fdd's flavor of the week


i have 7 strains starting at the moment. 3 others in flower. i basically have availability to EVERYTHING. no need to keep mothers. by the time i flower one strain i have 5 more behind it waiting.

i come back from the club with meds. my wife says "don't they owe you money"? i said "yeah, but if i buy this different weed then the money i give them for it can go towards them paying me the money they owe me". she just looked really confused and walked away. :blsmoke:
its just like you're spending your earnings early...
you'll eventually end up with the same amount of money at the end whether they gave you the money sooner than later...

and whats another few days?

you make me jealous my friend:hump:


Well-Known Member
i have 7 strains starting at the moment. 3 others in flower. i basically have availability to EVERYTHING. no need to keep mothers. by the time i flower one strain i have 5 more behind it waiting.

i come back from the club with meds. my wife says "don't they owe you money"? i said "yeah, but if i buy this different weed then the money i give them for it can go towards them paying me the money they owe me". she just looked really confused and walked away. :blsmoke:
Yeah true. You wouldn't need mothers...Damn it makes me miss NorCal. I remember being within 5 blocks of literally like 5 clubs. And if I was willing to go a few miles it just got ridiculous.

Don't you ever have strains that you feel you must keep around though? Or ever get what you think is an exceptional plant that you'd like to clone from?


Well-Known Member
Yeah true. You wouldn't need mothers...Damn it makes me miss NorCal. I remember being within 5 blocks of literally like 5 clubs. And if I was willing to go a few miles it just got ridiculous.

Don't you ever have strains that you feel you must keep around though? Or ever get what you think is an exceptional plant that you'd like to clone from?

every frickin' day. i need more veg lights. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
but see....fdd your lucky

you can have one clone fucking make up 1 pound easy....

if i had 7 different strains....shit i wouldnt even be tripping.... i got 7 pounds of different green.... of course its easy

shit if i had


New Member
every frickin' day. i need more veg lights. :mrgreen:
put the fluros back up my friend..... they will be a slow grueling process but it would keep mothers alive and going slowly enough for you to clone when wanted to, or even take to clubs for other folks. go ahead make a hijack mom.....may as well make your outdoor project bigger than just your grow.


Well-Known Member
i was there yesterday but left with nothing. purple diesel? come-on, that was the last straw. i refuse to support marijuana buying until they rid the boards of the purple. i told her that too. she said it was their regular growers and they had no choice. i yelled "NO PURPLE" and walked out.


i was there yesterday but left with nothing. purple diesel? come-on, that was the last straw. i refuse to support marijuana buying until they rid the boards of the purple. i told her that too. she said it was their regular growers and they had no choice. i yelled "NO PURPLE" and walked out.
tbh... i smoked some SourD ibl... and it was one of the more potent smokes i've ever had...

and it was purple as F*CK

i think i posted pics of it at some point... maybe not...


sorry my friend... i love the taste of purple...

my grandma or whoever didn't screw it up for me =]

purples make my mouth water... granted they aren't USUALLY ass knock you on your ass wonderful as others... but they're def. a good thing IMO

...a friend of mine today was trying to convince me to move to santa ana... its been eating at me... i need to become a part of this wonderful cal. MMJ community...


Well-Known Member
sorry my friend... i love the taste of purple...

my grandma or whoever didn't screw it up for me =]

purples make my mouth water... granted they aren't USUALLY ass knock you on your ass wonderful as others... but they're def. a good thing IMO

...a friend of mine today was trying to convince me to move to santa ana... its been eating at me... i need to become a part of this wonderful cal. MMJ community...
are you packing yet? :blsmoke: