Feckless party caves on COVID bill


Well-Known Member

Progressives exploded in frustration Tuesday as the Senate prepared to pass an interim funding bill for coronavirus relief that once again included no funding for the Post Office, food banks, or election security, and provided no bailout oversight and no funding for states and cities—leading critics to wonder why Democratic lawmakers refused to use their leverage and hold up the bill.

"This isn't good," tweeted The Nation's national affairs correspondent Jeet Heer. "It's imperative to get money out the door fast but these are one sided agreements."


What we need right now is for Democrats to create total gridlock. The unaccomplished wing of the Democratic Party has spoken.
It's OK if they make you feel like you get wins, even though poor people across the country end up with nothing and corporations don't even require oversight to pick the banks pockets

Let's shut down government right now. It's all or what Sanders would have gotten done.
Neoliberal at the core. Any scraps Republicans offer so long as capitalists continue to make a profit

If Dems don't vote on the bullshit bills pushed by Republicans trying to get concessions for their donors, Republicans shut down the government in an election year

Problem is they can't because they have big donor quotas to fill, America's poor be damned

Maybe some ice cream will help pay those rent and electricity bills
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Progressives exploded in frustration Tuesday as the Senate prepared to pass an interim funding bill for coronavirus relief that once again included no funding for the Post Office, food banks, or election security, and provided no bailout oversight and no funding for states and cities—leading critics to wonder why Democratic lawmakers refused to use their leverage and hold up the bill.

"This isn't good," tweeted The Nation's national affairs correspondent Jeet Heer. "It's imperative to get money out the door fast but these are one sided agreements."


Progressives exploded in frustration Tuesday as the Senate prepared to pass an interim funding bill for coronavirus relief that once again included no funding for the Post Office, food banks, or election security, and provided no bailout oversight and no funding for states and cities—leading critics to wonder why Democratic lawmakers refused to use their leverage and hold up the bill.

"This isn't good," tweeted The Nation's national affairs correspondent Jeet Heer. "It's imperative to get money out the door fast but these are one sided agreements."

Imagine this little guys tears if the democrats failed like bernie did.

Did your folks give you the $500 stimulus they got for still claiming you
Neoliberal at the core. Any scraps Republicans offer so long as capitalists continue to make a profit

If Dems don't vote on the bullshit bills pushed by Republicans trying to get concessions for their donors, Republicans shut down the government in an election year

Problem is they can't because they have big donor quotas to fill, America's poor be damned

Maybe some ice cream will help pay those rent and electricity bills
I must ask because when you use the word, it doesn't match the common definition. What do you mean when you use the word, "neoliberal"?
"Why do Democrats want to win Congress if they don’t want to use power? What is the entire point of Democrats raising money and ginning up activist energy to win control of the U.S. House, if when a crisis hits they just pass whatever Mitch McConnell sends them? Is there anything they’ll actually negotiate for? And why won’t they flip the script and force McConnell to vote yes or no on their own agenda?

These are the questions bouncing around my mind as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi accede to another GOP-written stimulus bill -- and I think ultimately the answer has to do with deep-seated, self-destructive fear that was internalized by party leaders a generation ago during another national crisis."

"The questions now are: is there anything Democrats are willing to do? Is there anything they won’t just accept? If there is a next bill, and it includes a provision to literally wire transfer $1 trillion into the personal bank account of Steve Mnuchin, would there be any Democratic votes against it at all?

I wish I knew the answer -- but I don’t.

Until there are new leaders -- or until there is real pressure from the left -- the Democratic Party seems intent on being a rubber stamp."

"Why do Democrats want to win Congress if they don’t want to use power? What is the entire point of Democrats raising money and ginning up activist energy to win control of the U.S. House, if when a crisis hits they just pass whatever Mitch McConnell sends them? Is there anything they’ll actually negotiate for? And why won’t they flip the script and force McConnell to vote yes or no on their own agenda?

These are the questions bouncing around my mind as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi accede to another GOP-written stimulus bill -- and I think ultimately the answer has to do with deep-seated, self-destructive fear that was internalized by party leaders a generation ago during another national crisis."

"The questions now are: is there anything Democrats are willing to do? Is there anything they won’t just accept? If there is a next bill, and it includes a provision to literally wire transfer $1 trillion into the personal bank account of Steve Mnuchin, would there be any Democratic votes against it at all?

I wish I knew the answer -- but I don’t.

Until there are new leaders -- or until there is real pressure from the left -- the Democratic Party seems intent on being a rubber stamp."

When you use the word "neoliberal", what do you mean?
"Why do Democrats want to win Congress if they don’t want to use power? What is the entire point of Democrats raising money and ginning up activist energy to win control of the U.S. House, if when a crisis hits they just pass whatever Mitch McConnell sends them? Is there anything they’ll actually negotiate for? And why won’t they flip the script and force McConnell to vote yes or no on their own agenda?

These are the questions bouncing around my mind as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi accede to another GOP-written stimulus bill -- and I think ultimately the answer has to do with deep-seated, self-destructive fear that was internalized by party leaders a generation ago during another national crisis."

"The questions now are: is there anything Democrats are willing to do? Is there anything they won’t just accept? If there is a next bill, and it includes a provision to literally wire transfer $1 trillion into the personal bank account of Steve Mnuchin, would there be any Democratic votes against it at all?

I wish I knew the answer -- but I don’t.

Until there are new leaders -- or until there is real pressure from the left -- the Democratic Party seems intent on being a rubber stamp."

The House really can investigate and pass legislation, the Senate has about 400 bills the House has passed that Mitch is sitting on, what could they do that would change anything?

The Republican controlled Senate and President Trump have all the ability to pass legislation, not the Democrats. There is a reason Trump gets every senate appointment he wants regardless of their qualifications and conflicts of interest.

That has always been the case and is the game the Republicans have been playing for the last 50 years. The Democrats have to win 60+ seats in the Senate, House majority, and the Presidency to get anything passed that doesn't just benefit the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male demographic.

Your pretending otherwise is just more right wing nonsense aimed at dividing our party for things that we all agree on but are very real problems.
How is a landlord supposed to make mortgage payments if rent is frozen? People seem to think landlords are rich.