Fascism and the Republican Party

She's not that bad but a little ugly for me lol.
lol, yes, some men feel entitled to diminish a woman because she doesn't meet their definition of beauty. The guy can be fat, aging, have a sloppy, gurgling cough from smoking, hold beliefs that put women in second class social status and say them out loud to the women who are unfortunate enough to be within earshot of them. Or online. Never mind that this woman is many times more successful and well regarded than they could ever be. But somehow they think their opinion is worth saying.

You THINK she is ugly and feel that your opinion is worth hearing. Uh, yeah.

What you said is actually on point with this thread.

Rampant sexism and disdain for those they consider weak are attributes of fascists.
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Just the next stage in human society, nothing great Greek philosophers didn't warn about. And since it is democracy that results in tyranny, people may want aristocracy rather than more smooth-talking politicians. Restart the cycle, and in modern times go faster through it then ever. Can't change human nature or upgrade their poor intelligence, can change the system and prevent dumb people from voting populists into power. AI-ristocracy perhaps. As The Third Wave experiment and spin-offs showed, people are hopeless animals and if Trump would be in charge again, it will be conclusive evidence that yes, we are snowflakes and democracy isn't working. Whose idea was that anyway, giving every dumfok the right to vote.
The initial rise of Clockwork Orange was concerning to say the least,Clockwork Orange 2.0 (just the mere fact that it is possible) makes me reconsider if I ever had a handle on what people are about,it's just more than depressing knowing that half of my fellow citizens are STILL down w/ a blatantly transparent act. I'd previously have thought an IQ high enough not to get hit by a car when crossing would see the multitude of flaws despite hatred of liberal views.Knowing that so many Americans are down w/this is very dark indeed.
lol, yes, some men feel entitled to diminish a woman because she doesn't meet their definition of beauty. The guy can be fat, aging, have a sloppy, gurgling cough from smoking, hold beliefs that put women in second class social status and say them out loud to the women who are unfortunate enough to be within earshot of them. Or online. Never mind that this woman is many times more successful and well regarded than they could ever be. But somehow they think their opinion is worth saying.

You THINK she is ugly and feel that your opinion is worth hearing. Uh, yeah.

What you said is actually on point with this thread.

Rampant sexism and disdain for those they consider weak are attributes of fascists.
I agree w/all your points,I'm a work in progress trying not to be a ASS man regarding the female shape.:D
The initial rise of Clockwork Orange was concerning to say the least,Clockwork Orange 2.0 (just the mere fact that it is possible) makes me reconsider if I ever had a handle on what people are about,it's just more than depressing knowing that half of my fellow citizens are STILL down w/ a blatantly transparent act. I'd previously have thought an IQ high enough not to get hit by a car when crossing would see the multitude of flaws despite hatred of liberal views.Knowing that so many Americans are down w/this is very dark indeed.
I’ve lost count of otherwise intelligent people to whom I’ve spoken and who have swallowed the bs whole. It’s a grim lesson in … something.
lol, yes, some men feel entitled to diminish a woman because she doesn't meet their definition of beauty. The guy can be fat, aging, have a sloppy, gurgling cough from smoking, hold beliefs that put women in second class social status and say them out loud to the women who are unfortunate enough to be within earshot of them. Or online. Never mind that this woman is many times more successful and well regarded than they could ever be. But somehow they think their opinion is worth saying.

You THINK she is ugly and feel that your opinion is worth hearing. Uh, yeah.

What you said is actually on point with this thread.

Rampant sexism and disdain for those they consider weak are attributes of fascists.
Not trying to be an asshole she's he's just not my type.
Not trying to be an asshole she's he's just not my type.

These days, however, conflicts of culture and ideology are saturated with self-replicating ammunition—a deluge of uninformed opinions and disinformation—delivered through a supply line of infinite capacity: the internet. When these mythical ministrations are received by a frustrated and philosophically illiterate group of alienated young men, the combination of conspiracy theory, misinformation, and confirmation bias can be explosive.

Take the classic angry young man, feeling shut out of the hedonistic pleasures promised by torrents of advertising, achingly lonely and sexually stymied by his isolation. Now throw into the mix a powerful dose of confirmation bias, based on revered old texts and scriptures, telling him that all of this pent-up pain and want is the result of his being taken down several notches in the great pecking order in favor of the very thing he desires most. That’s a volatile combination and the perfect brew for creating soldiers for a culture war.

That is what we find when we peek behind the curtain of what is known as the “incel”1 movement, or the “involuntarily celibate.” Members of these online groups perpetuate the fallacy that they are owed status, sex, and influence, but they are thwarted by what they see as the unjustified and corrupt influence of feminism. They argue that their wants are the natural order of things and deem that the agency of women is at fault for their failure to secure sex and/or a romantic relationship. This self-reinforcing position emboldens these men to disregard the personhood of women as it appeals to their desire for a resurgence of an imagined “golden age” of gender roles.

Now, where on earth could they be getting such ideas?

The incel movement has much in common with other factually vacant ideologies such as Christofascism—an ideology that would force a dictatorial, ultraconservative Christianity at the center of public and private life—and white supremacism. Each of these antiquated social constructs utilizes the same patriarchal pedagogy with an unyielding deference to male authority as parallel to God.

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