Favorite beer or drink of choice?

but that's just for budget beers. if money is no object: most belgians plus multitudes of stouts, darks, and ales OH MY! Guinness is a gold standard, but there are plenty of meaty and interesting brews out there.

tops or bottoms-the main rule in beer is to find the flavors you like.
Mango Juice

And occasionally some of this good shit:
You can never go wrong with a bottle of Captin Morgan

Who else likes to smoke bud and drink? A lot of people don't like to get cross faded but I rather smoke smoke smoke till I get cotton mouth.. then drink like a fish to fix that problem, makes beer and shit taste better haha Being cross faded is where it's at.. and the best way to cure a hangover is with good ol marijuana

My buddy's girlfriend got him a bottle if vodka that doubles as a bong.. pretty badass

Maaaan nah... That ain't drank lol...... Drank up in my cup man hold up.... I've sipped the real purple drank... Codiene promyth n sprite...... Lol I like that pic tho.... I don't know bout favorites cause I change my drinks alot from dr pepper to coke to hawaiin punch orange.... To coffee.... As far as beer bud light to corona wita lime to heinekin to coors n idk what else, liquior is a diff story :-D
Watney's Red Barrel Beer, or my home-brew version. can't partake any longer, except for the occasional pint, but oh, what a lovely draft Watney's is.
I am not much of a drinker. I really do not enjoy being drunk. But if I do have a sip now and then what I most enjoy is a shot or two of genuine good ole' fashioned North Carolina moonshine.

For beer, I'm not much on beer alone, but now and then an Irish Car Bomb is tasty.

Irish Car Bomb recipe

Irish Car Bomb is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. The ingredients are simple and widely available, and beer lovers will almost certainly enjoy it. If you ask for one of these in an Irish pub you'll be greeted with either a smile, or a black eye. Enjoy!

Scale ingredients to 3/4 pint Guinness® stout
1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream
1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey

Add the Bailey's and Jameson to a shot glass, layering the Bailey's on the bottom. Pour the Guinness into a pint glass or beer mug 3/4 of the way full and let settle. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug. If you don't drink it fast enough it will curdle and increasingly taste worse.

If you mix it right and chug it right away, it tastes somewhat similar to a chocolate malt, but with a kick and zip.