Finally, its a grow..

It won't hurt to look at the trichs. I look at mine under a loupe just to look. You've definitely got a few more weeks before the chop though.


Active Member
while plucking all the DEAD leaves off her, a lil un-lit baby flower spot popped off... will it get me feeling toasty??



while plucking all the DEAD leaves off her, a lil un-lit baby flower spot popped off... will it get me feeling toasty??

Like 2 Weeks a go I was cutting all tje baby nugs that I knew wouldn't amount to anything but shake and nuked in apaper lunch bag in the microwave not to say I got bake more like a nice headchange . I vaped it tho.


Active Member
Like 2 Weeks a go I was cutting all tje baby nugs that I knew wouldn't amount to anything but shake and nuked in apaper lunch bag in the microwave not to say I got bake more like a nice headchange . I vaped it tho.
Dude how faded are you? Lol


Active Member
ya it did nothing lol. tasted good though! hopefully it will be done in a few weeks.. where should i check the crystals? on the buds or the surrounding leaves?
If you have a jewelers loupe that's 10x, you'll be able to see the trichs on the buds. I pull a small piece of sugar leaf and look under a 60x 420 scope.


Active Member
ok sick man thanks! im thinking about buying one of the 10$ china pH water meters. Anyone have experience with these?

allen bud

Active Member
I use the 2 long probe multi meter. test ph,sunlight,water. like the same thing and i always do a reading wipe the probes good and test again because they seem to always be wronge first test. but i been useing for years with with good results. it seams that with every brand of ph fix i use they are about the same , 5 drops per half gallon puts you at around 6 ( with aired out tap water).but always test. And i use Pro ph down now a days...:weed:


I had a Hanna Ph meter broke in a week the Ebay lasted me the whole grow. They do the job and if it brakes it cheap. Well worth the 10 bucks also look in to the ppm meter it comes in handy only like 8bucks.


Active Member
good news, im gunna get a pH meter.. Bad news, nugs aren't growing and leaves are getting yellow. like really yellow. ill post photos tomorrow, could have to chop early.


Active Member
So guys its day 46 of flower and things aren't looking hot. I plucked off all the dead leaves over a week ago and there's a lot more. Still using nutes every other watering but the pH seems way low an idk what to do. We add 1 tbsp of baking soda before watering but pH is killing us. Idk what to do.
