Field results conclude that curiosity really does kill cats

Furthermore, data collected as of yet supports the hypothesis that satisfaction does in fact bring them back (Stevenson, 21)

We have the curiosity and killed parts down. still waiting on the satisfaction
In about 1981 I was driving to my home on the outskirts of the tiny town of Sisters, Oregon in my '65 Toyota Landcruiser wagon at about 2AM when a cat ran out from the side of the road and I heard a thump, so I pulled over to the side of the road and there was this cat with his head pretty much smashed-in and he was flopping around in the road and he had this little bell around his neck that was merrily tinkling away as he was dying- it was pretty macabre actually. Eventually, I picked up his lifeless body and got it off the road and set it in the weeds and said a little prayer, which is weird because I'm not a bible-believer but I wanted to show some sort of reverance given the occasion