• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Finally trying da blow


Well-Known Member
all the times ive tried it it was great, but then i ate some mushrooms...and i was like "i cant believe i put anything up my nose before trying these out"


Well-Known Member
Alright first off if its good coke, a very small rail goes a long way and isn't like speed. Second if you do coke the right way and hit the right spot up in your nose u get no drain. Third of all good coke will make u happy and talkative. Have fun and do a rail for me


Well-Known Member
all the times ive tried it it was great, but then i ate some mushrooms...and i was like "i cant believe i put anything up my nose before trying these out"
lol yeah ive had some drug experiences that i regretted later. meth was a bad choice


Well-Known Member
Lol you'll love it dude, honestly if your poor, dont worry aobut being addicted. I could NEVER keep up a coke addiction.. Just too expensive. Id literally have to suck dick for it, and my dealer wouldnt allow that well.. Because hes not a faggot. the key is not getting too drunk.. If you've had a couple, the coke will still do alright.. Or at least it does for me. Weed trips you out. I love smoking and coke :)

It did get me in a lot of trouble though a few months ago, apparently the law doesn't like cocaine :(


bud bootlegger
that should be good for the first hour.
yah, coke is fun, but it's so not worth it in the end of the day.. you're broke as a joke, feel like shit, and feel even worse for spending all of your money on coke.. it's a viscous circle in the end ime.. it's fun the first few times, but when you start to do tons and tons of it over the course of a day, the fun doesn't seem to last very long..


bud bootlegger
and i know you don't have tons of money time, just be careful my friend as money and coke go hand and hand..


Well-Known Member
yeah it gets old fast too..and i always had these coke "hangovers" where i was all anxious and shit.


Well-Known Member
used to knock back .5 up each nostril to start with
Haha right?

I used to be a straight coke head, it really does stop working after awhile.. you need the shit just to stay awake.. Or to do ANY work, or talk or anything..
Now I just do it occasionally. there are like 2-3 day binges once evvery.. 4 months or so.. I don't even know we rarely do it. I was getting into it a few months ago again pretty bad
But then I got high.

Just kidding I went to jail.. High.

It was pretty cool though I had a little coke left in this baggie I taped to my nuts.. 3 tenths was it. But I was in the jail cell next to a philosophy teacher, he was so awesome I thought, and I was like 'do you mind', and he said 'its yourself getting fucked dude' So I didn't care and snorted all .3 right there and had a mindblowing conversation


Well-Known Member
all the times ive tried it it was great, but then i ate some mushrooms...and i was like "i cant believe i put anything up my nose before trying these out"
that statement right there goes through my head in like holes.. Sometimes I think thats the way to go, but then I have snortable powders in front of me

and dont even get me started on mixing the shit with psychedelics!


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess i should say it depends on how much you drink a few beers, and you'll still feel the coke, but if you drink like a fifth of whiskey... your gonna feel the drunk more, with a tad of talkitive and awake mixed in... when i drink i take it way overboard, that why i dont drink any more.

also you might feel like this on coke

but you really look like this

so keep that in mind when talking to strangers.


Well-Known Member
is it as addictive as they say?
i used it for a few weeks with this hot chick i was trying to bone. i could see how people would get addicted to it, but i dont like being all excited constantly so i didnt like it too much. the first night i did it, i rode my bike home very fast and did like 200 pushups in my room. fell asleep at 6am and woke up like an hour later for school lol

i felt like this hahaha. i dont know who edited this vid, but they suck at it


It is highly psychologically addictive, but in it's own unique and peculiar way. This is due to the way it works in your brain and relatively short duration, which is highly dependent on the chosen route of administration, but usually no matter how much cocaine you've purchased it is all going to disappear quite rapidly. The quicker routes of administration: smoked crack cocaine and especially intravenous administration (shooting\mainlining) are quite damning.

Here are your routes (in order of directness): oral, sublingual, insufflation, vaporized (crack), IM and IV. Oral is the least direct route, while IV is obvious the most direct. Common insufflation lies roughly in the middle.

Your typical cocaine experience thru the more direct routes goes something like lift-off, peak (positive effects most prevalent), come-down\crash (negative effects most prevalent). The more direct the route of administration, the more cocaine actually reaches your brain (and faster), the more intense the 'positive' effects, the shorter the peak is, and likewise the more intense the 'negative' effects.

So if one were to take cocaine orally or sublingually, the cocaine is absorbed much more slowly. Not all of it will get to the brain. The stimulation and euphoria is less intense (few if any recreational user would do cocaine orally) and the crash is less intense to non-existent. When you snort your cocaine it is absorbed more quickly through your mucous membranes, at least 60% of it reaches your brain and you'll begin to feel it within several minutes. Peak subjective effects are attained in ten to 15 minutes. That last's up to half an hour or so before you begin to feel 'less great'. You'll snort another line, and maybe another, and tolerance to the subjective effects will build even over the course of those few hours. Once there is no longer much cocaine exerting those 'positive' effects on your brain (i.e. inhibition of dopamine re-uptake) you start to 'crash'. This is best described as a fairly shitty\hellish feeling in your brain: mild to moderate dysphoria or general emotional malaise, anxiety, irritability, and... craving for more cocaine. You go from feeling really great, to a bit shitty and your knee-jerk reaction is to blow another line. If you do this you will feel okay again, temporarily.

If one were to smoke crack cocaine, it reaches the brain in 30 seconds and peaks within a minute and a half. Effects are more intense, and consequently more short lived. Arguable more addictive as well, because one will be taking larger and larger hits of crack more and more frequently. After it's all gone, you'll be down on your hands and knees looking for any bit of rock you may have dropped on the floor. You'll likely end up trying to stuff bread crumbs or god knows what else into your crack stem\pipe.

And that brings us to the absolute worst way to use cocaine: intravenously. You could have purchased for yourself an ounce of cocaine, or more, but if your plan was to IV it you'll be sitting there doing just that until it is all gone or you've overdosed. A common practice is to prepare as many shots as you can in advance; or perhaps a few mega-shots that you really intended to inject into yourself slowly for an ever-lasting coke rush... but which you'll probably end up banging all at once, and end up freaking out because you feel like a freight train in a tunnel going at the speed of light yet still aren't quite sure that was such a good idea. Then you'll crash a minute later... freaking out because you couldn't possibly get enough cocaine into your veins quickly enough.

The crash symptoms are also complicated by the fact that street cocaine can have many other substances in it, besides cocaine; including minor amounts of meth or other amphetamines and caffeine. These things can contribute to a harsher crash and prolonged insomnia. You can remedy the situation with an opioid at lowest needed dose (Hydrocodone or Oxycodone) or better yet an anxiolytic or insomnia medication such as a benzodiazepine (Xanax would be best but Klonopin, Ativan or Valium will do), or another insomnia med like Ambien or Soma perhaps. The thing to TRY to remember no matter what is that the crash symptoms will subside, usually after an hour or so. But having come down meds does help and it's the best thing you could do for yourself.

I've used cocaine just about every possible way you can imagine, even well after I came to the conclusion that it was a disgusting drug. Years ago I wouldn't smoke crack or inject it unless I had some benzos, an opioid, or I was speed-balling with it. If you're going to try it, just insufflate (snort) it. Try to get some benzodiazepine and don't let the crash get to you too much, that's just what the cocaine profile is all about and it does subside rapidly. If you do feel crappy enough coming down it is likely to turn you off of indulging in the future, which is a good thing. Cocaine is just as anti-addicting as it is addicting.


Well-Known Member
is it as addictive as they say?
I don't see why it's addictive... I did it once the high is horrible and the body load is not worth it.
It's really cheap but street meth is a very dirty, If you where to do an upper I would say try to find someone selling pills.

Screw meth it's not worth your life...


New Member
Guys guys lol dont worry about addiction. No way in fuck i could offord it! I can barely pay bills

Half a g and im good. Ive done other shit that made me feel great also


Well-Known Member
Fuck meth lol that attempt was the worst day of my life. Cokes the shit, amphetamines ARE the shit. Get some vyvanse youll be great!

But I take that back. COKE ARE THE SHIT. Thats like my favorite stuff.


Well-Known Member
im not here to party crash (i for one could care less about this types of topics but this is just to prove a point).

There was another thread on this forum about a guy looking for investments into his startup mmj business and people didnt take it well saying thats what'll get RIU shut down...

i'd like to know WHY its ok to post threads about other "drugs" that are far more illegal than mj but its unacceptable to ask for investors for a legit MMJ company???

how is this far and more importantly how does it make sense?

back to the topic: i've never done anything but drink/mj. ever. ive had the chance to try X and things like that but always turned them down. personally i wouldnt try coke for sure...way too expensive and from what i understand about the drug the high is remarkably short lived (one of the shortest of all drugs) so it wouldn't be worth it.

out of curiosity which "drug" has the longest high? (longest high per $10-$20 spent on each drug)