^^ Agree with this too. I think all women would do well with an I don't give a fuck attitude.
Strongly disagree, i think women not giving a fuck is the problem, women rip each other apart and have no respect for each other, what happened to the good old days when women stuck together, didn't betray each others trust , days in the kitchen drinking fruity flavoured alcohol while burning batches of cookies, fuck i hate women lmfao, well the useless ones that think their happiness is a good reason to destroy others, selfish bitches lol
Sorry i've recently felt the burn, i trusted another "women" but soon realised i was the fool, why do stupid lonely girls think they can wedge themselves into the lust between 2 other people and come out the winner, idiots, he luvs her not u, the lust he has for her will never be directed at ulmfao I wanna trust women, well people in general but most show me that i should not.
I could never date women, i even annoy myself sometimes.......lmfao
I don't give a fuck attitude about their appearance. I want them to give a fuck about each other, of course. I can't help but feel I am missing out on a big piece of information here. But I think i'm getting the picture. Throughout history though, people "on top" stayed on top by making sure the "lower" people fight with each other, taking their focus off of the real problem - the people "on top". Not saying it applies to your situation. I just sometimes feel words like "bitch" and "hoe" should not be tossed from one woman to another. Personally, loyalty is a HUGE factor to me when picking friends, male or female. I'm loyal to a fault. I will go to the wall for my girls and keep pushing. But of course, they'd do the same for me. And if they wouldn't we wouldn't be friends. That being said, I would never fight with a woman over a man. (Well...I share too much for jealousy anyway) But if in my relationship, I didn't like a girl that was hitting on my husband, and I let him know, I would expect that he give her the shove off. Love is a complicated issue.
I don't give a fuck attitude about their appearance. I want them to give a fuck about each other, of course. I can't help but feel I am missing out on a big piece of information here. But I think i'm getting the picture. Throughout history though, people "on top" stayed on top by making sure the "lower" people fight with each other, taking their focus off of the real problem - the people "on top". Not saying it applies to your situation. I just sometimes feel words like "bitch" and "hoe" should not be tossed from one woman to another. Personally, loyalty is a HUGE factor to me when picking friends, male or female. I'm loyal to a fault. I will go to the wall for my girls and keep pushing. But of course, they'd do the same for me. And if they wouldn't we wouldn't be friends. That being said, I would never fight with a woman over a man. (Well...I share too much for jealousy anyway) But if in my relationship, I didn't like a girl that was hitting on my husband, and I let him know, I would expect that he give her the shove off. Love is a complicated issue.
I wouldn't never go with a girl that didn't give a fuck about her appearance lol.You can be fat but don't be all sloppy looking lol.
If you're dirty and dress like a bum then bums will only be attracted to you but I guess that's alright if you're attracted to dirty ass guys.
Is the beer strewn wrecked car picture to show you enjoy life?![]()
yeah whateva gianna. lol.well, here i am![]()