fdd's flavor of the week

No joke. I love blackbery. And SD is a classic...can't go wrong there...especially if you've been up to your nose in purples...it's definitely a nice change of pace.

If you're looking for a recommendation for your next choice: I would suggest candy apple...I know they got it up there in the bay area...and I've heard many great things. Never have been able to grab it myself:(

Fdd, have you tried Purple Urkel?

I know that it's currently only found
in your part of the world. I would love
to see it fresh if you were interested.

Thanks for all the amazing updates!
Fdd, have you tried Purple Urkel?

I know that it's currently only found
in your part of the world. I would love
to see it fresh if you were interested.

Thanks for all the amazing updates!

i pass it by every time. it's soooooo 3 years ago. :roll: it's always here though. maybe next time. :mrgreen:
I've smoked purple urkel numerous times. It's nothing too special. It will please the people who don't ever get the chance to smoke purples, but for us in California...it's whatever. I'd like to try some well grown white russian. Never can seem to find that around here. Kushes are taking over in Southern Cali and all else is getting harder to come by:(
i pass it by every time. it's soooooo 3 years ago. :roll: it's always here though. maybe next time. :mrgreen:

I've smoked purple urkel numerous times. It's nothing too special. It will please the people who don't ever get the chance to smoke purples, but for us in California...it's whatever.

I can understand that, especially being on
the other side of the continent. The Urkel
blew us away over here, and everyone had
Purple Urkel Eyes!
Haha..."Purple Urkel Eyes".

I'm over the purples. I'd rather have some blueberry tasting bud...or blackberry tasting bud...or tropical tasting bud..mmmMm
In my specific area we had the Blue Berry
explosion about 6-7 years ago... Back then,
I had NO idea... but now I realize that someone
was totally in the know and was growing some
amazing strains for being in the East.

Fdd... How about Apollo 13? Any thoughts on it?
once again.......it's the cheese........




todays new flavor is "purple venom berry". it has a slight earthy purple smell. the buds look really good. when i broke one up it was kinda "powdery". when i put the flame to a bowl load it sparkles and crackles. i don't think it was flushed properly and i think it was quick dried. i will be taking this one back.:evil: if only it was properly grown. :cry:



Gotta love that Cheese! I do. After smoking it in the Dam I crave it at times. The smell and flavor are nice but I truly enjoy the high most of all. Very long lasting soaring high with a big body buzz componant
Yo fdd that sucks about da purps. But I remember reading u didnt like them anyways. I'm not a big fan myself they always seems to be on the harsher side. I'm glad to see u how the cheese to hold u down. Smoke on peAce
I do not like cheese as a strain name for derb. It reminds me of heroin called cheese that is cut with ephedrine/cold medicine, cheesy color. But the quality of the herb looks pretty good!
i took the "purple venom berry" back. traded it for some "purple northern lights". there's just to much purple here these days. this one tastes like purple. i smoked a bowl and took a nice nap. it's a good smoke. too bad it has to be purple. i'm getting really tired of that flavor. :roll:


