Fascism and the Republican Party

I've had a FB account since it started and set up a page with some pics and history at the beginning then became more aware of how they capture and abuse our personal info for profit so for years have rarely gone on there to the chagrin of family and friends. Lately I've been checking in more to keep in touch with old friends before none of us are left.

My mom's side of the family live down in Cardston, AB and are frequent flyers at the huge Mormon temple there and very conservative. One cousin at least is an elder in the church and they are all devote practitioners of that strain of religious fantasy.

Another cousin is a frequent poster of inane memes and recently posted one showing two maps of the US with coloured dots showing cities across the country that experienced higher than 100F in 1936 and 2023. Of course the '36 one had 3X the dots as the '23 one. Neither mention duration of those high temps so otherwise skewed to make it look like '36 was way worse and climate change was false.

I left a comment last night that said, ' So does this mean you deny the existence of of the climate disaster befalling our planet? That's only fair I guess as I deny the existence of an invisible spirit in the sky that will condemn me to eternal fire for denying it's existence.

Thinking myself a pretty smart cookie I had a toke and a good chuckle over that then started to think about the unintended consequences of such a statement. More like tossing a bucket of gas on a smouldering fire than a hearty laugh for all and my dear old, 96, mom would likely catch a lot of negative feedback. As I am basically a rookie on FB it took me a while to track that down and delete it but I managed. As it was 2am when I posted it I'm hoping all were safely tucked away in their beds dreaming of golden pages and not getting outraged on FuckBook. lol

This all started when my mom's parents came to Canada from Switzerland about 1925 and joined the Mormon church as it was the only church available and the only way to get to know the locals as they began a new life living in a soddy on two full sections of wide open prairie gifted to them by our gov't for farming.

Mom moved away to Vancouver at about 19 years old where she eventually met and married my dad who was raised Presbyterian. Those f'ers used to show up at our door in Richmond imploring her to return to the iron grip of the LDS church. They'd be told to get off the lawn and have the door slammed in their face then stand out there singing hymns like Xmas Carols. Finally mom enticed her little devil of a son to toss a bucket of ice water over them from their upper bedroom window while they held them in the target zone by politely chatting with them at the door. Worked a treat and they finally stopped harassing her.

They took us to the local Presbyterian church and Sunday school until I was about 6 or 7 then we stopped going at all. They told us that they thought it was best that we decide for ourselves when we grew up if we wanted religion in our lives. Neither myself or my two younger sisters ever became involved with organized religion tho I sent in $5 to the Universal Life Church and became ordained on my B-day in 1978 then was re-ordained Jan 2020 to get the cool ministerial package with Press credentials, official ID card, bumper sticker and shiny new Credentials of Ministry hanging in a frame on my wall. Still in Canada we are not allowed to do marriages, baptisms or other clergy functions which kind of sucks as I wanted to make a little coin doing off the grid marriages etc. Here in Alberta anyone can get a permit to officiate a marriage but is not allowed to charge for it.

As for myself I was adopted and never baptized so I guess it's straight to hell for me when I step off this mortal coil. All the cool people will be there too so should be a great eternity! :)

Added bonus is I'm a ginger and we are born without souls! Bwahahahahaha!

There actually is a FuckBook. It’s what you think.

Trump Endlessly Calls for DEATH! DeSantis Tries to Keep Up! | Charlie's Shots

1,237 views Premiered 33 minutes ago
Charlie Sykes from The Bulwark dissects a recent rally speech by former president Donald Trump, highlighting disturbing remarks that celebrate brutality and violence. From mocking attacks on political figures to endorsing extrajudicial punishments, Sykes delves deep into the rhetoric to shed light on the current state of political discourse in America. Additionally, with a nod to the competitive landscape, he examines the similar sentiments expressed by Ron DeSantis. This video serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of temperance and understanding in our political discussions and the inherent dangers of escalating violent rhetoric.

: #DonaldTrump "is not a very intelligent man, but he does have a reptilian form of intellect that really lends itself to this kind of rhetoric. ... It's something that's difficult for the press to wrestle with, difficult for all of us to wrestle with, because we're not used to confronting evil in the flesh the way we have to now. #Trump basically represents all that you don't want humanity to be. He brings out the worst in people. That is basically his nature, and that is what we're seeing here today as he becomes more and more desperate because his businesses are threatened by litigation in New York and he's facing 91 counts in four different jurisdictions. He is going to foment more hatred and more violence. What psychologists and sociologists call this is 'malignant normality' -- we've gotten so used to his rhetoric, his behavior, that we hesitate to call it out and we don't necessarily see the danger that has crept up on us. But it is profoundly dangerous because if you look back on history and ask how it was that 6 million Jews were killed in Europe in the early 1940s, if you ask how genocide starts, it starts with an evil man using this kind of rhetoric to move and sway and encourage hatred among people."
Things online live forever and I wonder with shifting morals and norms with the generations, how these people will fare in 10 or 20 years as the sands of social change shift around their feet. The republican party will own this time in history and Trumpism for as long as it exists, and it will get worse before it gets better or goes extinct. Almost all of America's miscreants are gathered under one flag with one leader who led them into the gutter, treason and ultimate humiliation, at least for those with a sense of shame.

Those who believe Trump are idiots and those who know better and support him anyway are something else...

Let's hope the stories about fascism and domestic terrorism are legal ones involving arrests, indictments and trials.

Paywall, all I can see is what popped up on the Google listing:

Ammon Bundy filed documents in a civil case without paying fees in Gem County. He otherwise has not participated in the lawsuit.

lol. Typical. I suppose he does not consider himself a US citizen or subject to the rule of law.

From Wikipedia:

Sovereign citizens have their own pseudolegal belief system based on misinterpretations of common law and claim to not be subject to any government statutes, unless they consent to them.[2][3] The movement, which appeared in the early 1970s, is American in origin and exists primarily in the United States, though it has counterparts in other countries: the similar freeman on the land movement emerged during the 2000s in Canada before spreading to other Commonwealth countries.[4]

Reminds me of how Trump is acting. It's not going well for either of them. The "wheels" referred to in the saying about "the wheels of justice" were used to grind grain into powder. Just saying, maybe it's time for them to wake up and do something different from what they are currently doing. They seem as incapable of affecting the wheels of justice as grains of wheat are at the gristmill.
Paywall, all I can see is what popped up on the Google listing:

Ammon Bundy filed documents in a civil case without paying fees in Gem County. He otherwise has not participated in the lawsuit.

lol. Typical. I suppose he does not consider himself a US citizen or subject to the rule of law.

From Wikipedia:

Sovereign citizens have their own pseudolegal belief system based on misinterpretations of common law and claim to not be subject to any government statutes, unless they consent to them.[2][3] The movement, which appeared in the early 1970s, is American in origin and exists primarily in the United States, though it has counterparts in other countries: the similar freeman on the land movement emerged during the 2000s in Canada before spreading to other Commonwealth countries.[4]

Reminds me of how Trump is acting. It's not going well for either of them. The "wheels" referred to in the saying about "the wheels of justice" were used to grind grain into powder. Just saying, maybe it's time for them to wake up and do something different from what they are currently doing. They seem as incapable of affecting the wheels of justice as grains of wheat are at the gristmill.
When I searched Bundy deadline, the article appeared without the paywall.

Trump's January 6 allies hit with WORST news over prison sentences

69,769 views Oct 18, 2023 The Legal Breakdown with BTC & Glenn Kirschner
The Legal Breakdown episode 136: @GlennKirschner2 discusses the DOJ seeking LONGER sentences for Proud Boys sentenced for January 6-related crimes.
Thanks, the Idaho Stateman has a paywall. This link from Yahoo gives free access. No idea why, but it works fine for me.

Interesting. I was paywalled when I used the earlier link. But the Google search allowed me to read from the Statesman direct. ~shrug~

I often find an unlocked Yahoo transcript of articles with interesting headlines from usually paywalled sources like WaPo, Business Insider and sometimes even the Economist. Not always, but often enough that I’ve made a habit of a keyword search.
There need to be more serious consequences for that than a civil suit, criminal conspiracy charges might be considered too, this is an example of fascism supported by local police officials and it should not be tolerated. I imagine their response to death threats would be much the same, which is why the federal government must be empowered to purge local police departments after investigation and to put them on a national bad cop list so they can't move and work as cops again.

Now what's this guy's excuse, was Donald his only source of truth and light? Blue on blue violence is frowned upon by the justice system. Donald sure knows how to draw them out of the woodwork, he's a real asshole magnet. Makes them destroy their lives too, so it's not all bad, Donald will help to remove some unsavory characters from American society and politics, he might even remove the republican party from existence before he's locked up.
