Fascism and the Republican Party

How touching. A mother-son prison sentence. It will bring them even closer together. When it's all over they will be able to meet up and compare prison tattoos. Perhaps more parents of 1/6 convicts should be locked up to enable them to share and compare experiences. Suggest the mother of that shaman character be considered.
she could cook him his special diet.
Because something is awful does not turn “better” into good. I’m surprised you mount that argument.
Ron wants to shoot you for pot in your backpack

Wow, talk about careless.

"If you are coming in with the fence and all and carrying a backpack ... If they are doing that it's the last thing they will do"

Almost all illegal border crossers are doing so in order to gain employment in the US. A great many are planning to send money back home to provide for their family. DeSantis says he'd shoot them at the border without a good reason. No consideration of consequences. No attempt to arrest them. Just, boom.

A cruel thing to contemplate. Cruelty is the point.
Wow, talk about careless.

"If you are coming in with the fence and all and carrying a backpack ... If they are doing that it's the last thing they will do"

Almost all illegal border crossers are doing so in order to gain employment in the US. A great many are planning to send money back home to provide for their family. DeSantis says he'd shoot them at the border without a good reason. No consideration of consequences. No attempt to arrest them. Just, boom.

A cruel thing to contemplate. Cruelty is the point.
Red meat for the base, they pass laws they know are unconstitutional for the same reason, red meat for the base, sometimes they even act unconstitutionally or illegally. What would Abbot do if the Mexicans threw over some grappling hooks then hooked the cables up to trucks and simply dragged the death trap out of the river and off to Mexico?
Red meat for the base, they pass laws they know are unconstitutional for the same reason, red meat for the base, sometimes they even act unconstitutionally or illegally. What would Abbot do if the Mexicans threw over some grappling hooks then hooked the cables up to trucks and simply dragged the death trap out of the river and off to Mexico?
From what DeSantis and Abbot are saying, one might think they are trying to start a war with Mexico.
Wow, talk about careless.

"If you are coming in with the fence and all and carrying a backpack ... If they are doing that it's the last thing they will do"

Almost all illegal border crossers are doing so in order to gain employment in the US. A great many are planning to send money back home to provide for their family. DeSantis says he'd shoot them at the border without a good reason. No consideration of consequences. No attempt to arrest them. Just, boom.

A cruel thing to contemplate. Cruelty is the point.
Exactly. The one-upmanship has devolved to blatant cruelty. Punish a woman when she goes out of state for an abortion and whoever assisted with transporting her, right up to execution in one state, at least. Yeah, all lives are precious. It's just the fetus they're fighting for. After that, no free lunches.
Exactly. The one-upmanship has devolved to blatant cruelty. Punish a woman when she goes out of state for an abortion and whoever assisted with transporting her, right up to execution in one state, at least. Yeah, all lives are precious. It's just the fetus they're fighting for. After that, no free lunches.
It is an issue that is well past its best before date, even in Texas and should contribute a lot to their downfall at the state and federal level. You don't remove the basic human rights of half the population and not suffer for it at the polls and many women have boyfriends and husbands, brothers too who would agree with them. Women are far more social than men, they will knock on doors and make phone calls, volunteer and drive people to the polls, they can and will organize a ground game in 2024, Trump sowed the grass roots of many women's organizations.
Knowledge of his occupation will spread before he enters prison. A round target. A wanted man. Bring cigarettes, homey.
The wages of ignorance and stupidity are to live like shit most of the time, or to turn the place you live into a shithole while screwing people with sense.
Why do something like this, if you didn't have a nefarious goal? How badly do they need to cheat to win in Wisconsin, they must be very concerned about losing power there, even if it is the most gerrymandered state. Going after election officials and supreme court justices and taking every undemocratic measure they can to cheat and cling to power, they are not alone, other red state governments behave like this too. They know they are losing like all republican's; winners don't need to cheat or try to thwart the will of the people. They have done this to governors and other democratic statewide office holders, the popular vote is out of alignment with the seats in the house and senate in many states because of republican gerrymandering. Unlike the democrats the republicans carried out a national conspiracy to gerrymander as many states as they could as much as they could. They also appointed fanatics and political hacks to the bench, not proper judges, in the states and federally. Now they want to attack the elections themselves after undermining other democratic institutions and betraying the founding ethos of the nation. Undermining and attacking the US constitution and founding ethos of the country did not begin with Trump in the modern era, there was a foundation already laid for him to build on and guys like Mitch and republicans in the states built it.
