Favourite TV Show ... Past and Present

One of my secret pleasures was watching "Soul Train" with the sound turned all the way down. Like acid for youngsters. Sandokids™. cn
South Park is far and above Family Guy or Amercian Dad.
Family Guy is just dumb humor with random references to pop culture.
South Park is actually about current events.
i kinda liked trippin on shrooms, feeling the cosmic beat, and watching 3rd rock from the sun....they recently took it off of netflix,, to my dismay. game of thrones is pretty fucking awesome.

3rd rock is entirely underrated and easily one of the best shows of the 90s. i never see reruns of that anymore. who knew john lithgow could be so damn silly and funny?

One of my secret pleasures was watching "Soul Train" with the sound turned all the way down. Like acid for youngsters. Sandokids™. cn

my grandfather used to do this with "dance party USA". he was 78 years old laughing like a hyena at the "stupid sons-a-bitches". i wish there was decent video of it on youtube. good clips of that show are scarce.
game of thrones season finale tonight..should be the shit!...spartacus was great for season 1 and 2 ..season 3 sucked..i stopped watching halfway through season..the new spartacus is bad casting and it turned too gay...season 3 is pretty much gay porn
Right now I'm hooked on "TopGear" (the Brit-version, not the pathetic series shot in the states) followed by "No Reservations" with Anthony Boudain. Anyone that can travel to the hinterlands of Finland, go bar hopping in Helsinki while doing a minimum of 9 shots of high-quality vodka, then stumble the streets at 3 a.m. looking for something good to eat while still being entertaining has my vote. Passing out at the table after downing 4 bottles of wine at a Croatian restaurant on camera...priceless.
Archer is best cartoon, Robot chicken for crazy stop animation, I can't stop watching american pickers and river monsters