Fascism and the Republican Party

I've been cranky since the day this FKN spoiled,silver spooned brat,who's lived a life without consequence came down that FKN escalator to announce a run for President as a "brand opportunity". Then disregard the decorum of serious politics giving opponents cute ass demeaning nicknames and doing the Charlie Sheen "winning thing" to substitute for "actual policies". Getting to the Oval office in a long shot W aided by the FBI and a "entertained electorate" and looking stunned that he actually WON. Presiding over a aimless administration where chaos ruled and finished w/almost all acting unconfirmed cabinet members that alienated all NATO allies,sucked up to Autocrats,mismanaged a Pandemic,put Iran on FF for a bomb,and hooked up the rich and corps w/a deficit ballooning tax cut,destroyed a somewhat healthy 2 party system turning R's into pandering,alternative fact supporting,anti-democracy tag alongs,and on the way out turned Richard Nixon into a veritable alter boy in comparison,then began the process of doing it all over again w/seemingly no price paid and almost 1/2 my country still in tow w/blinders on. A 7+ yr. odyssey of crankiness that won't go away,the legacy of this peckerhead may not even be expunged w/a Nov. defeat,possibly resembling a case of political herpes in the national psyche.
I hear you, man. I hear the aggravation, not just from watching the acts that you list regarding what Trump and his Republican MAGA openly did. But most especially watching them do those things without being held accountable for their criminal acts. Also some of his acts were not criminal but broke social norms. they also were not held accountable for that too. We need to see some accountability.

The GOP leaders have been trying to wear us down with their endless threats and showing the public that their leader, Trump can do whatever he wants without facing consequences. I'm speaking for myself but I think others as well, maybe you too. Rather than the wear causing me to break, I've grown a callus and I think am tougher because if it. So, yes, I'm cranky but it's not helpless anger. I have my back up and going to tough this one out to the end. I'll be there during the demonstrations that I think are inevitable in Portland this year. If Proud Boys have the nerve to show up, we'll stand in their way from waving their neo-Nazi flags in a show of white power and in the faces of the people of Portland. I'm not expecting violence this year because I think the leaders in Portland and especially the Portland police have learned that we are the ones who are on their side. Not the fascists.

It seems that a reckoning is coming.

Trump was finally held accountable for raping E Jean Carroll and then defaming her. Hellooo? Donald Trump? you were there too. You know what you did. A reckoning is coming for Trump in other court trials and I have a strong feeling that a reckoning is coming for Trump at the ballot box too. As we just saw, a reckoning just came for members of the GOP State Senate caucus too. We have a lot of reckoning to visit on people in all 50 states. Unless we visit justice from the federal level all the way down to our neighborhoods, it won't really be over.

So, yeah, I'm cranky and willing to fight over it.
I've been cranky since the day this FKN spoiled,silver spooned brat,who's lived a life without consequence came down that FKN escalator to announce a run for President as a "brand opportunity". Then disregard the decorum of serious politics giving opponents cute ass demeaning nicknames and doing the Charlie Sheen "winning thing" to substitute for "actual policies". Getting to the Oval office in a long shot W aided by the FBI and a "entertained electorate" and looking stunned that he actually WON. Presiding over a aimless administration where chaos ruled and finished w/almost all acting unconfirmed cabinet members that alienated all NATO allies,sucked up to Autocrats,mismanaged a Pandemic,put Iran on FF for a bomb,and hooked up the rich and corps w/a deficit ballooning tax cut,destroyed a somewhat healthy 2 party system turning R's into pandering,alternative fact supporting,anti-democracy tag alongs,and on the way out turned Richard Nixon into a veritable alter boy in comparison,then began the process of doing it all over again w/seemingly no price paid and almost 1/2 my country still in tow w/blinders on. A 7+ yr. odyssey of crankiness that won't go away,the legacy of this peckerhead may not even be expunged w/a Nov. defeat,possibly resembling a case of political herpes in the national psyche.
You missed a big one: installing hundreds of “fascists are just all right with me” judges to benches from Aileen-to-the-far-right to Goresuck.

With apologies to the Doobie Brothers.
Still fall here. You must be on the other side of the international season line.

On a less flippant note, I spent months last spring (after a wet winter; the mountains flowered so hard natives told me they never saw it like that) knocking back the weeds with a hand tool.

Then that fluke storm drove right up desert alley in August and dropped six inches of rain. I was treated to a whole new weed season that lasted until the rains started. The weeds are making their play again, and this coming week might be good for a coupla inches more. It’s shaping up to be another vintage season for weeds and wildflowers. In fact, I wore out a quality hoe over the last two winters. I ordered two replacement scuffle hoes from Prohoe. Check their site out if you need good garden tools.
ha, yes, California only has two seasons. Green and Brown. I'm not all that far north of you but we have four seasons, just not snow that stays for very long. .

Regarding weeds, there are different strategies for different people and different problems.

Himalayan Blackberries are my nemesis. They have defeated every strategy or tool I've brought to bear. Except this:


It's called a broadfork and it takes the blackberries out by the roots. Not saying it's without effort but they don't come back after Meadow Creature gets them. Scuffle hoes do good job cultivating the surface, I'm glad it works for you but you probably find that it doesn't get the ones that come back from the roots. My garden soil is pretty loose and hand pulling followed by heavy mulch is all I need to do in the garden. The lawn area and areas outside of my gardens and landscaped areas are handled by my garden tractor mower. John Deere, 20 hp water cooled with a 64 inch mower deck. Just about everything can be mowed down by it.

Except those pesky blackberries. Which I appreciate for about 4 weeks in late July/early August when they produce berries. So it's not as if I'm going to go scorched earth on them.
ha, yes, California only has two seasons. Green and Brown. I'm not all that far north of you but we have four seasons, just not snow that stays for very long. .

Regarding weeds, there are different strategies for different people and different problems.

Himalayan Blackberries are my nemesis. They have defeated every strategy or tool I've brought to bear. Except this:

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It's called a broadfork and it takes the blackberries out by the roots. Not saying it's without effort but they don't come back after Meadow Creature gets them. Scuffle hoes do good job cultivating the surface, I'm glad it works for you but you probably find that it doesn't get the ones that come back from the roots. My garden soil is pretty loose and hand pulling followed by heavy mulch is all I need to do in the garden. The lawn area and areas outside of my gardens and landscaped areas are handled by my garden tractor mower. John Deere, 20 hp water cooled with a 64 inch mower deck. Just about everything can be mowed down by it.

Except those pesky blackberries. Which I appreciate for about 4 weeks in late July/early August when they produce berries. So it's not as if I'm going to go scorched earth on them.
The one thing with deep roots here is spurge. I had to pickax those things out.

Growing up in the Mid-Lannic, my dad had a large flower&veg garden. There was a prolific thing with round leaves that he called “little terrible weed”. Spurge is my LTW.

In the Motherlode, there were two I loathed with a passion.

One was yellow star thistle. I had to get thick gloves and a crowbar to dig them out. (Before the clay got hard enough to make steel bounce and sing.) Got’im cleared just before I lost that place.

The other was ordinary Scotch thistle. Let it grow bigger than a slice of bread, and it was a vegetable porcupine that had to be dug out. In its way, it was as tough as brambles. There were plenty of those (blackberries) around, but not by me thank goodness. They usually were between me and places I could shake a pan in the water.
The one thing with deep roots here is spurge. I had to pickax those things out.

Growing up in the Mid-Lannic, my dad had a large flower&veg garden. There was a prolific thing with round leaves that he called “little terrible weed”. Spurge is my LTW.

In the Motherlode, there were two I loathed with a passion.

One was yellow star thistle. I had to get thick gloves and a crowbar to dig them out. (Before the clay got hard enough to make steel bounce and sing.) Got’im cleared just before I lost that place.

The other was ordinary Scotch thistle. Let it grow bigger than a slice of bread, and it was a vegetable porcupine that had to be dug out. In its way, it was as tough as brambles. There were plenty of those (blackberries) around, but not by me thank goodness. They usually were between me and places I could shake a pan in the water.
We can circle back the topic of fascism and the Republican Party using weeds as a metaphor. In a field that was full of desirable plants the farmer or gardener sees that weeds have taken root. Upon inspection, weeds had been popping up everywhere, Until that moment, the gardener was blissfully unaware. Can't ignore it or the weeds will take over. What was going to be a quiet summer of beer and baseball turned into something altogether different.
You missed a big one: installing hundreds of “fascists are just all right with me” judges to benches from Aileen-to-the-far-right to Goresuck.

With apologies to the Doobie Brothers.
Yes sir, got it,I could have gone on and on w/ more egs. but make an effort not to get too long winded,right on w/SCOTUS,2 things there irk me,Ruth Bader Ginsburg,that spunky little lady thought she'd live forever and that cost 1 seat,and as much as I think M.Garland's a good man (even if I can't get his resemblance to Dr. Stangelove out of my head)in the Justice Dept.,I'd much rather see him wearing the robe of a SCOTUS judge that he deserved were it not for M.McConnell's in your face hypocrisy. Your Doobies's reference has me all nostalgic to be beamed back to those day's,great artists and great songs, damn,what a time that was musically speaking,and having a pretty good idea of their political beliefs they'd be down w/your linking of their tune in the context it was used.
He's the thing, fascist exist everywhere and are closely linked to conservatives, those who resist change. Politically, one uses open violence and the other attempts to use the system of government and courts to allow them to destroy liberal democracy from within or make it unworkable. Some are doing this consciously and with a plan, others are unconscious of the results of their actions or don't care because bigotry or ideology trumps all, including facts. Both the violent and the legal wings of the party are mutually supporting to drive the party ever further to the right, the violent ones make the death threats and try to intimidate voters and are the foot soldiers of cheating elections. The political wing of the GOP provides top cover for the terrorists and blocks any legislative attempt to do so.

In other places farmers might spray shit on the Capitol, but they don't shit in it Their state legislatures don't have armed men in body armor and helmets dressed like soldiers parading around inside and outside the legislature building, with allies inside. Guys wearing fake bombs on the state capitol steps and making threats, but this is somehow ok in America for white people to do it. The problem is not just in the streets, but inside the government too, if there weren't, those on the street would be dealt with pretty quickly. If the cops were sympathetic to them, then that too can be dealt with using public hearings, witnesses, cellphone footage and firings.

The difference is when people protest elsewhere there are no guns involved, much less assholes dressed like soldiers and armed to the teeth with weapons of war. That is too much like Nazi Germany, with armed goons in parliament and on the street, until there was no parliament, just Hitler and a lot of those goons ended up dead in Russia a decade later.
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Very well said.The title of this topic should read is
Fascism Is the Republican Party
At the time the thread began, Biden was saying "semi-fascism". Democrats were squeamish about saying it outright because they were still hoping that a good number of Republicans would join with Democrats to oppose "GOP MAGA fascists". That said, there is no such thing as "semi-fascist". It's like saying "semi-pregnant".
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I’m putting this here because it is more gutless pandering to the fascists by the Johnson. Emphasis and syntax corrections mine.

A White House official pointed to what the administration characterized as Johnson’s inconsistencies on the border, saying he needed to wrap [up] the negotiations he has [been] having with himself and stop delaying national security needs in the name of politics.
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I’m putting this here because it is more gutless pandering to the fascists by the Johnson. Emphasis and syntax corrections mine.

A White House official pointed to what the administration characterized as Johnson’s inconsistencies on the border, saying he needed to wrap [up] the negotiations he has [been] having with himself and stop delaying national security needs in the name of politics.
I read the article but could find nothing regarding what the meeting is supposed to be about.

Here is a clip from a briefing he just held:

So, he's saying the Senate Bill that Trump demanded be cancelled "did not solve the border problem". Didn't say what else was needed except he mentioned "HR2". Some measures in HR2 are deal killers, such as re-starting the wall and impediments to processing applications for refugee status, not to mention it, to paraphrase the measures inserted into the bill by Tony Gonzales, a Texas Republican supporter of the bill, "would have effectively shut down the asylum system once detention centers filled up. "

If I understand it correctly, the bill would have taken away resources from processing claimants and then shut down the border for any new refugee applicants after the system backed up.

“I won,” Mr. Gonzales declared proudly this week. “When you win, you vote yes.”

So, I don't know what Johnson was actually proposing be covered in that meeting, I just think that Biden is right to deny meeting with Johnson until he's ready to do more than show up with a bill that was more like a hand grenade than a solution. As Johnson said "I've been requesting this meeting for months now. I don't know what they are afraid of" Oh my, the demonstration of unjustified grievance. Classic MAGA drama.

Only one side is trying to destroy US democracy. The "both sides bad" argument is nonsense and was never true. Wake up, yourself.
Well put Fogdog,this is a big copout the independents(so called ex repubs,who are embarassed to admit they ever voted for the orange mama's boy)like to use,it makes them feel better about themselves!
Well put Fogdog,this is a big copout the independents(so called ex repubs,who are embarassed to admit they ever voted for the orange mama's boy)like to use,it makes them feel better about themselves!
If a crowd of BLM protesters did what MAGA did, do you think Trump would have acted with the same restraint he showed on Jan 6?