Dr. Greenhorn
Well-Known Member
nope. it's aura *Aurora *
nope. it's aura *Aurora *
it's ok. I'm not a grammer nazi at all. I just had to point that one out cause it was youSo it is... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(paranormal)
Fucking English lol, was thinking of aurora as in the aurora lights, never seen it spelt lime that.
nice bewbs... J/K!!!!
every girl worth having that i ended up with came up to me firstseriously.
I also found that i can only be with a girl older than me. young girls nowadays for the most part are insane imo.
The tearful routine...
You: "Sob"
Chica: "What's wrong with you?" (NOTE, for the MEN: The bitchier, the better. they're used to shit like that if they are all sympathetic. At that point, you are getting laid, but also played.)
You: "Sorry, you sat down, I noticed you because of your perfume, my wife wore that..." <sniffle>"...Oh! I'm sorry, that just ruined it, now you're uncomfortable" (NOTE, for the men: Partially turn away, but maintain enough angle that she can continually see your face. Critical point BE SAD!)
Chica: "Awkward, not uncomfortable..."
Chica: "What do you mean wore?"
You: "Before... the" <sniffle> "before she passed. I should be over it! It's been 3 years, but sometimes things remind me of it, or her."
Carry on in said fashion, nothing too elaborate here, guys! In this realm, they're WAY smarter than us! Keep It Simple Stupid applies here. Brief death's description, why you were not there at the tragic moment, the hole in your heart, haven't really been out since...
And, ladies, we really do that. The "tough guy has an emotion" routine. We do it, because it works. And, it'll keep on working, because ladies like having sex too! They just want a bit more effort on our part, so they can maintain their respect.
the first time I set eyes on him I thought...I wonder if that where they got the idea for Gollum...
Oh, it gets worse! Ever hear the loud "buddy killed, why not me?" Guy? Yeah, he claims to have been in the service, and his buddy took one for the team, but it shoulda been him. The REAL buddy killed guy, he's sitting with 2 or 3 friends, never mentioning the shit he saw, never talking about it because it's so fucked up. Just like the "wife/kid died" guy.fuck you
thats twisted and wrong on so many levels you're a piece of shit if you need to do this to get laid
"Excuse me, but does my handkerchief smell like chloroform to you" ?
They ~Fall~ for it every time.![]()
Have a male friend come in the store next time (after you've been browsing for awhile), recognize you, and yell "YOU GAVE ME CHLAMYDIA!" Then he runs out crying....so, hope you don't mind me breaking the flow of your thread but I'd like to have a male prospective on my situation. I'm just a new grower and have to go by the hydro shop frequently to get this and that...The manager is a nice guy and he likes me so he gives me a 20%, that was great until the stock boy started thinking he had a chance with me...and believe me he doesn't, the first time I set eyes on him I thought...I wonder if that where they got the idea for Gollum...Now, every bloody time I go in, he pesters the life out of me...let's have coffee, I want to be your partner, I want to make you dinner, I'm not gonna give up till you say yes ..on and on...and I'm like, noooo, I have a boy friend, he's just lives out of town(white lie). Now, if I stop going there I lose my 20%...which I want, and another thing, I KNOW the manager is back there busten his gutts laughing at us every time. So I was thinking about going by the clinic and getting some pamphlets on STD's and "accidently" dropping them on the way out the door...what else can I do? Do you all have any..."shoot down" lines for me?