

Well-Known Member
what exactly are feminised seeds? it means they will automatically be female plants?
and how are seeds feminised?


Well-Known Member
if you grow em right they will all turn female, if you grow em shitty you'll get a load of hermies and shit on you hands (so to speak), Ive read they feminize them by fucking with there flowering light cycle, i got some feminized world of seeds brazil goin right now and so far all my regular seeds are doing better, so i dont know if they are better or not but i hope that helped, i wanna learn to femenize my lowryders so if u figure out a proven method other than light cycles(i couldnt change the light cause all my babes are in one basket) but if u do do share


Well-Known Member
so basically its very hard to actually feminise seeds.
No not really it just requires you to grow a viable healthy female spray her with hormones to make her hermie and then allow her to self pollinate and produce seed. The resulting seed will produce only females.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No not really it just requires you to grow a viable healthy female spray her with hormones to make her hermie and then allow her to self pollinate and produce seed. The resulting seed will produce only females.:mrgreen:
interesting... thanks :)
appreciate the info


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that there is more to making feminized seeds than just herming a plant. I believe it is an art. Most reserach I have done shows the uses of gibberlins to induce late flower stress and hermaphroditism, and apparently these will be 99% fem. But, I really doubt that just letting them herm in late flower will produce fem seeds with this ratio of success, or else it would be a common practice and fem seeds would be all we used. I could be wrong, but I have read ALOT on this and it seems gibberlins are an accepted process b(although not organic), as are others involving late flower stress and production of herms.
Just my coupla pennies.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that there is more to making feminized seeds than just herming a plant. I believe it is an art. Most reserach I have done shows the uses of gibberlins to induce late flower stress and hermaphroditism, and apparently these will be 99% fem. But, I really doubt that just letting them herm in late flower will produce fem seeds with this ratio of success, or else it would be a common practice and fem seeds would be all we used. I could be wrong, but I have read ALOT on this and it seems gibberlins are an accepted process b(although not organic), as are others involving late flower stress and production of herms.
Just my coupla pennies.
This is true but doing it at home tends to create an 80% or higher success rate in my experience I used a gibberlin spray. Professional breeds know how to do it much better thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
I would use colloidal silver over gibbleric acid because cs is not poison and works just as well or better. the technique is simple you choose your favorite female spray her witha cs solution when you change to 12/12 then again 3 weeks later and then let it pollinate itself. certain pro breeders use the method of letting the plants go far beyond maturity to induce male bananas, collect them ,and then pollinate a new generation of clones from the same plant. all the fem seeds ive used or made where top notch and ive never seen a male or a hermie from them


Well-Known Member
Obviously I have never done any of this yet....but will and am researching it greatlt, and have come using collodial silver over gibbleric acid....and I am happy you have some "real" experience with it and it works. That kind of success rate is same as any seedbanks. Thanks much! Rep to you!
I would use colloidal silver over gibbleric acid because cs is not poison and works just as well or better. the technique is simple you choose your favorite female spray her witha cs solution when you change to 12/12 then again 3 weeks later and then let it pollinate itself. certain pro breeders use the method of letting the plants go far beyond maturity to induce male bananas, collect them ,and then pollinate a new generation of clones from the same plant. all the fem seeds ive used or made where top notch and ive never seen a male or a hermie from them


Well-Known Member
I would use colloidal silver over gibbleric acid because cs is not poison and works just as well or better. the technique is simple you choose your favorite female spray her witha cs solution when you change to 12/12 then again 3 weeks later and then let it pollinate itself. certain pro breeders use the method of letting the plants go far beyond maturity to induce male bananas, collect them ,and then pollinate a new generation of clones from the same plant. all the fem seeds ive used or made where top notch and ive never seen a male or a hermie from them
Gibberlins are natural plant hormones not poisons.


Well-Known Member
good drink a bottle of it! I take cs every daybecause its a natural pro biotic
I never said drink it!:spew: But don't eat silver either! Argyria (ISV from Greek: ἄργυρος argyros silver + -ia) is a condition caused by the ingestion of elemental silver, silver dust or silver compounds. The most dramatic symptom of argyria is that the skin becomes blue or bluish-grey colored. Argyria may be found as generalized argyria or local argyria. Argyrosis is the corresponding condition related to the eye. The condition is believed to be permanent, but laser therapy may be helpful.


Well-Known Member
I never said drink it!:spew: But don't eat silver either! Argyria (ISV from Greek: ἄργυρος argyros silver + -ia) is a condition caused by the ingestion of elemental silver, silver dust or silver compounds. The most dramatic symptom of argyria is that the skin becomes blue or bluish-grey colored. Argyria may be found as generalized argyria or local argyria. Argyrosis is the corresponding condition related to the eye. The condition is believed to be permanent, but laser therapy may be helpful.
nice try on the quick google on that one, but argyria is only observed in cases where very excessive amounts were consumed in a short time like i said i take colloidal silver everyday and im not blue(nor have i had so much as a cold in over ten years). the term 'born with a silver spoon in their mouth" comes from that fact that silver was standard supply in most doctor bags(given to babies to suck on after birth)used as a pro biotic until synthetic antibiotics became cheaper to use. so thanks for the attempted lesson but im way ahead of you bud. next time actually DO some research don't just quote the first website that almost makes you sound less wrong.
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Well-Known Member
nice try on the quick google on that one, but argyria is only observed in cases where very excessive amounts were consumed in a short time like i said i take colloidal silver everyday and im not blue(nor have i had so much as a cold in over ten years). the term 'born with a silver spoon in their mouth" comes from that fact that silver was standard supply in most doctor bags(given to babies to suck on after birth)used as a pro biotic until synthetic antibiotics became cheaper to use. so thanks for the attempted lesson but im way ahead of you bud. next time actually DO some research don't just quote the first website that almost makes you sound less wrong.
I read up some more on the theraputic effects but I also found this from the FDA. It interesting is this more Governement propaganda? Also argyria is due to long term consumption of silver. Thanks for the info Frosty! In August 1999 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a ruling banning colloidal silver sellers from claiming any therapeutic value for the product. Unless a drug has undergone the rigorous safety and efficacy testing required of pharmaceuticals no medical benefits can be claimed. Such testing has not been conducted with colloidal silver, so the product now has the status of a dietary supplement in the US (dietary supplements cannot claim to cure diseases, only that they "support healthy functioning").[19] The FDA has issued warnings to Internet sites selling or promoting colloidal silver as an antibiotic or for other medical purposes.[20] If no medical benefits are claimed, colloidal silver is sold as a supplement, and as long as the products comply with all other FDA regulations, its sale is considered legal.[21] In 2002, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration ruled that colloidal silver-containing products were no longer exempted from therapeutic goods legislation and had to meet the requirements of other products covered by this law. A TGA investigation found that "there are no current legitimate uses of colloidal silver and that the Surveillance Section of the TGA be requested to investigate the illegal availability of colloidal silver products because of concerns about their significant toxicity. The reasons for the recommendation were that:
"There is little evidence to support therapeutic claims made for colloidal silver products; the risk to consumers of silver toxicity outweighs the value of trying an unsubstantiated treatment, and bacterial resistance to silver can occur; and efforts should be made to curb the illegal availability of colloidal silver products, which is a significant public health issue." .[22]


Well-Known Member
I read up some more on the theraputic effects but I also found this from the FDA. It interesting is this more Governement propaganda? Also argyria is due to long term consumption of silver. Thanks for the info Frosty! In August 1999 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a ruling banning colloidal silver sellers from claiming any therapeutic value for the product. Unless a drug has undergone the rigorous safety and efficacy testing required of pharmaceuticals no medical benefits can be claimed. Such testing has not been conducted with colloidal silver, so the product now has the status of a dietary supplement in the US (dietary supplements cannot claim to cure diseases, only that they "support healthy functioning").[19] The FDA has issued warnings to Internet sites selling or promoting colloidal silver as an antibiotic or for other medical purposes.[20] If no medical benefits are claimed, colloidal silver is sold as a supplement, and as long as the products comply with all other FDA regulations, its sale is considered legal.[21] In 2002, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration ruled that colloidal silver-containing products were no longer exempted from therapeutic goods legislation and had to meet the requirements of other products covered by this law. A TGA investigation found that "there are no current legitimate uses of colloidal silver and that the Surveillance Section of the TGA be requested to investigate the illegal availability of colloidal silver products because of concerns about their significant toxicity. The reasons for the recommendation were that:
"There is little evidence to support therapeutic claims made for colloidal silver products; the risk to consumers of silver toxicity outweighs the value of trying an unsubstantiated treatment, and bacterial resistance to silver can occur; and efforts should be made to curb the illegal availability of colloidal silver products, which is a significant public health issue." .[22]
So you researched it but this is what you chose to post? which I know you though it would do the opposite but it proves my point. Since argyrias only real symptom is a blue tinge to the skin and since it only occurs when EXCESSIVE amounts are taken then, its not really fucking poison is it? and yes just like every other natural remedy big pharma cant capitalize on its lobbied into a grey area. hmmm I wonder why its still used extensively in burn units for its anti bacterial/microbial properties
so like i said drink a bottle of gibbleric acid and see what happens cause ill drink a whole bottle of cs right now:hump: