Well-Known Member
what do you consider skinny..is it , the models view... the medias view on skinny...
skinny is what you make it in my opinion up to a size 10 is skinny... sizes like todays models like 0-3 are too thin...
what is fat..well fat to me is someone who is obese and unhealthy..
if you honestly think youre fat i think you need some help, int he mental department and to stop reading todays magazines...your causing yourself to be unhealthyView attachment 2133830View attachment 2133834 im my opinion im thin..im curvy...am i fat...well thats up to anyone else ot decide.
So, did ya' post up a couple hot pics of you so that us guys would tell you that you are hot, definitely NOT fat, and have hot little baby curves?
Edit, if so... It worked.
i think you just like attention, all girls in magazines are photoshopped so any girl that wants to be like them...well keep dreaming because those models probably see themselves in the mags and wish they looked like that, or better way to say its bullllllllshit!! a bit like all the crazy moves on the tony hawks games that even skaters cant do themselves. now if you talking "make up" then go look for the definition of fake cause the dictionary defines fake as "doing up appearance" i.e make up
Forget my personal picture for a second. Forget it's me. What i'm saying is...this picture is NOT fat. But it is still what girls are afraid to be. Kuroi's post is a great example. She says she nearly killed herself trying to be thin when she was a 12/13. And a 12/13 is a perfectly healthy, normal size to be. But when blasted by men who drop the term "fat" on women constantly, healthy isn't good enough anymore. And this was brought on by someone commenting on how Kuroi supposedly looked fat in a picture of her horseriding.