Favourite munchie food?

Chocolate covered donuts with a huge amount of custard filling. I get 'em at my bakery shop where I live. They also have the same donuts covered with vanilla....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:hump::blsmoke:
Or, what i like to do, is roll myself a niiiiice blunt and smoke while i cook my muchies. by the time im done cooking, im done with about 3/4 of my blunt and am nicely stoned. So i put my blunt out and eat then finish it off with the roach! Life is good....:mrgreen:

yeah man but the only flaw to that is you have to cook and toke which isnt sitting back and relaxing haha unless it takes a couple minutes

Live by this golden rule when getting baked

"If it takes longer to cook then it does to eat, fuck it order some pizza"
"If it takes longer to cook then it does to eat, fuck it order some pizza"[/quote]

That is my moto, lol :mrgreen::peace:
An entire packet of McVities Digestives with a red hot cup of Tea (two sugars if you're getting it mate) Marmite toast with too much Butter, and some cheese, and why not Piccalili with that and some Onion rings and cover it with Cereal and Ice cream and serve it in a bucket with an Egg on top with...
yeah man but the only flaw to that is you have to cook and toke which isnt sitting back and relaxing haha unless it takes a couple minutes

Live by this golden rule when getting baked

"If it takes longer to cook then it does to eat, fuck it order some pizza"

I could see how it would be that way for some, but i really love to cook so that makes it relaxing for me. It works out really nicely cuz i kill two birds with one blunt! :grin:
that waffles idea sounds fuckin bangin. haha

OH MAN! when you're lit you have to try this!!!

Put on rap music thats got alot of talking and put on cartoons on mute. it will look like the cartoons are rapping and its trippy as hell
Dude the waffles rules ass but for the rap thing that is not something I plan on trying at all I'm totally against that shit its not music its dudes swearing and talking about how hard as fuck they are come on once you start doing real drugs and not singing about how much you did in them then I'll respect you but as for rappers I think they are a joke
I agree, Rappers are a joke and thats why its hilarious when it looks like cartoons are singing about their bitches and hoes.

no need to hate on a sista haha
don't hate on rap. I'm not promoting it that much, and I agree that the majority of rappers are lame, but there are some that are cool as shit. they create their own loops and beats and they rhymes are sick! Check out MF Doom and Quasimoto/Madlib.
I gotta go with an ice cold Coke and a 4 pack of peanut butter cups....

Unless I'm feeling motivated and make some home-made dip for chips or veggies....

Get 2 bricks of cream cheese, one large container of cottage cheese, (bear with me cottage cheese haters, it is the shit!) and 2 packages of powered ranch dressing mix (not the dip mix, lacks flavor).

Mix it all together in a bowl (cottage cheese, then ranch mix, then cream cheese) add a splash of milk for consistency and serve with your favorite veggies or chips...I prefer Doritos and cucumbers............................OK now the munchies are kickin in, gotta go!!
sorry mate, im a cottage cheese AND cream cheese hater...for that matter im not too big on cheese. except for fondue...oh man fondue when you're lit is AMAZING but kind of alot of work for just one person but make a great social meal
Donairs. King fucking sized donairs. I have a system going on with my friends like the one on "Half-Baked" for those of you that have seen the movie. Smores too...chocolate...pizza. But donairs are definitely my favourite food. I would assault someone for a donair after my piles gone lol.