fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
nice grow you will be trimming for days or weeks as for cats have you had any this year? last year i sprayed once a mo. 12 plants had 130-140 cats this year 30 plants spraying 2 times a week had 4 cats so far only on 1 plant strange. jeff


Well-Known Member
i knocked all the apples out of the apple tree in the corner of my garden. then i raked them all up and tossed them out. this was 2 months ago. i have seen very few caterpillars so far. i have been spraying Bt every 5 days as well.


Well-Known Member
Picture 3 is just beautiful. All the different strains, it looks amazing. How many kilos you reckon you're gonna get?


Well-Known Member
lst question, couldnt find a decent thread, and what happened to the faq section? Anyways the details and parameters of lst. Like what to tie to and how far or low can go.


New Member
so your spraying the bt directly on the buds? are you saturating the plant or just enough to get them damp? i have bt but stopped spraying about 3 weeks ago and im noticing caterpillars comin back...


Well-Known Member
Beautiful garden man.
I would like your opinion on something, This year I have quite a bit more then usual and have been looking at trimmers. I think you mentioned before that you have used them but prefer to trim the larger buds by hand and you just mentioned you are going to trim all of them by hand. Do you feel the trimmers take off too much? Thanks again.


Active Member
Beautiful garden man.
I would like your opinion on something, This year I have quite a bit more then usual and have been looking at trimmers. I think you mentioned before that you have used them but prefer to trim the larger buds by hand and you just mentioned you are going to trim all of them by hand. Do you feel the trimmers take off too much? Thanks again.

Stumps and I were just having this conversation last night. Stumps said it was a personal preference for him, a trimmer doesn't get in and clip the stems from the fan leaves at the main stem, it trims everything to a predetermined size. More stem = more weight when you are talking quantity plus it makes the weed - no matter how good it is - look mass produced for profit.

Not that their is anything wrong with that, I believe it's more a drive to have good looking bud. And some growers - no matter how much they grow/distribute aren't paying 12K for a trimmer. Those farmers in India don't use trimmers either, they pluck by hand and roll that hash on their hands into balls. I think I will hand trim my stash and what I am giving as harvest gifts and a DIY trimmer for the "excess medication"

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
once again, .... fuck trimmers. i am hand trimming all this. trimmers make your weed look like you used a trimmer. no one wants that.