Fascism and the Republican Party

The list of pre-vetted 54,000 fascist traitors will made public at some point, and they will be marked people for life by some people. Who knows what views about this period may prevail in 10 years and how these events will be seen a decade from now, when all the major players are serving time or are out on parole.

If the democrats win in 24, some congress person or committee on fascism might want to subpoena that list of would be nazis. What were they being "pre-vetted" for and why? It sounds like a conspiracy to overthrow the US constitution and government to me, something worthy of congresses attention and action, the FBI too.


‘We’re gonna put kids in cages’: Meet the man who could be Trump’s next attorney general

He’s said he’d toss opponents in “the gulag,” called caging migrant kids “glorious,” and told his followers to “arm up” against “the violent black underclass.” But it’s not just GOP lawyer Mike Davis – who could be Trump’s attorney general – you should be worried about, Mehdi points out: It’s his 53,999 far-right comrades being recruited for a new Trump administration.
I wonder if he will be sent back to Canada to complete his sentence, he will be out in 5 years hammering someone else here! We have a treaty about prisoners with America, but you can keep this guy!

I doubt he will get the full 50, but he should be gone for a long time. Maga world will be outraged if they sentence him for too long, another potential Trump pardon. I wonder if his pardon would apply if they shipped him back to Canada before Trump got in power, but if he did get in power the least of our worries would be this guy!


David Depape was convicted unanimously by a jury in the hammer attack on speaker Pelosi‘s husband last October and now faces up to 50 years in federal prison. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains that the jury did not believe the defense that all that DePape wanted to do was put on a unicorn costume and live stream interview Pelosi, but had no intention of obstructing her official proceedings in attacking her husband.
Who votes for this guy? A majority of white Americans is who, why is another issue.

Joe: It's time fascism is called fascism and Americans know exactly what they're voting for

The Morning Joe panel discusses New York Times reporting on Trump's words and the fears about his authoritarian leanings.
Trump had 85% support from white Americans in 2020, after 4 years of utter chaos, disaster and international humiliation, after more than a million covid deaths and dereliction of duty. What does that say? Why are these people so afraid and what exactly are they afraid of? It is statistically impossible for that many of them to be stupid or insane. J6 and his criminal convictions will make no difference, a majority of white people in America will still vote for him and or a republican. Most of them are not fooled either, they know exactly what they are voting for, don't kid yourself, even if many of them kid themselves. When they say "feel" they vote Trump, when they say "think" they vote for Biden. Bigotry and racism make people stupid, and I submit this as evidence.

Almost everybody who worked for him is either warning about him or is a witness against him in a criminal case. There is no excuse for supporting this miscreant or the republican party, they should stay home if they can't use common sense, they are dangerous to themselves, the constitution and the country. It would be like the Germans giving Hitler a second chance in 1948, assuming he survived the war.

Star Jan. 6 witness says Trump should be 'nowhere near' the Oval Office again

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson and author of "Enough", joins Jen Psaki to discuss new reporting on former Trump aides warning voters on the dangers of electing Donald Trump in 2024.
If they jail me in DC Mike, you lead the charge of republican house members up the courthouse steps and start impeaching Chutkan!

House Speaker Mike Johnson meets with Trump at Mar-A-Lago

House Speaker Mike Johnson met with former President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago on Monday night, sources told CBS News, nearly a week after Johnson endorsed Trump's 2024 bid for the White House. CBS News political director Fin Gómez has more on the meeting and the rest of the 2024 primary field.
Who votes for this guy? A majority of white Americans is who, why is another issue.

Joe: It's time fascism is called fascism and Americans know exactly what they're voting for

The Morning Joe panel discusses New York Times reporting on Trump's words and the fears about his authoritarian leanings.
We know why. It's time for everybody to start saying it out loud, especially his supporters. It's racism.
If they jail me in DC Mike, you lead the charge of republican house members up the courthouse steps and start impeaching Chutkan!
I don't think he ever learned anything about the laws of the USA, the office he held, or the US constitution. If told he couldn't do something, he didn't learn the reason why so he could do things properly in the future, he just tried to figure out how to get his way, in each particular instance.

I think in his mind "impeach" means "gang up on somebody you don't like".


He's an old, bloated pile of big mac drippings who has been under incredible stress for years. I'm amazed he hasn't exploded into a cloud of blubber and hate. How long can his health hold? There is already evidence his mind is going. Could he end up like Ron Jeremy, nothing left to punish?
Ron Jeremy Rape Trial Due to Begin in February, Judge Says - Rolling Stone