I've been using a bunch of motion sensors with an alarm.
I turn it on each evening. After about five years, we've had no (further) intrusions.
The last thieves relocated 500 miles away after I discussed their futures with them(neighbor's kids and grandkids. Low life cranksters).
Anyway, the other part of my security "system" is short pieces of barbed wire strung randomly throughout the garden.
Easy to deal with in daylight, but not so at night.
Since we never leave home during harvest, this works out well.
The barbed wire would slow down thieves long enough to get the baseball bat, or shotgun.
The alarm can be heard in the garden. A deterrent in itself. It can be set very loud. We've caught no intruders since I purchased the system(about $1000).
The alarm drove the police crazy, the last time they visited.
They actually approved of my security measures.