parts of it. Trimming fan leaves, unless you are really really aware of what your doing as far as plant nutrition can hurt more then it helps.

Yo, cheap CFL reflector, get a file and scissors or tinsnips or a hacksaw and split an aluminum can, the inside is highly reflective and perfectly sized for a 43~watt cfl