Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

And just cause she's a bangably hot lady as well as a great guitarist:

I have a great many favorites, from all venues, but I played this song at my Father's Funeral and I have seen this man play live and it was inspirational to say the least. Enjoy

Antoine Dufour - Ashes in the Sea



Thought this might fit in here with this thread:
(the playing isn't great, not bad, but not great. It's the riffs that we know & love. And even at 100 riffs, it's only scratching the surface. ;-) )

Not sure if you've heard this version
Smoke on the Water
Angus Young...

If anybody has more rhythm then Angus, I've yet to see it.

According to Angus it's Malcolm!

"Malcolm's really underrated. He makes the band sound so full, and I couldn't ask for a better rhythm player. Sometimes I look at Malcolm while he's playing, and I'm completely awestruck by the sheer power of it. He's doing something much more unique than what I do-with that raw, natural sound of his. People like Malcolm, Steve Cropper, Chuck Berry and Keith Richards-they're all doing something better than the rest of us."

And who are we to argue with Angus ;)?
I agree, not a big fan of his...but hell, anyone of the musicians listed on this board is better than me, and I know good musicianship when I hear it.
^^^Mayer's no slouch. Talented mo-fo. Wish the JM Trio would of worked out.

Here's a criminally neglected guitarist if there ever was one in the history of music. I always love that he sounds like two guitarists playing.

Richard Thompson - Woodstock - JM Tribute 2000

It's all about those little things when he plays. No slouch with an electric, but he's a monster on acoustic.
Its pretty wild how alot of musicians get innovative when they want to make a sound,I mean look at Eddy Van Halen hes been known to use a powerdrill on his strings to get a whole new slide effect.Its a beautiful thing!I think Lowell George is underrated, hes pretty dam good!
Its pretty wild how alot of musicians get innovative when they want to make a sound,I mean look at Eddy Van Halen hes been known to use a powerdrill on his strings to get a whole new slide effect.Its a beautiful thing!I think Lowell George is underrated, hes pretty dam good!
Eddie used to have a sponsorship from Makita, they used to provide those drills!