Figure This Led Haters


Well-Known Member
I did not read all the posts in this thread but all I know is Sun is #1 hps metal halide is # 2 and evreything else is for either cheap or teenaged growers. Led cant hold the suns or hps/metal halides jock strap!


Well-Known Member

i hope. i would love to get sum under and on the sides of my room.
Wouldn't it be great to replace some of your mylar with panels! It seriously would be bad ass! Its just the price kills me right now :|
Give it 5 years, they'll be bad ass and all over marijuana Frums.
Mark my word :)


Well-Known Member
Have you ever grown with an LED?? If not then like I are just speaking out of turn...without first hand experience or facts to support your claim..those are just empty words my empty more.
I have never grown with luminescent paint...but I will go out on a limb and say it sucks:-|

for people skeptical of LED's, check out this LED 250W grow
Not bad...if you follow this link and see the pics on page one dated 12/19/ must be kept in mind that until 12/13/09 they were grown under MH.

Still need a 100% LED grow worth a shit, much less worth the price.

If you are running 900w of LED's in an 8' is this better than a 1k with a mover? I would still bet the 1K with the rail would produce bigger better buds...for a fraction of the price. It seems you still need just as many watts. The guy on ICM has about a 250w grow regardless of the source...where is the less power usage?...maybe less heat, that's cool in the summer.:confused:



Active Member
...ok last one, guess what that buds from my first grow... :wall: over 5 oz from 2 plants..
SHIT because you managed 5oz from 2 plants defiantly makes LED's and their technology obsolete! PULL THE PLUG ON THOSE WORTHLESS LEDS FOLKS!!!!!

Congratulations JN811 on revealing to RUI that your way of assimilating correct and incorrect information is based off observations while leaving out CRITICAL factors in an equation if it means doing a bit of reading while stoned. Thank you so much for emulating and reconfirming the current negative stereotypes of stoners by being so unmotivated, uneducated, and generally dull witted.

Maybe next time make some points that can hold water in a real debate man...


Well-Known Member
what no comments? does the truth hurt hps guys
U got told there didn't ya lol I still avint seen wat I would call a nice plant being done under LEDs they look ok in veg but as for flower Nare hps is the best method LEDs would be ok if mixed with hps but then the price comes into play so it's not worth it ur doin your first grow to pay for your LEDs lol I paid 4 everything in my first hps grow an some left I didn't sell none but I value my weed at wat price it is in my area 1 oz stands me £280 because 2g is £20 for a nice bud an if I didn't grow I would be buying it.
There was also a post saying hps need fans aswel so would LEDs if the weed was any good unless led grow produce weed with no smell well if that's the case u can keep it lol


Well-Known Member
I have a 400w HPS in my closet grow,I did try out led for propogation,it was okay for that but not for a full grow.Plus being cold right now my light heats my grow space to the perfect temp.I see lots of claims that led is great but when you put it down to the price for leds vs mh watt for watt its much more expensive,maybe if an led light thats proven in indoor growing comes out for the same price as my HPS light then I might get one.


Well-Known Member
I grow 6 plants under 1 candle I have to blow it out after 12 hours lol just fuckin with ya.
How many plant can u fit under a 250w led panel with gud growth?


Well-Known Member
Im no fan of leds but go to youtube and look up Sunlight sheds ufo 90w led v400w hps.A red 630nm ufo light growing Tomatoes wins,they try 3 diff leds all 90w and a 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
Im no fan of leds but go to youtube and look up Sunlight sheds ufo 90w led v400w hps.A red 630nm ufo light growing Tomatoes wins,they try 3 diff leds all 90w and a 400w hps.
There is a few vids on there read the comments on the there is someone who has used LEDs but needed to add a hps and cfl for flowering because the growth wasn't that gud an he says it takes longer to flower under LEDs
I also seen the vid your on about y is it that the single led do's better than the 1 with 2 of the same LEDs plus think that hps should be closer because there is a cool tube on it also the tomatoe plant is only a cousin to mj an if you look at the variation in strains nevermind a complete different plant I want to see a vid of mj getting grown side by side like that.
If ur happy with the bud you get the carry on with wat ur doing but don't start sayin u get more an yours is better coz it's not full stop.
We all start off using different methods I used a aerogarden wen I started that's long gone but the same shit was going on with them people sayin they are the best an there not there shit ok for clones but that's it if u have never tryed using hps an your saying LEDs are better u need a Slap. That is ment for people who use LEDs not u haggis just read it bck an it sounds like am avin a go at u am not soz buddy.


Well-Known Member
OK, thats enough.

LEDers, HPSers.

put ur keyboards down! stop this BATTLE before it ends up like the DWC club! u KNOW WAT I MEAN!!!

this site is of HELPING each other learn wat is BEST FOR THEM.

im MORE than willing to drop this fight i HOPE everyone else is AS MATURE minded and sees where this MAY go.




Well-Known Member
OK, thats enough.

LEDers, HPSers.

put ur keyboards down! stop this BATTLE before it ends up like the DWC club! u KNOW WAT I MEAN!!!

this site is of HELPING each other learn wat is BEST FOR THEM.

im MORE than willing to drop this fight i HOPE everyone else is AS MATURE minded and sees where this MAY go.

Fuck u led lover lol am kidding I agree I think combine the both an it will be unbeatable but the led go's at the bottom lol peace people peace



Well-Known Member
OH! sorry about that dood, just so damn use to sumone tryin to just be a doushe! my bad tho man totally misconceived wat u meant! :hug:


Well-Known Member
its a seed (non-FEMd) my bro gave me, Thai crossed with Skunk.

2 months veg 1 week flower, i LOVE dwc. that bitch is happy all damn day! shes been drinking a GALLON A DAY lately.


Well-Known Member
Am in coco hand feeding an mine drink alot not that much like gotta wait 4 it to dry. Think were at the same stage am a week in with like a month an a half veg.


ya i whent with florescent tubes for mine for sound , heat, and venting issues aswell... howerver as one of the poster right above stated , the new digital balasts dont get very hot, dont make clicky snappy poppy noises or sound like you have a generator in the other room " buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

so the options now are better.. you just need to fork over a few extra $$ for the digital ballast..

well just show us the yields off your LED's after and prove em all wrong :)