Feds Block Water For State-Legal Marijuana Grows

Dams only create ponds until the pond is full. After that ( considering the pond level stays constant ) any water entering the pond is equal to the amount of water exiting the pond ( minus any water being removed from the pond by irrigation techniques ). You really do need to see a therapist Bucky, seriously.

thanks for repeating what i said about dams and ponds.
"these assholes say" ________________________________________ and we have exclusive rights to the rain.

second verse same as the first




such compelling evidence.

i'd rather listen to what state officials say rather than listen to you lie through your teeth on the internet about what state officials say.

oregon residents are allowed to collect rainwater without a permit.

you can even divert and store water with a permit.

but you can't divert and store water with three dams without a permit, and you can't divert and store water that another city already has rights to.

sorry, kynes. you might think of telling the truth next time instead of lying again.
Dams only create ponds until the pond is full. After that ( considering the pond level stays constant ) any water entering the pond is equal to the amount of water exiting the pond ( minus any water being removed from the pond by irrigation techniques ). You really do need to see a therapist Bucky, seriously.
actually when you dam a river you get a LAKE

bucky is CLAIMING dude blocked up creeks streams and rivers, none of which has been stated by those he quotes, or by the bureaucrats who are boning the dude with the levees for catching rain water.

he built levees to turn glens and fens on his property into ponds by catching precitpitation, but the bureaucrats think they own the rain.
actually when you dam a river you get a LAKE

bucky is CLAIMING dude blocked up creeks streams and rivers, none of which has been stated by those he quotes, or by the bureaucrats who are boning the dude with the levees for catching rain water.

he built levees to turn glens and fens on his property into ponds by catching precitpitation, but the bureaucrats think they own the rain.

it's pretty clear that catching rainwater is perfectly legal.

it's also pretty clear to most non-retarded people that diverting and storing water with three large dams, none of which have a permit associated with them, is not legal.

and it's blindingly clear that you are not allowed to divert and store water that a city already has rights to.

don't die on this hill, it's below you. go argue about how palestine didn't exist or how roy spencer the evangelical creationist is a good source of science.
actually when you dam a river you get a LAKE

bucky is CLAIMING dude blocked up creeks streams and rivers, none of which has been stated by those he quotes, or by the bureaucrats who are boning the dude with the levees for catching rain water.

he built levees to turn glens and fens on his property into ponds by catching precitpitation, but the bureaucrats think they own the rain.

You'll never convince Bucky that that dude isn't stealing his water.
You'll never convince Bucky that that dude isn't stealing his water.

he's actually storing water that belongs to the city of medford, a city i have never even visited much less lived in.

go back to cursing those "urban welfare rats" and "anchor babies" over on stormfront with kkkynes.
he's actually storing water that belongs to the city of medford, a city i have never even visited much less lived in.

go back to cursing those "urban welfare rats" and "anchor babies" over on stormfront with kkkynes.

Never been to stormfront Bucky, you on the other hand..............
i fix you
read the statements of the bureaucrats.

no streams, no rivers, no waterways of any kind.

if you dig a hole in your back yard, and it fills with rain water, thats illegal in oregon unless the water is "Runoff from an artificial, non porous surface" such as a roof or driveway.unoff

runoff from your own pastures? nope, not artificial, not "Non-porous" so not legal.
You'll never convince Bucky that that dude isn't stealing his water.
bucky has already received the glorious message.
he has no need for anything else.
read the statements of the bureaucrats.

no streams, no rivers, no waterways of any kind.

if you dig a hole in your back yard, and it fills with rain water, thats illegal in oregon unless the water is "Runoff from an artificial, non porous surface" such as a roof or driveway.unoff

runoff from your own pastures? nope, not artificial, not "Non-porous" so not legal.

what does oregon law say about diverting and storing water, say with three gigantic dams large enough to create lakes larger than 500 feet across?
bucky has already received the glorious message.
he has no need for anything else.


your left wing cultural marxism is destroying the REAL AMERICA which must be protected from multiculturalism, blacks, islam, and immigrants.

nuh uh! bullshit!

mom, some commie is being mean on the internet!
We spend about €900mill (about $1.2bill) per year on defense spending out of a 54billion budget...that's about 2%.

And we have the combined forces of all EU nations to defend us too...

So you're pretty much defenseless?
So you're pretty much defenseless?
The combined EU active military is 1.5 mill troops, with more than two nuclear equipped nations and the impressive naval fleets of Britian and France.

The EU be just fine, when was the last time Ireland was attacked?

When was the last time the US was attacked?

Who is REALLY safer?