Favourite TV Show ... Past and Present

My current favorite shows are the Simpsons (which is still good despite what a bunch of people say) & Southpark. There a bunch of other shows that I really like, but wouldn't say are my favorite. Things like Breaking Bad (which has no semblance of Malcolm in the Middle to it what-so-ever, besides the fact that Bryan Cranston is in both), the Walking Dead (which really needs to stop with the whiny BS, and have many more zombie encounters in it), Hell on Wheels, King of the Hill (really close to a favorite), Beavis & Butthead, Good Vibes, Bob's Burgers, Really any awesome animated show, oh yeah...Sweet Genius...Ron Ben-Israel is hilarious. There are many other shows that I like from both the past and present, but I don't want to sit here for an hour listing half of them.
i don't have any fancy premium channels so all my faves are on basic cable.

i don't have a dvr and my shitty cable company sucks for on demand content. the only show i clear my schedule for is new episodes of ncis because we don't have cbs on demand.

i'm a fan of seinfeld, big bang theory, and malcom in the middle. i don't usually do food shows but i like that show chopped. i like classic cartoons like tom and jerry and loony tunes, and some newer cartoons like family guy and south park. for the most part i don't watch much tv and when i do it's usually reruns. most of 'em are new to me, though.
i don't have any fancy premium channels so all my faves are on basic cable.

i don't have a dvr and my shitty cable company sucks for on demand content. the only show i clear my schedule for is new episodes of ncis because we don't have cbs on demand.

i'm a fan of seinfeld, big bang theory, and malcom in the middle. i don't usually do food shows but i like that show chopped. i like classic cartoons like tom and jerry and loony tunes, and some newer cartoons like family guy and south park. for the most part i don't watch much tv and when i do it's usually reruns. most of 'em are new to me, though.

I dont have the 'special' channels either LOL

I download mine from icefilms or piratebay.
.................... Breaking Bad (which has no semblance of Malcolm in the Middle to it what-so-ever, besides the fact that Bryan Cranston is in both)

IMO They have more similarities than just the main actor. Both shows have a strong surrealistic comedic element to them. Also the way the individual scenes are held together reminds me of a comic book, each scene feels almost like a sketch.

Also the situations Hal gets himself into are similar also. For me it could be the same show but just his twin brother in another State.
IMO They have more similarities than just the main actor. Both shows have a strong surrealistic comedic element to them. Also the way the individual scenes are held together reminds me of a comic book, each scene feels almost like a sketch.

Also the situations Hal gets himself into are similar also. For me it could be the same show but just his twin brother in another State.

I can kind of agree about the surreal comedy thing, though one was a comedy and the other is just surreal (for all the non-meth cook murderers) with some slight comedy elements to it. I can also agree about the comic book/sketch thing for the most part. But one point we will have to agree to disagree on is "...the situations Hal gets himself into are similar also." I don't how that is accurate. Sure Hal did some things that his crazy bitch of a wife would disagree with in MITM, but the things that Walt does in BB go a little beyond a wife being justifiably upset, even we all still root for Walt, and hate her (at least me).
All I have to say is that tv has become very disappointing to me. I have watched "the learning channel(TLC)" turn into lifetime. The history channel only shows rednecks doing their jobs... good for you buddy i have a job too. they do not even show history anymore except for the occasional nazi documentary thanks to Walts antisemitic life. The animal planet is now animal abusers getting arrested and monster quest and bigfoot chases. MTV when from MUSIC TV to look at this 16-yer old slut that got pregnant.

The news sucks, too!!. Its like they are making shows for retards now
All I have to say is that tv has become very disappointing to me. I have watched "the learning channel(TLC)" turn into lifetime. The history channel only shows rednecks doing their jobs... good for you buddy i have a job too. they do not even show history anymore except for the occasional nazi documentary thanks to Walts antisemitic life. The animal planet is now animal abusers getting arrested and monster quest and bigfoot chases. MTV when from MUSIC TV to look at this 16-yer old slut that got pregnant.

The news sucks, too!!. Its like they are making shows for retards now

I think the BBC make the best animal programmes. David Attenbourghs voice lends authority to story being told.
MTV always sucked ... Theyre like 6 months behind the current trends and don't focus on the underground scenes.

I agree TV in general sucks but it makes ones favourite shows all the more precious. As long as shows like OZ, The wire, Sopranos, Game of thrones and BreakingBAD keep getting commissioned i'll be happy.

Im a BIG Scifi fan but little has come out lately. I just watched the pilot of 'Continuum' and I think it looked promising. Even though its a Canadian production.
I think the BBC make the best animal programmes. David Attenbourghs voice lends authority to story being told.
MTV always sucked ... Theyre like 6 months behind the current trends and don't focus on the underground scenes.

I agree TV in general sucks but it makes ones favourite shows all the more precious. As long as shows like OZ, The wire, Sopranos, Game of thrones and BreakingBAD keep getting commissioned i'll be happy.

Im a BIG Scifi fan but little has come out lately. I just watched the pilot of 'Continuum' and I think it looked promising. Even though its a Canadian production.

I only have basic cable :-( no special programming for me. I have breaking bad though i liked it but i got into it for the chemistry but their hasn't been any chemistry since the first season.
Like making the battery from the right scrap metals, explosives from household chems, when they devolved the body in acid but he used the wrong container so it burnt a hole in the house down to the basement. Cuz hydrofluoric acid eats away at almost all metals , ceramics , plastics but not fluorocarbons.

oh well are they making another season btw?
I only have basic cable :-( no special programming for me. I have breaking bad though i liked it but i got into it for the chemistry but their hasn't been any chemistry since the first season.
Like making the battery from the right scrap metals, explosives from household chems, when they devolved the body in acid but he used the wrong container so it burnt a hole in the house down to the basement. Cuz hydrofluoric acid eats away at almost all metals , ceramics , plastics but not fluorocarbons.

oh well are they making another season btw?

I just downloaded all the BreakingBad. I watched 4 seasons in 2 weeks after I twisted my ankle. Definitely my favourite way to watch anything Back-to-Back seasons.

The chemistry was neat, obviously they werent going to give away any trade secrets. At first I though the whole secret meth lab thing was implausible but since then Ive seen like half a dozen news reports of similar setups.

I liked it for the motivation it gave me to conduct my own enterprises, say no more.
I have quite a few. All time shows include all the Star Treks, Twin Peaks, Ghosthunters, Ghost Adventures, Eureka, Fringe
games of thrones and the borgias def one of my fav i just watched all the seasons of califoncation that shit is funny as hell i cant belive i sleep on that show for so long
games of thrones and the borgias def one of my fav i just watched all the seasons of califoncation that shit is funny as hell i cant belive i sleep on that show for so long

Yeah, I might check Californication. I dont even know what its about. Does it have lasers? We need more shows with lasers!

Borgias was ok ... I found it slow so I didnt pick up the last series. Jeremy Irons only knows hows to play perverts.

Game of thrones Finale next week ... Best show on at the moment