FarmerJohnfourtwenty's Hang out

I would like to be the first to greet you FarmerJohn. From everyone at R.I.U. welcome, and make yourself at home bro. Really glad to have such a talented grower join the group. Peace, and Love bro, and enjoy your stay!
cool - just seen his youtude videos a few days ago.

Starting tga seeds:

FJ on RIU!!! My day has been made! FJ420 is a great dude and has always taken his time to answer questions I have. He is a REALLY REALLY good guy IMO. Welcome brother!
its about time homie..i actually found you threw sub when he shouted you out and been hookd since, due to living on the eastcoast though were its not all lovely i still gotta keep it on the low a little more..atleast utube wise...either way glad your around and things are going real good for you