Fascism and the Republican Party

Flying cars.
it matters to motorHomers

I'm sure Jack could put in a good word for Mark in Georgia, if he coughs up enough republican congress people, after Jack is done with Donald or has him well on the way to a cell. Jack could probably shave many years off Mark's Georgia sentence, if he were to testify on TV in Georgia against Trump, I imagine it would also help to shave years off his sentence. Trump and the magats will go nuts if Mark flips on Trump and people in congress should worry too, Mark knows where all the bodies are buried. The TV trial in Georgia will have the biggest political impact IMO and Donald might be already in federal custody when his trial begins in Georgia. Also, the rules for witness tampering and intimidation during pretrial in Georgia are very strict and result in jail until trial.


DOJ Sentencing Demands FORESHADOW DOOM for Trump

182,969 views Aug 21, 2023 Legal AF Podcast - Full Episodes
Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on why DOJ fears the Proud Boys even more than the other right wing soldiers for Trump the Oath keepers and why they are seeking sentences almost double in length.
Stochastic terrorism is a big reason why fascists support the 2nd amendment and don't want any restrictions on guns, the more fear and chaos the better as far as they are concerned. Looks like he lost the argument and then what little he had of his mind he might be having his first gay sex experience as soon as he meets his cellmate, until then a jail cell.

that didn't take long.

New Member's post along with anybody who replied to it were deleted. I came back because, unlike the others who replied, I forgot to say "Welcome new member". But Sunni welcomed him for me.

Thanks, Sunni. :clap:
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