Fascism and the Republican Party

CRAZY Trumper THROWS TANTRUM in Court, Judge MAKES HIM PAY Instantly

A Jan6 Insurrection defendant exhibiting the worst conduct the DC chief judge has ever seen in his courtroom just quadrupled his prison sentence as a result. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on the case of Frank Rocco Giustino who is going to prison much longer than he intended because he threatened to arrest the judge.

Idaho, USA: The new Wild West | DW Documentary

Far right militias are especially active in the American Midwest. Take the "North Idaho Militia": In Idaho, they plan to establish an exclusively white, Christian colony separate from the rest of the US. In their vision, it will be ultraconservative and have no multicultural diversity.

Idaho and its neighboring regions are now the new El Dorado for all those Americans who are against minorities and abortion - and in favor of no restrictions on the carrying of firearms. They reject both the LGBTQI and the Black Lives Matter movements. They include many devout evangelical Christians. Some even describe themselves as "political refugees" who equate the actions of the state with interference in personal freedoms.

This sparsely populated rural area isn’t just attracting radicals, but also an increasing number of middle-class families from the cities. They’re drawn by the spectacular landscape and the low cost of living. And they want their children to grow up in what they believe is an ideal world.

The documentary accompanies a family of four who move north from California, an ultra-reactionary biker who took part in the 2021 storming of the Capitol, a pastor with his own militia and private arsenal, and a politician who’s campaigning for governor, despite the fact that he did two years’ jail time for attempting an armed rebellion against the FBI.

The report also hears from rancher Jennifer Ellis, one of the area’s original conservative residents. Like many of her peers, she rejects extremist and intolerant viewpoints. But she’s in the minority here. Just how feasible is the idea of a political revolution in the new Wild West?
This might go here.

If they win

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That right there reeked of desperation. It might seem as if they are gaining ground in their state-by-state assault on secular human rights but really, it's just an angry mob of white men who won't accept the truth, that they aren't losing anything to except unearned white male privilege. After a series losses at the ballot box since 2018, the end of this conflict with MAGA fascism is not near. Still though, we at the beginning of the end.
That right there reeked of desperation. It might seem as if they are gaining ground in their state-by-state assault on secular human rights but really, it's just an angry mob of white men who won't accept the truth, that they aren't losing anything to except unearned white male privilege. After a series losses at the ballot box since 2018, the end of this conflict with MAGA fascism is not near. Still though, we at the beginning of the end.
I hope you’re right. Perhaps my age disposes me to pessimism.
I see an awful lot of dark vitality in this and the other counterrepublican (as in out to end the republic) organizations e.g. Heritage Foundation. I don’t think I’ll see dominion politics effectively countered in my lifetime. They’re as entrenched as Southern racist politics, which have survived the grandchildren of the initially aggrieved.
Just the next stage in human society, nothing great Greek philosophers didn't warn about. And since it is democracy that results in tyranny, people may want aristocracy rather than more smooth-talking politicians. Restart the cycle, and in modern times go faster through it then ever. Can't change human nature or upgrade their poor intelligence, can change the system and prevent dumb people from voting populists into power. AI-ristocracy perhaps. As The Third Wave experiment and spin-offs showed, people are hopeless animals and if Trump would be in charge again, it will be conclusive evidence that yes, we are snowflakes and democracy isn't working. Whose idea was that anyway, giving every dumfok the right to vote.
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Aug 26 (Reuters) - The actions of some Republicans allied to former President Donald Trump fit the definition of fascism, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Friday, a day after President Joe Biden said they edged toward "semi-fascism."

“I was very clear when laying out and defining what MAGA Republicans have done and you look at the definition of fascism and you think about what they're doing in attacking our democracy. ... That is what that is. It is very clear," Jean-Pierre told a press briefing.

MAGA refers to Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan. Fascism is a political philosophy that exalts nation and often race above the individual and supports an autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader involving the forced suppression of opposition, U.S. dictionary Merriam-Webster says.

In response to Ms Jean-Pierre's clear and accurate characterization of Maga as a fascist ideology, The RNC responded with classic Nazi-like propaganda:

In response to Biden's Thursday evening comments that Trump-allied Republicans embraced violence and hatred, and edged toward "semi-fascism," the Republican National Committee called the remarks "despicable."

"Biden forced Americans out of their jobs, transferred money from working families to Harvard lawyers, and sent our country into a recession while families can't afford gas and groceries," spokesperson Nathan Brand said.

This despite the fact there is no recession right now in the US, unemployment rate is down and all the good legislation that has passed through Congress helps working families. I guess he's just angry that rich people didn't get another tax cut because Biden used windfall money to cut the deficit. But propaganda is what it is. lies, distortions and half truths. That, in essence is all MAGA has.
She's he's really hard to look at.