Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

Just sounds like you created a hermie to me.

I wouldn't want those seed to be completely honest with ya.

Also Bernie is indeed a tosser. You are spot on there.
Yes Bernie is a tosser. But as poundifyourfinest stated above, "If the strain is tested and solid it doesn’t matter". And the strains I've used have proven to be quality genetics. As far as I can work out all strains have the capability to individually reproduce when treated with a reversal method, or when put under stress. The end result is the same. You are replicating the gene of the plant in seed form.
Are you trolling? The balls and hermie is the same and if you are limiting oxygen and raising your humidity you are stressing the plants into throwing nuts if you were in a air tight container all night you would be pretty stressed
Question... Can a stressed plant throw balls or will it throw hermie bananas? I'm curious. From experience I've only seen stressed plants throw hermie parts. But I am always open to learning.
I've never had a plant throw both balls and hairs. Only ever had a female turn mid flowering and throw bananas. I'm not very educated on the hermie. I've always had quality seed stick that only turned through colloidal treatment or inadvertent stress. No trolling, just ignorance. I stick to a very small circle in the growing world. I'm the only member. So advice is always appreciated.
I was wrong I guess just read about it. So using cs creates the sack not a nanner? I’m growing a second round clone from stress and it’s not throwing nanners.
I was wrong I guess just read about it. So using cs creates the sack not a nanner? I’m growing a second round clone from stress and it’s not throwing nanners.
Yeah, cs throws a shit load of balls. After a few weeks my girls have reverted back to throwing hairs and I self the same plant.
I'm having the same result with this humidity treatment. Only balls and no nanas. I'm guessing that the nanas will only be thrown once the plant is well into flower? A stressed seedling seems to only throw nuts. That makes me question about the logic behind CS treatment. Is it restricting ethylene production, or is it simply stressing the plant. As you can see I over think a lot of shit. Lol. It's working for me so I'll just keep doing it.
How is creating a "hermie", or reversing a plant with this method any more undesirable to you, from a consumer's perspective, vs reversals made with CS or STS?
If im going to use any method of reproduction without CS it will forcing the plant to throw nanners, not balls.

There is a difference. I'm about to go to bed. Il be happy to debate this in the morning with you. :D
If im going to use any method of reproduction without CS it will forcing the plant to throw nanners, not balls.

There is a difference. I'm about to go to bed. Il be happy to debate this in the morning with you. :D
But my plant is throwing balls without cs. And this is a proven female strain. A cutting taken from a reliable mother. So is this proof that my method actually works?
If im going to use any method of reproduction without CS it will forcing the plant to throw nanners, not balls.

There is a difference. I'm about to go to bed. Il be happy to debate this in the morning with you. :D
Nanners not balls, eh? Whatever you wanna call them, they are still staminate "male" flowers. It seems to me that STS is less stressful than CS. I'm not sure about the OP's method. No matter how you look at it tho, you are forcing a genetic female plant to produce male flowers to breed female only seeds. The processes are different, but the end result is the same.
Nanners not balls, eh? Whatever you wanna call them, they are still staminate "male" flowers. It seems to me that STS is less stressful than CS. I'm not sure about the OP's method. No matter how you look at it tho, you are forcing a genetic female plant to produce male flowers to breed female only seeds. The processes are different, but the end result is the same.
I have this marked for the morning. I promise il respond when I'm clear headed.
I found this on groweeedeasy
You may also see yellow “bananas” (stamens) growing around the pistils/hairs of the buds. A stamen normally grows inside a male pollen sac but sometimes appear directly on female buds, especially in times of stress. A stamen produces pollen and doesn’t even need to open up before it starts making seeds! Remove plants immediately if they start growing bananas (also referred to as “nanners”) or your entire grow room may get pollinated. No one wants to be surprised by seedy buds after harvest.

they then explain that a true hermie the male and female flowers will be in different areas not in the middle of a bud like when you see a nanner in the middle of your bud
Having both male parts and female parts makes a plant a hermaphrodite. With cannabis it can be caused by genetics, stress, or both. In your case it sounds as if you're stressing the plant.

Have you grown any of theses seeds that you've produced using pollen from these hermaphrodite plants? And if so were the results 100% feminized seeds growing only female plants? When using chemicals to reverse a plant you inhibit the production of ethylene and the plant develops male flowers that produce pollen that does not contain the male "X" chromosome only "Y" chromosomes. The lack of any "X" chromosome means that when you pollinate a female with that pollen the resulting seeds will contain only "Y" chromosomes leading to seeds that will produce female plants aka feminized seeds.

If you're stressing a plant so that it develops into a hermaphrodite you have not eliminated the "X" chromosome and the seeds produced from using that pollen can be male, female, or more hermaphrodites.

When I reverse a plant with STS I end up with plants that grow entirely male flowers without any trace of female flowers. And pollen that when used to pollinate a female plant will produce feminized seeds.

Unless you've grown out a decent sample size of seeds created using pollen from a plant you stressed into turning hermaphrodite you can't assume that you have found a different method for producing feminized pollen. You have done nothing to inhibit the "X" chromosome so you will have pollen that is not feminized.

Female plants reversed using STS. Nothing but male flower parts that produce pollen lacking in the "X" chromosome.


Nanners not balls, eh? Whatever you wanna call them, they are still staminate "male" flowers. It seems to me that STS is less stressful than CS. I'm not sure about the OP's method. No matter how you look at it tho, you are forcing a genetic female plant to produce male flowers to breed female only seeds. The processes are different, but the end result is the same.
Good morning. When a plant is forced to create balls out of stress the hermie trait becomes prevalent in the pollen it produces. Meaning it has a higher rate of creating hermie plants when the pollen is given to a female.

Nanners is a natural way of a plants last ditch effort to reproduce itself. Most of the time nanners produce viable pollen that can be used to make female seeds. This pollen is less apt to produce hermie plants. Plants can be stressed into nanners as well but that becomes a strain related thing for how much stress is needed.

For example I had a couple of blueberry big bud that threw nanners due to letting it run longer than needed. That was on purpose.

The other heat stress induced. Not on purpose. Both nannered. I have the pollen for both to solo cup some ww x blueberry seeds.

TLDR: Hermie plants tend to create hermie seeds. Nannered plants are used as a viable way to create female seeds without the hermie trait being bred into them.
Stressing your plants in anyway to produce pollen sacks will undoubtedly produce seeds that will be more likely to hermaphrodite if you use that pollen. Genetically superior plants will not herm or "throw balls" no matter how much you stress them. Try growing out some of the seeds you've created with the pollen from your stressed female plants and then come back to this thread.