Feds Block Water For State-Legal Marijuana Grows

That's one of the crazier things I've heard today. I don't understand the logic behind this. Do they actually enforce this shit?

all water belongs to the state.........under UN Agenda 21. its here. POTUS stole 16% of the US, by Executive Order to begin 21's start-up.
Did you, by chance, read the article?

Local water districts in Washington and Colorado, as well as other states where marijuana cultivation has been decriminalized, contract with federal water projects for supplies.

While Washington and Colorado both legalized medical marijuana over a decade ago, and while several of the other 17 states served by Reclamation have also legalized the drug for medical use, USBR's Soeth said that the issue of cutting off water supplies for marijuana had never come up before.

Marijuana advocates condemned the federal water ban for state-legal crops.

"This decision just further underscores the absurdity behind federal marijuana laws, and the need for Congress to fix them," Dan Riffle, director of federal policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, told HuffPost.

"Put another way, this decision says that because of the Controlled Substance Act, federally-controlled water can't be used to produce marijuana, but can be used to distill liquor or grow tobacco," Riffle went on. "I'm fine with the Bureau of Reclamation restricting water usage, but it should do so on the basis of sound science, not by deferring to outdated marijuana laws the public wants repealed."

It's not clear exactly how many people use federal water for marijuana grows in the various states Reclamation serves, but the impact on Washington's legal growers may be significant. The state's marijuana laws allow for outdoor growing and, according to McClatchy, the Bureau of Reclamation controls the water supply of about two-thirds of the state's irrigated land.

i'll worry about it when they're a little more clear..good thread..finally:finger:
An agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior announced Tuesday that state-legal marijuana grows are banned from using federal water on their crops.

"As a federal agency, Reclamation is obligated to adhere to federal law in the conduct of its responsibilities to the American people," said Dan DuBray, public affairs chief for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which oversees management of federal water resources.

"Reclamation will operate its facilities and administer its water-related contracts in a manner that is consistent with the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, as amended," DuBray went on. "This includes locations where state law has decriminalized or authorized the cultivation of marijuana. Reclamation will refer any inconsistent uses of federal resources of which it becomes aware to the Department of Justice and coordinate with the proper enforcement authorities. Reclamation will continue to work with partner water districts and providers to ensure their important obligations can continue to be met."

Now that federal water is banned for marijuana growing, should a Reclamation employee become aware that bureau resources are being used to facilitate the cultivation of cannabis, that employee will be expected to bring it to the attention of his or her regional director, "who will report such use to the Department of Justice and document the reporting action(s)," according to the temporary policy posted on the USBR website.

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE =====> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/20/marijuana-water-use_n_5359654.html

zephyrhills delivers...just saying:wink:
oh! one more thing..cliven bundy doesn't pay for his cows to use federal LAND and WATER..so take that you, you, government you!:cuss:
the solution would be/is/are home grows..if you're big enough to fill more than one house, you can easily pay for rent at another house..that's what they do here in south flo-ri-da:wink:
don't get used to it.
Too late, Been that way all my life. I doubt there is any Federal water service anywhere east of the Mississippi. If there is, it must be agricultural in nature. I get my water from the local public water supply, tho I grew up with well water. I'm not growing 200 acres.
Too late, Been that way all my life. I doubt there is any Federal water service anywhere east of the Mississippi. If there is, it must be agricultural in nature. I get my water from the local public water supply, tho I grew up with well water. I'm not growing 200 acres.

i meant the like.