Few Questions About Soil and Water

Let me start by saying im still here, im gonna carry this one out till the end, unlike a lot of journals in here that stops in the middle of the grow.
Just finished moving my girls to the rubbermaid iv been making for last few days, running temp. tests ATM.
Also i took apart my ghetto box they were growing in. It was leaking light and smell, but it was a lot more sturdy than i thought.
Gonna post pictures later.
Looking fine, i guess.
In case you're wondering - those two small ones are Fast Bud's, 24 days from seed.
Can anyone tell what are those things growing out of the main stem? Circled red in closeup pics.
Reading about hermies got me worried.
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Thanks for that, max316420.

Pictures will tell you what i have done.
This way i have more space for girls to grow and better light coverage. I cant believe i didnt think of this sooner.

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Some hairs are turning brown, some sugar on leaves is appearing.
I guess 2-3 weeks left.

Goal is 20 grams dry from both of them, yet any number above 15 (~half oz) would be good.

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Accident happened and 6500k CFL got broken so now i have 4 flowering plants around 125 watts of 2700 CFL.
Cant afford any new bulbs so im trying to figure out how to get 150w HPS in there and not burn my girls.
Finally got my HPS in there. Bulb is hanging in the middle with 12cm PC fan above it. Got a small, semi transparent bucket (12 cm top diameter, around 10cm bottom) with bottom cut off to help sucking hot air out and chicken wire (?) that iv been using for all kind of things through out the grow to keep leaves from getting too close.
Any closer than 5cm (2 inches) and they get burned. Temps are around 74 F at the bottom and 88 F at top corner, which doesnt get any air movement because intake hole is on the other end.
So far leaves doesnt seem to be curling up or anything.
Temps are around the same that i had with 250 watts of CFL in there.
So HPS in a stealth rubbermaid is doable.

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My first grow is coming to an end.
I dont know if its the HPS or just nature doing her thing, but buds are swelling up quite nicely.
Gonna chop my oldest girl down on monday (1. august), other one in about week after that.
There are going to be 3 more posts - first harvest, second harvest and summary.
Here are some bud shots of older one:
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Hi guys.
Just finished with my first ever harvest.
She was 89 days old. Her life was very stresfull - overwatering, underwatering and excessive heat among other things. Still, im glad that i did not trash her when she was not doing so well about two months ago.
Wet weight was just as expected - around 32 grams of mostly popcorn bud.

Another Fast Bud already took her spot in my rubbermaid.

Harvest date for second Short Rider is set on next monday.

Some random pics from harvest:
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The 6 day old plant looks fine the others I don't know. When I have seedlings like this I just keep a squirt bottle and gie them a squirt of water every once in a while not too much as I do not want to disturb the soil until the have some strong roots and a stem. Here is what I got on my 1st grow. This plant was started in April and forced to flower in June by covering with black plastic to make 12/12 finished in about 2-1/2 months. Japonica from se_005.jpg
Chopped down other Short rider today. (day 87)
About 55 grams wet. Buds seemed thicker that those on my first shortrider.

Gonna sum this whole thing up once todays harvest is dry.

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So the rest of my harvest is dry. Second plant was about 1/2 oz dry.
Total a bit over 20 grams off of 2 plants after 3 months, which is not great, but more that expected and also acceptable, considering that both of those plants were stressed a lot.

I learned a lot about growing while growing them (well, obviously) and i plan of keeping doing it, free homegrown bud is just amazing.
I have few fat fast buds almost ready and some snow riders, fairly young.

Thanks a lot for your support, i would not have done it without your help, stay safe, bye.