Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!


Well-Known Member
wait a min, you might be on to something here... what if cannabis WAS to grow wild again... I wonder what it would take to start an uprising... they couldnt possibly EVER controll every crop. start in corn fields, let the seeds just germinate and transplant naturally, we would probably get some stronger, more adverse strains... it would be tough, though, since there are only certain climates, and environments where cannabis flourishes naturally, without attention. But think about it, if it were something that grew wild, that ANYONE could have access too, they couldnt possibly keep it illeagle could they... It would put me out of business, maybe, you still gotta get that sinsimella bud somewhere!
Very true my friend. Someone else had a post about this as well. I think everyone on RIU should plant any seeds they dont need everywhere and anywhere.
That's way toooo fucking many plants bro. That's asking to go to prison and be butt-fucked. A field that big you would be able to see from Google Earth and they'll bust your ass lol. No joke it's happened before to less plants...You should look up the laws in your state. Find out how many your comfortable doing per based on that information. And do x number of spots with x number of plants...Only do a hundred or so. 1,000 is way too much. That would be an insane amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
Ok you guys heres the plan everyone on this site spread the word. everyone all over the world go to your nearest cornfield, or if you dont have one anywhere. get as many seeds as you can even from the shittiest shwag bag out there. and plant everywhere. just fucking everywhere. remeber folks were doing this for this divine plants sake, not ours. sure all the outdoors around will be pollinated. but we need to remember this is gods work not ours. all over the country there will be reports of pot everywhere, they wont know what the fuck to think. just throw seeds everywhere along paths woods cornfields everywhere. whos down?


Active Member
Ok you guys heres the plan everyone on this site spread the word. everyone all over the world go to your nearest cornfield, or if you dont have one anywhere. get as many seeds as you can even from the shittiest shwag bag out there. and plant everywhere. just fucking everywhere. remeber folks were doing this for this divine plants sake, not ours. sure all the outdoors around will be pollinated. but we need to remember this is gods work not ours. all over the country there will be reports of pot everywhere, they wont know what the fuck to think. just throw seeds everywhere along paths woods cornfields everywhere. whos down?
I'm down man. A world full of weed would be a beautiful world indeed

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Hey guys lol you are all assholes haha, thanks for the posts. I think 50% of the people reading this understand, the others dont. I dont want to make some good cash crop or anything. I just want to see more weed then I've ever seen and just maybe open something new up to the world.....or at least my town.... Anyways, how cool would it be to go up to your cornfeild, and just ride by on a dirtbike withyour hand out grabbing ounces and ounces of weed.....it would last forever and I just want to see it happen... its not like im trying to make good stuff for myself, thats why I have a shed :p with about 44 WW in it :p ....but yep, keep discussin, i think were on to something.....


Well-Known Member
Those are just the fantasies of kids. Stuff like that doesn't happen in the real world. People that try to grow 1,000 plants in a cornfield go to prison...


Well-Known Member
tis true. 1000s of plants its a pretty absurd fantasy. but in no hopes of harvest it would be a a good stick it to the man to just plant as much weed as you could in random spots. even just to throw those fuckers off right.

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Ok, going planting tom! How do I tell if the seeds are males or females though? Someone mentioned doing that before?


i agree that planting that many plants in a cornfield is a dumb idea. planting that many plants in different random locations on the other hand, i see as a good idea. cannibis in the wild does not have to be shitty weed, i believe god will watch out for his flower. some of the best weed i have ever smoked had seeds. actually planned to do some johnny potseed myself this spring... plant on man


Well-Known Member
I'm down... but plant in out of the way areas, so that by the time the plant has spread to the neighboring towns, it will be too late to completely eradicate it. if we are too obvious the man would get suspicious, and pay much more attention to it from the air. if we start somewhere a little out of the way, nobody will notice it.

of course until they start googling about why they have marijuana plants growing all over and they find this thread as one of the first 10 finds!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, going planting tom! How do I tell if the seeds are males or females though? Someone mentioned doing that before?
Assuming you did not purchase feminized seeds from a seed bank, there is no way to tell if they are male or female when they are seeds. I think the posters that said so were just pulling your leg.


Well-Known Member
MARIJUANA DOESNT GROW WILD ANYMORE??? Wow. WEED GROWS EVERYWHERE!!! ITS A WEED what the hell are you guys talking about.? In certain areas of America weed grows everywhere fucking FIELDS of Fields !! They call it dirt weed because there is barely any THC in it.They cant kill it becase it grows mainly around corn. kill the marijuana kill the corn. for as much as you guys seem to know on this site im surprised nobody knows about this. I am actually glad no one does MORE FOR ME LOL:twisted:.


Active Member
i am down with this idea but yea. like the other guys said, plant your dope in random places not just one corn field. i will do the same here in europe, our random plantings will be our part in fighting global warming:hump:. yes yes quite so:hump:. we must save our planet by planting greeen herbs:hump:.


peace out:blsmoke:

p.s. i am ripping a bong as we speak


New Member
Germinate all your seeds and plant them while they are still viable!!

Everyone should do it! WHo cares if it doesnt produce the best stuff ever? It's better than mexican shitbrick cartel weed.

and if it seeds up and dies without you ever seeing it again? who cares, maybe next year you'll be randomly walking through some wooods and find out that your seeds have spread


Well-Known Member
yeah do the jonny potseed think but save back some seed and do your self a grow some where eles and let th corn feild weed grow wild


Well-Known Member
ok guys fuck the corn field ok. the point is to overgrow these motherfuckers
put no stock in harvest and just play it jonny apple seed style, and fight the power.


Well-Known Member
Johnny Appleseed Style won't work. The Good stuff will be diluted by the wild, bad stuff until it's homogenized into the potency of a dandelion.

Then, dirt weed pollen will be blowing into our windows and out of our Corn Pops Boxes. and we don't need THAT after spending $10.00+ a seed.