Fascism and the Republican Party

Why do something like this, if you didn't have a nefarious goal? How badly do they need to cheat to win in Wisconsin, they must be very concerned about losing power there, even if it is the most gerrymandered state. Going after election officials and supreme court justices and taking every undemocratic measure they can to cheat and cling to power, they are not alone, other red state governments behave like this too. They know they are losing like all republican's; winners don't need to cheat or try to thwart the will of the people. They have done this to governors and other democratic statewide office holders, the popular vote is out of alignment with the seats in the house and senate in many states because of republican gerrymandering. Unlike the democrats the republicans carried out a national conspiracy to gerrymander as many states as they could as much as they could. They also appointed fanatics and political hacks to the bench, not proper judges, in the states and federally. Now they want to attack the elections themselves after undermining other democratic institutions and betraying the founding ethos of the nation. Undermining and attacking the US constitution and founding ethos of the country did not begin with Trump in the modern era, there was a foundation already laid for him to build on and guys like Mitch and republicans in the states built it.

Really sucks, I love Wisconsin and it is in the running for a place to retire to someday. Baffles me the right wing shitbags took power. The cities aren't that large though so I guess it makes sense.

Maybe I just love cheese.

'No longer' a foreign threat: New bipartisan group calls out MAGA movement as 'fascist'

27,439 views Sep 20, 2023 #Bipartisan #Trump #MAGA
Democratic Strategist Cornell Belcher and former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor join Nicolle Wallace to discuss a brand new video put out by the bipartisan group Mission: Democracy, whose goal is to publicly call out MAGA Republicans and label their actions across the country as fascism.
They loves them there barba-kyew. Ah here they gunna teech cursive ritin' agin'. That ain't rot.

I'm glad to see they are bringing back the teaching of cursive writing in some Canadian districts. Some spelling and grammar instruction wouldn't hurt either. The big problem is pushing kids through school that need to be held back a grade so they actually know how to read and write at better than a grade 4 level when they graduate high school. Some whole states are worse than the very worst of Canadian schools but that was the plan to end up with the populace currently running amok these days.

The repubs like their base uneducated tho and work hard to keep them that way.

I'm really starting to wonder how far down the the GOP is prepared to go so they totally screw up everything. Doing a great job so far. :(

Ban and burn books, make people believe absurdities, pick on minorities, use violence and threats, the standard formula of fascism.

Burning Books: The latest front in the GOP’s war on free speech

48,395 views Sep 21, 2023 #GOP #Republicans #Freespeech
As some Republicans vow to bring flamethrowers to their latest culture war, Mehdi asks: “If this is what they want to do to books that they disagree with, how do you think they will treat the people that they disagree with?”
I guess the republicans want to eventually get minority rule down to the 1% who own them.

They've been at it for a while. The 2022 elections were done under illegal districts. A U.S. district court (2-1) allowed the illegal districts because they considered it too late to change. The Ohio Supreme court ruled the Republican gerrymandered districts illegal 5 times previously. Not unlike what Alabama is currently doing.


'He is scum': George Conway on the moral differences between Gen. Milley and Trump

79,496 views Sep 22, 2023 #msnbc #tuberville #military
Sen. Tommy Tuberville was confronted by Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin over Tuberville’s ongoing blockade of crucial military promotions due to Tuberville’s beliefs about abortion.
Ban and burn books, make people believe absurdities, pick on minorities, use violence and threats, the standard formula of fascism.

Burning Books: The latest front in the GOP’s war on free speech

48,395 views Sep 21, 2023 #GOP #Republicans #Freespeech
As some Republicans vow to bring flamethrowers to their latest culture war, Mehdi asks: “If this is what they want to do to books that they disagree with, how do you think they will treat the people that they disagree with?”
They must see how that image connects them to Nazi Germany. So, why do they do it? I can't help but think this is deliberate. The are reforming the image of Nazi fascism by normalizing it through these kinds of modern day images. As if to say, "like you good people, Nazis were protecting their families and children from the corruption of outside ideas, sexual perverts, people who are trying to replace you and to degrade our society by presenting a history that was written by Jews and sub humans". As if the Nazis were right and the Allies were wrong and MAGA is right to conduct its own war on degenerates. Maybe I'm overstating it. But I have to say, the image is shocking. Which is certainly what they intended.
They must see how that image connects them to Nazi Germany. So, why do they do it? I can't help but think this is deliberate. The are reforming the image of Nazi fascism by normalizing it through these kinds of modern day images. As if to say, "like you good people, Nazis were protecting their families and children from the corruption of outside ideas, sexual perverts, people who are trying to replace you and to degrade our society by presenting a history that was written by Jews and sub humans". As if the Nazis were right and the Allies were wrong and MAGA is right to conduct its own war on degenerates. Maybe I'm overstating it. But I have to say, the image is shocking. Which is certainly what they intended.
Fascism has existed in America for a long time with the KKK and American Nazi party before WW2. Terrorism works, it worked for the KKK for a century in suppressing black people and suppressing and rigging the vote is nothing new to American fascists in the south, but the tactics are now being employed nationwide.

The old quotes are true, where they burn books, they will soon burn people, and if they can make them believe absurdities, they can make them commit atrocities. Beating them at the polls is the only option and dividing the lunatics is about the best way to keep them out of power for now. Trump is an agent of division, it is his "special" talent and if he is disqualified it might get interesting. He will not easily give up the only game in town and the republicans will still dance to his tune, even if disqualified he would control at least 30% of the GOP base and have them at his command. This would terrify a lot of republicans with magats in their districts, especially if he endorsed primary candidates, more Herchel's. :lol:
Fascism has existed in America for a long time with the KKK and American Nazi party before WW2. Terrorism works, it worked for the KKK for a century in suppressing black people and suppressing and rigging the vote is nothing new to American fascists in the south, but the tactics are now being employed nationwide.

The old quotes are true, where they burn books, they will soon burn people, and if they can make them believe absurdities, they can make them commit atrocities. Beating them at the polls is the only option and dividing the lunatics is about the best way to keep them out of power for now. Trump is an agent of division, it is his "special" talent and if he is disqualified it might get interesting. He will not easily give up the only game in town and the republicans will still dance to his tune, even if disqualified he would control at least 30% of the GOP base and have them at his command. This would terrify a lot of republicans with magats in their districts, especially if he endorsed primary candidates, more Herchel's. :lol:

to the bold.....the catholic church has a monopoly on that one
Not a monopoly, just one in a long line of self-righteous assholes who believed bullshit.
well if your talking about the early history of the church, yes, and it's well documented too.

i wouldn't say so much for the Vikings, they believe when you burned the body you went to heaven/Valhalla they also did it for other things too....

Doctors during the middle ages, they burned the bodies so that pathogens wouldn't kill people

you could also look at the people in and around stonehenge time as well

i wouldn't call my last 3 instances self righteous assholes who believed in bullshit
Fascism has existed in America for a long time with the KKK and American Nazi party before WW2. Terrorism works, it worked for the KKK for a century in suppressing black people and suppressing and rigging the vote is nothing new to American fascists in the south, but the tactics are now being employed nationwide.

The old quotes are true, where they burn books, they will soon burn people, and if they can make them believe absurdities, they can make them commit atrocities. Beating them at the polls is the only option and dividing the lunatics is about the best way to keep them out of power for now. Trump is an agent of division, it is his "special" talent and if he is disqualified it might get interesting. He will not easily give up the only game in town and the republicans will still dance to his tune, even if disqualified he would control at least 30% of the GOP base and have them at his command. This would terrify a lot of republicans with magats in their districts, especially if he endorsed primary candidates, more Herchel's. :lol:
I'm finding it difficult to believe that terrorism can work in this country today. It's here and I've made posts that contained reports about the attempts to terrorize election workers in Coos Bay Oregon and a rural county in CA. So, it's here and its a threat. It's probably worse in deep red states. But I don't see support for MAGA and the GOP go deep enough into our population, our government, or military and police to say that they are winning through terrorism. The only polls that matter are election polls and the trends are against MAGA GOP in the polls that matter.

If Trump has won in 2020, then, yes, with his support and the support of voters for other fascist leaders in government, then things would be very different. But he didn't win. I don't think he can win in 2024. Of course, we need people to get out and vote. Given how each election since 2016 HAS shown increased turnout AND decreased power of the MAGA GOP, I don't know why one would think turnout will decline in 2024.

As I said before to people who complained about how long it was taking to bring charges against Trump and others. I said "You have the patience of a child". We are slowly winning against fascism. It would be a mistake to act quickly. I guess how I drive is an indication of how I feel about addressing the fascist threat. Keep it legal. Go as fast as legally allowed and stay safe while making progress. I see the other side getting fearful and acting reckless. Reckless drivers end up in wrecks. Their top leader will be incarcerated or at least in home detention and unable to prosecute his war on democracy. Many of their other leaders will be disqualified from holding an elected office. We will see how that goes for the Republican base. They will threaten violence but will the really carry out that threat? Will they land a lucky punch and win?

I don't think they can win through terrorism because, as we are seeing from the backlash against Jan 6, their acts of terrorism are acts of desperation and in reality were weak. In boxing they would say the GOP had a puncher's chance. They might have won if they had landed a lucky blow at the November '2020 polls but they didn't. They might have won on Jan 6 if they managed to get support from the military. But they didn't land those blows. We were stronger and more capable than they were. Ever since, it's been body blow after body blow by a stronger and better opponent. We still need to keep our guard up but their acts of terrorism indicate weakness, not strength. As the fight continues, they are getting weaker, not stronger.