Fascism and the Republican Party

"I am your retribution."

The media keep pulling their punches in describing the threat he and maga pose.

They should be making it damn clear that “the deep state” is a code phrase for institutions designed to implement and protect pluralist democratic government. By not being emphatic enough, they’re de facto fascist enablers.

Each and every time some authoritarian puppet of dark money and darker religion derogates “woke”, the responsible media need to smack back with a simple and direct explanation of the good thing the overthrow caucus is painting as bad.
Has Trump promised to accept the results of the next free and fair election or as expected, will he once again claim it was rigged without any evidence?
Will he, just like Biden, present his tax returns to the voters?
Will he divulge his conflicts of interest with the Saudis and the Chinese?

So far his "platform" is 1) to give him more power, which he will share with the Christian right without saying how, 2) amp up the wall & immigration enforcement, and 3) get retribution. I heard he had a vision of Trump cities built all across America on Federal land, a conservative utopia. Since the rest of the field is pro-war on Mexico, he will probably try to top it or embellish the Mexican War with something involving Navy Seals and Space Force.

When McConnell was asked about the GOP platform he said whatever Trump says it is. If you go to the RNC website and click the "Learn More" button on the platform it goes to their Rules & Regulations" rather than any information about their platform. No healthcare, poverty, law and order, wealth inequality, education, homelessness, or housing affordability...their platform is simply to win. Beat the enemy, who are... immigrants, educators, the media, anyone a personal enemy of the malignant narcissist, and takeover. I guess in general terms he has a "platform" that says he will turn the USA, a dystopian nightmare, into a winner's paradise, with box seats for white nationalists.
If he runs in the GOP primary and loses, he will claim that is rigged too and the RINOs betrayed him. If he is disqualified to run in the primaries by the 14th he will claim a conspiracy and attack the nominee and GOP, he will demand pardon promises from the candidates. It's like trying to divorce a psychopathic maniac for the GOP and the SCOTUS could save them by disqualifying Trump from the primaries. They would have clean hands then a proxy would bring the suit. If they can't shake him loose before the primaries using the 14th, then they will be fucked in the general election for sure. If the republicans are unlucky in court and the base is stupid enough to nominate him then I figure the 14th would kick in and he will be in prison and on trial during the election anyway. Joe can't be that unpopular for no real reason.
The media keep pulling their punches in describing the threat he and maga pose.

They should be making it damn clear that “the deep state” is a code phrase for institutions designed to implement and protect pluralist democratic government. By not being emphatic enough, they’re de facto fascist enablers.

Each and every time some authoritarian puppet of dark money and darker religion derogates “woke”, the responsible media need to smack back with a simple and direct explanation of the good thing the overthrow caucus is painting as bad.
I think the SCOTUS realizes that they would be among the first to go if Trump won again, but it would cause an actual civil war if the 14th was ignored for Trump, especially after convictions over J6, probably federally and in Georgia with the trial on TV! With the current weight of legal opinion, I find it unlikely the 14th will be ignored, especially for Trump, when it will be applied is the real question.
I think the SCOTUS realizes that they would be among the first to go if Trump won again, but it would cause an actual civil war if the 14th was ignored for Trump, especially after convictions over J6, probably federally and in Georgia with the trial on TV! With the current weight of legal opinion, I find it unlikely the 14th will be ignored, especially for Trump, when it will be applied is the real question.
I doubt that.
more about the anti-democracy actions that the Wisconsin legislature are considering.

1) Impeach a duly elected State Supreme Court judge before she's done anything for doing nothing more than answering a question while running for that office and saying what people wanted to hear. She won the election by a 14% margin and Republicans are considering throwing her out of office for no reason other than she said what is obvious -- Wisconsin's district maps were drawn to heavily favor Republicans in elections in that state.

Imagine that, politicians winning elections by speaking the truth on an issue people care about. Fascists hate that.

2) Impeach an elections official who acted according to directions given her by a bipartisan elections commission and overseeing what everybody said was a clean and well run election. Even Wisconsin's (then) partisan Republican Supreme Court said so.

Imagine that, fire her for doing a job well done.

Fascists oppose democracy. Nothing secret about that.
I can't think of a better casus [belli] than ignoring the US constitution over Trump, one would start over ignoring the 2nd FFS. If Trump were to win from a cell and the 14th were ignored? How close do you wanna come?
This is materially different from your “there will be war”.
I think it might be resolved otherwise. I consider a largely bloodless coup much more likely than a civil war, which requires that the warring factions control nonoverlapping territories.
Local guerrilla skirmishes don’t make for civil war. Think Waco.

A modern civil war in an industrialized country looks like Ukraine minus the international border. Airpower, antiai, armor, rocket artillery. Radar and ECM.
This is materially different from your “there will be war”.
I think it might be resolved otherwise. I consider a largely bloodless coup much more likely than a civil war, which requires that the warring factions control nonoverlapping territories.
Local guerrilla skirmishes don’t make for civil war. Think Waco.

A modern civil war in an industrialized country looks like Ukraine minus the international border. Airpower, armor, rocket artillery. Radar and ECM.
I considered belli and usually use it, but the spell chicken and ignorance of Latin got me! :lol:
This is materially different from your “there will be war”.
I think it might be resolved otherwise. I consider a largely bloodless coup much more likely than a civil war, which requires that the warring factions control nonoverlapping territories.
Local guerrilla skirmishes don’t make for civil war. Think Waco.

A modern civil war in an industrialized country looks like Ukraine minus the international border. Airpower, antiai, armor, rocket artillery. Radar and ECM.
Think many in the military top brass would agree with the 14th being ignored and Trump becoming POTUS again? Russia illustrates what happens to militaries under such rule. By what pretzel logic would the 14th not apply to Trump? I mean Alito reached back hundreds of years to justify the abortion call, but these federalists are not about to ignore a single word of the constitution. I just don't know if they will apply it to the primary process and save everybody a lot of trouble and bullshit. Trump's trials then become a sideshow when he is disqualified. The republican appointed justices might want to invoke the 14th over the primaries for a variety of valid reasons and I doubt the 3 liberal justices would disagree.

This could all end suddenly if the cases work their way up to the SCOTUS and they rule on it, then it is game over for Donald, if they disqualify him and the GOP can move on, but with the remaining shit stain of his base around its neck.
Look the magats are wearing masks in public, and they talk about people wearing masks over covid? How many of these morons refused to wear a mask to save others and themselves from covid? They are not afraid of covid, only of being identified on social media and are fearful as well as hate filled. The masks do protect them though, from the wrath of decent people!

It's hot and humid in Florida and wearing the head gear of what looks like a Muslim woman must be uncomfortable. What a way to spend a warm summers day, dressed up like Muslims in the heat and carrying nazi flags, the things they do for the "cause". What a bunch of fucking losers if that is the best thing, they can think of to do on a nice warm day when the wise are inside with the AC turned on. Here they are baking their little brains in the hot sun with just their eyeballs poking out, sucking up exhaust fumes from the passing traffic, and for what?

Racial cleansing in North Carolina’s supreme court

“Earls said in the interview, pointing out that there was only one Black clerk and one Latina clerk employed in the court’s latest term.”

In North Carolina?

They say never judge a book by its cover, but that's books not people. He looks like such a nice man... He looks like he belongs in a cage to me. When they side with Trump and the magats, they side with this clown too.

Right-Wing Sheriffs Group Spreads Controversial Ideology
the group teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government.”
Right-Wing Sheriffs Group Spreads Controversial Ideology
the group teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government.”
Give them power and they want more. Who needs legislative or judicial branches of government when the "Constitutional" sheriffs can so conveniently roll it all up into one? Who needs checks and balances?

This is absolutely the opposite of democratic principles.
Right-Wing Sheriffs Group Spreads Controversial Ideology
the group teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government.”
This is not just a hypothetical thing either:

Pulling from extremist playbook, Oregon sheriffs refuse to enforce gun laws

A growing list of Oregon sheriffs are telling their constituents they won’t enforce voter-approved gun restrictions despite not yet knowing how some aspects of the law will work and not having a clear role in enforcing others.

It's not just the sheriffs, it goes on at the patrol level too. There are entire threads in this forum on that subject.

This incredible story could not happen without complicity from law enforcement:

Election workers in Oregon are facing threats and harassment as they brace for 2024

The sheriff, Gabe Fabrizio, says there were also complaints from voters who felt harassed or threatened at drop-boxes. But he says nothing rose to the level that law enforcement decided they could do much about.

"We want to make sure that everybody's First Amendment rights, their freedom of speech is protected," says Fabrizio. "So threats we take definitely seriously and we'll go investigate them ... but at the same time you have to balance that off of — people can say whatever they want."

People can say whatever they want unless the Sheriff thinks otherwise. What he said right there is not true. Menacing and threatening election workers is not free speech. There are several court cases either decided or in trial that refute Coos Bay's Gabe Fabrizio. Just try threatening him or his men and find out just how protected that speech is.
Right-Wing Sheriffs Group Spreads Controversial Ideology
the group teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government.”
Funny that you should mention these guys. I just ran across this while wasting my time browsing the web:

Sheriffs Who Back the “Great Replacement” as the New “Big Lie”

During a July gathering at an Arizona pizza place, ex-sheriff Richard Mack, the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, smoothed his hair before donning his white cowboy hat and preparing to speak. After presenting his far-right bonafides as he does at every speaking event, he went on to address the issue of immigration enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border.

After describing humanitarian efforts to assist migrants as “treason,” Mack then claimed that “a lot” of immigrants are “paid to come here.” “And you know where they are going? They’re not going to the Democrat cities any more. Do you know where they are going? To the Republican areas. And do you want to know why?”

Mack’s voice rose as he reached his main point: Democrats were committing massive voter fraud by changing the demographics of the country “because the reason they started all this was to make sure the voter bloc in America changed and the Democrats have a monopoly on voting!”

Far-right institutions like the Claremont Institute — which has a special program to train sheriffs to battle “wokeness” — provide faux-intellectual cover for Replacement Theory. In a story published in American Mind, Claremont’s web publication, Senior Fellow Jeremy Carl quoted Camus’ book approvingly and added, “In America, it is beyond dispute that the far Left is pursuing and celebrating its own Great Replacement…The immigration crisis under the Biden Administration has thrown this process into overdrive.”

Sheriffs are following this lead, lending credence to the false view that immigrants are overwhelming the country by virtue of their discretion in enforcing immigration and border policing. Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Mark Lamb, who is running for the U.S. Senate on a platform that glorifies guns and demonizes immigrants, argues that the Democratic Party is not just “weak on immigration,” but intentionally so. (He recently said in a campaign ad that his election website is in Spanish “so that the cartels can read it” and, presumably, cower in terror.)