Favorite beer or drink of choice?

My favorite beers are my own home-brewed beers.

I home brewed a batch of pale ale at home, my friend who is the beer making master suggest I add some cannabis leaves, just for a nice floras taste. We just added quality trim, no buds, and hell if it didn't have a little cannabisy taste to it. We called it Cannapale Ale. Should get some more ingredients and brew some more up...
I home brewed a batch of pale ale at home, my friend who is the beer making master suggest I add some cannabis leaves, just for a nice floras taste. We just added quality trim, no buds, and hell if it didn't have a little cannabisy taste to it. We called it Cannapale Ale. Should get some more ingredients and brew some more up...

cannabis is a cousin to the hop and makes a perfect combo to hops if done correctly. :)
Vodka and lime; coke or sarsaparilla; whiskey and coke; dark rum, lime and ginger beer; baileys; bulmer's or Kopparberg cider, elderflower champagne (I got given a bottle for my birthday and it was super awesome).

But I'm happy with straight vodka, run or whiskey :3

Everything in moderation...

I don't like beer I didn't like it when I tried it at 9 years old and I still hate it.
I home brewed a batch of pale ale at home, my friend who is the beer making master suggest I add some cannabis leaves, just for a nice floras taste. We just added quality trim, no buds, and hell if it didn't have a little cannabisy taste to it. We called it Cannapale Ale. Should get some more ingredients and brew some more up...
I've always wanted to try that! There are some bud strains that are ridiculously tasty, and i wouldn't mind using them as a flavoring grain. That's a good idea using your trim.
sam adams. the boston lager is my favorite lager. my go-to beer is the coastal wheat, unless summer ale is in season. they actually make a nice hefeweizen too but i haven't seen it in a while.

cocktails depend on my mood. i usually only get/make long islands, gin and tonic, or captain and coke (100 proof captain's).

i recently found out that some states don't allow nips. wtf?
I love beer. Now my other hobby is medieval recreation (SCA) and many of my friends are brewers. So I am spoiled to an extent that no only do I have very good home brew around me, but people who can teach me about the subtle differences in beer. My preference is for stouts and IPAs.
pale ale, i like wheat beer from a brewery fresh, sinpur, but what keeps me at bay is bud light n coors light the more expensive shit i do only when i get an ich for it.. blue moon,