Fascism and the Republican Party

Fascists know that in order to operate a two-tier legal system, one that applies harsh and cruel penalties on any breaches of their laws on the populace. Meanwhile fascist leadership are enabled to act without regard to the rule of law, to the point where openly committing massive acts of corruption and assassination of political enemies. To operate in this way, they must control the justice system.

Wisconsin’s Trump enablers are still undermining democracy

Not only were we among the handful of states where Trump enablers participated in the fake electors scheme, Trump-friendly justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court very nearly decided in favor of his attempt to have 221,000 ballots thrown out in the state’s two most Democratic counties. A single principled vote by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn blocked Trump’s ham-handed effort to overturn the election results just an hour before the Electoral College cast Wisconsin’s 10 votes for President Joe Biden.

That’s the backdrop to current efforts to prevent the new, liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court from taking control.

The definitive win by liberal-leading Justice Janet Protasiewicz last April was a national news story because it was seen as a bellwether for the 2024 election. The rebuke of right-wing candidate Daniel Kelly by a hefty margin in the statewide race was interpreted as voters’ rejection of our draconian 1849 abortion ban as well as a threat to Republicans’ grip on the state and, by extension, national politics.

So, following the lead of the biggest sore loser in American history, state Republicans have been throwing a hissy fit. It started with Kelly’s absurdly ungracious non-concession speech on Election Night. Then came Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’ threat to impeach Protasiewicz if she dares to weigh in on the gerrymandered map that gives Vos and his party disproportionate power. Conservatives on the court who have become the minority, meanwhile, have been burning up the rightwing talk radio airwaves fulminating about how unfair it is that they are no longer in charge of court procedures.

There it is. Fascism operating in the daylight in Wisconsin. A duly elected judge is threatened with impeachment if she takes office and applies the rule of law on MAGA fascists. Her election win wasn't even close. It was a state-wide election. Gerrymandering was not in play here. The writing is on the wall. Wisconsin's fascist rule will end if their extreme gerrymandering can no longer defeat the will of the large majority of voters in Wisconsin. And so they threaten a judge for doing nothing other than her job.
Fascists know that in order to operate a two-tier legal system, one that applies harsh and cruel penalties on any breaches of their laws on the populace. Meanwhile fascist leadership are enabled to act without regard to the rule of law, to the point where openly committing massive acts of corruption and assassination of political enemies. To operate in this way, they must control the justice system.

Wisconsin’s Trump enablers are still undermining democracy

Not only were we among the handful of states where Trump enablers participated in the fake electors scheme, Trump-friendly justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court very nearly decided in favor of his attempt to have 221,000 ballots thrown out in the state’s two most Democratic counties. A single principled vote by conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn blocked Trump’s ham-handed effort to overturn the election results just an hour before the Electoral College cast Wisconsin’s 10 votes for President Joe Biden.

That’s the backdrop to current efforts to prevent the new, liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court from taking control.

The definitive win by liberal-leading Justice Janet Protasiewicz last April was a national news story because it was seen as a bellwether for the 2024 election. The rebuke of right-wing candidate Daniel Kelly by a hefty margin in the statewide race was interpreted as voters’ rejection of our draconian 1849 abortion ban as well as a threat to Republicans’ grip on the state and, by extension, national politics.

So, following the lead of the biggest sore loser in American history, state Republicans have been throwing a hissy fit. It started with Kelly’s absurdly ungracious non-concession speech on Election Night. Then came Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’ threat to impeach Protasiewicz if she dares to weigh in on the gerrymandered map that gives Vos and his party disproportionate power. Conservatives on the court who have become the minority, meanwhile, have been burning up the rightwing talk radio airwaves fulminating about how unfair it is that they are no longer in charge of court procedures.

There it is. Fascism operating in the daylight in Wisconsin. A duly elected judge is threatened with impeachment if she takes office and applies the rule of law on MAGA fascists. Her election win wasn't even close. It was a state-wide election. Gerrymandering was not in play here. The writing is on the wall. Wisconsin's fascist rule will end if their extreme gerrymandering can no longer defeat the will of the large majority of voters in Wisconsin. And so they threaten a judge for doing nothing other than her job.
It's all adding up to a big loss in 24 for the GOP a perfect storm, at least one hopes it will, much depends on the fate of Trump and of course the timing of events. There are trials, convictions, more indictments and battles over disqualification to be fought yet, all during the primaries or leading up to them. Even Ukraine is dividing the republicans thanks to Trump, and he will demand loyalty from GOP house members as he goes down. Republicans in Georgia are making moves to remove Willis from the case and of course Gym Jordan is making noises federally, all acts of extreme desperation IMO.
The list is not just tactics used by fascists. Governments who are not fascist may use some of these tactics but when the core arguments made by political leaders rely on these tactics, such as, "our children are being groomed by "transgenders" and recruited by them to become one of them" or, "teaching the effect that systemic racism has on black people is an attack on white people", or "liberals despise people who work hard" or, talk about false grievances such as "Why isn't Biden given the same treatment as Trump for classified documents found next to his Corvette?"

Be wary of what and who they are.

Ten tactics of fascism.
  1. A mythic past -- once we were great and that has all been taken from us by "the other" (fill in the blank)
  2. Propaganda of a particular sort -- The friend-enemy relationship. The other who poses a merciless threat to your existence and traditions
  3. Anti-intellectualism -- Knowledge is independent of ideology (or should be). Fascists use knowledge when it helps them but oppose knowledge, for example and especially, those who teach multiple views of history in all of its complexity.
  4. Unreality -- Fascism assumes we are not all equal. In a democracy, political freedom and equality doesn't mean we all have the same resources, it means we are free to vote in our own interests. Without reality-based information, we are not free to do so. People who are lied to are not free.
  5. Hierarchy -- A system that favors one group over another that is justified by the belief that the favored group is better than the other.
  6. Victimhood -- Once people are convinced that their group is better than another then equality becomes a means of making them victims.
  7. Law and Order -- Loyalty to the dominant group. Those who are members of the minority group must be subservient to the dominant group. Members of the dominant group by nature are law abiding. The leader can't violate law and order. Law and Order is not about justice but sustaining the order of society.
  8. Sexual Anxiety -- Preaching that families and your way of life are under threat because homosexuals and feminists are coming after women, children and your status in society.
  9. Sodom and Gomorrah -- Cities are morally decadent and where elites congregate to rule the hard working honest rural population.
  10. Work shall make you free -- To be valued you must be capable of hard work. Minorities (who are discriminated against in the fascist workplace) are lazy and made to work -- slavery and free labor. People who are unable to work are sealed off from society to wither and die. Life that is not worthy of life.
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How's Amon doing these days...

I wonder if the Gem County Sheriff is going to be as careful to avoid confrontation this time around.

That asshole just does what he wants and acts as if it's the law's fault when he faces accountability in court for his actions. Conspiring to avoid paying his court ordered penalties by transferring his property to a friend for a song and then "renting" it back. Not even close to legal. Maybe he needs some RICO action on his ass.
Seriously, if the democrats gain enough power,they need to hold hearings on foxnews and go over their content for the past decade, then jerk their license and require all TV, even on cable to have a license. The internet is not "spoon fed" broadcast media under a federal license and morons have more trouble finding the bullshit, they don't need an open sewer pipe emptying shit into in their livingroom. Proof of harm comes from covid, vaccines and J6, proof of more than just bias, but an illegal conspiracy to benefit republicans is obvious and voluminous.
