Fascism and the Republican Party

The only reason the immigrant died was because he chose to try and cross the border illegally. If he had not tried to cross illegally he would not have passed away. It is sad and very unfortunate but you can not blame the measures that are in place to stop illegal crossing. That is like blaming the gun when some deranged person kills others. Your argument makes no sense.
Your argument -- that it is crazy to blame the gun. Your argument is false because I didn't say that.

I blame the people who endorse flooding society with guns and making it easy for an obviously deranged person who should not have a gun able to get one. What is it as your kind like to say -- all lives matter? That is what your kind say isn't it? Don't illegal immigrants have lives too?

Governor Abbot set up a death trap at our border knowing it will kill people. As if their lives were forfeit when they came to the US. What's next for Texas? Mine fields? But that would be wasteful. How about making it legal to collect illegal immigrants at the border and sell their body parts? Let the free market control immigration. Because cruelty is the point.

Your kind have become a death cult. Your post is exactly what a fascist would say.
So it's okay that the rest of the mainstream media is happy colluding with the Bidens?

Because that's not journalism. It's propaganda and partisanship. Americans have been told what to think by the major news outlets for so long they've forgotten that there was ever any other way it's effective until the shit being swept under the rug gets so out of control that the system breaks. I don't know where we are in the cycle other than to say American media has left journalism in the rear view mirror for so long that I suspect we are closer to the end than the beginning.
I submit tty's post to the forum as an example of right wing propaganda.

Note the strawman argument at the top. It was made without any justification, tty just said it outright as if it were known to be true. It is based on what? By most measures, Biden is doing a very good job. Is reporting that inflation and unemployment are way down "colluding" with Biden? Laughing at you tty.
This poor immigrant died because Texas used lethal means to deal with a paperwork issue
The fact still remains that the immigrant would not have lost his life had they not crossed the border illegally. It is a shame that Texas has had to result to defending its own border because the government is not doing it's job. I blame both Republicans and Democrats for this.
Before I am labeled a republican again I want to state again that I am not. I do lean republican on some issues. But I must say this also, since the far right is taking over the republican party I am finding myself really considering which party I identify with more. The republican party I grew up with is not the same as that of today.
The fact still remains that the immigrant would not have lost his life had they not crossed the border illegally. It is a shame that Texas has had to result to defending its own border because the government is not doing it's job. I blame both Republicans and Democrats for this.
It's also a fact that the immigrant probably would not have died if Abbott didn't have illegal barriers installed.
It's also a fact that the immigrant probably would not have died if Abbott didn't have illegal barriers installed.
You and others want to blame the barriers when It makes no sense to me. If I take on a dangerous task like rock climbing and I accidentally fall and kill myself the mountain is not to blame. I am to blame for talking on such a dangerous task.
The fact still remains that the immigrant would not have lost his life had they not crossed the border illegally. It is a shame that Texas has had to result to defending its own border because the government is not doing it's job. I blame both Republicans and Democrats for this.
What this highlights is how very difficult it is for the seasonal labor — on which the US economy depends — to enter the country legally.

To suggest that the problem is illegal entry when there is no equitable mechanism to do it by the book is hypocrisy born of ignorance.
also: Texas does not have the privilege or the authority to make national policy. It’s the US border and only incidentally the Texas border. This “states’ rights” atavism is being taken too far. It is an 18th-century conceit that does not work or belong in the 21st.

It is being hyped by the pseudolibertarian seditionists who want to divide, conquer, and install authoritarian minority rule by wealthy white cis male evangelicals, and to hell with the 80+% rest of the population. The freedom caucus is about the opposite of freedom, just as today’s Republicans are counterrepublican.
What this highlights is how very difficult it is for the seasonal labor — on which the US economy depends — to enter the country legally.

To suggest that the problem is illegal entry when there is no equitable mechanism to do it by the book is hypocrisy born of ignorance.
So is your analysis that if I am poor it is ok for me to steal? I also like to think I am a lot of things but a hypocrite is not one of them. Being ignorant of some things I would have to agree with. But on this issue I do not consider myself to be ignorant. Do I think that there has to be a more streamlined immigration system, of course. Someone should not have to wait years to get an answer. I believe that if we were to spend as much money fixing our broken immigration system as we do (defending) our border we could solve the problem.
also: Texas does not have the privilege or the authority to make national policy. It’s the US border and only incidentally the Texas border. This “states’ rights” atavism is being taken too far. It is an 18th-century conceit that does not work or belong in the 21st.

It is being hyped by the pseudolibertarian seditionists who want to divide, conquer, and install authoritarian minority rule by wealthy white cis male evangelicals, and to hell with the 80+% rest of the population. The freedom caucus is about the opposite of freedom, just as today’s Republicans are counterrepublican.
This I will not even respond to. Because a statement like this is not worth my time.
I will return In a bit. Today is my grandmother's 98th birthday and I need to go celebrate with her. But I will respond after the festivities.
So is your analysis that if I am poor it is ok for me to steal?
Straw man argument
I also like to think I am a lot of things but a hypocrite is not one of them. Being ignorant of some things I would have to agree with. But on this issue I do not consider myself to be ignorant.
If you condone the barrier while our immigration system is broken, I submit that is evidence to the contrary.
Learn the fairly ugly facts about immigration; your views will change of their own accord — unless your motives contain undisclosed malice.
Do I think that there has to be a more streamlined immigration system, of course. Someone should not have to wait years to get an answer. I believe that if we were to spend as much money fixing our broken immigration system as we do (defending) our border we could solve the problem.
Try “instead of defending the border”, which is racist dominionist xenophobic tea party tripe.

I am ashamed of my fellow citizens who think a wall is the answer when the door needs major repair.
This I will not even respond to. Because a statement like this is not worth my time.
I have found that behind most instances of Offended Dignity lies “what you say runs strongly against my sentiments, but I am unable to marshal a reasoned rebuttal.” It is not far from the champions of a civil illiberty fortifying behind “that’s the way it’s always been”. The precarious implication is that to change the way it’s been will harm society, when in fact it will only harm improper minority privilege.

The cited is a consequence of states’ rights, which are a darling of repressive politicians because they remove from Federal oversight the systematic rollback of civil rights:
-women’s reproductive and medical rights
-the rights of LGBTQ+ and trans people
-the rights of voters, particularly nonwhite nonmales
-the rights to keep religion out of public life

States’ rights are the last refuge of tyranny. Behold a state arrogating a federal privilege.

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The fact still remains that the immigrant would not have lost his life had they not crossed the border illegally. It is a shame that Texas has had to result to defending its own border because the government is not doing it's job. I blame both Republicans and Democrats for this.
What about capital punishment for minor offenses like shoplifting? You good with that?
You and others want to blame the barriers when It makes no sense to me. If I take on a dangerous task like rock climbing and I accidentally fall and kill myself the mountain is not to blame. I am to blame for talking on such a dangerous task.
Your analogy doesn't align with the actual situation though, it ignores the person at the top of the mountain pushing boulders down where you're climbing.

Feels gross comparing a recreational activity to what is a life and death scenario that many of these migrants face.
I have found that behind most instances of Offended Dignity lies “what you say runs strongly against my sentiments, but I am unable to marshal a reasoned rebuttal.” It is not far from the champions of a civil illiberty fortifying behind “that’s the way it’s always been”. The precarious implication is that to change the way it’s been will harm society, when in fact it will only harm improper minority privilege.

The cited is a consequence of states’ rights, which are a darling of repressive politicians because they remove from Federal oversight the systematic rollback of civil rights:
-women’s reproductive and medical rights
-the rights of LGBTQ+ and trans people
-the rights of voters, particularly nonwhite nonmales
-the rights to keep religion out of public life

States’ rights are the last refuge of tyranny. Behold a state arrogating a federal privilege.

I believe in a woman's right to choose.
I believe in equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.
I also believe in the rights of any citizens right to vote. No matter what their race, religion, sexual orientation, creed or any other minority.
I believe that their should be a separation of church and state. But I do not believe ones rights should unduly affect another's.