Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
OMFG you little weasel.
obama lost ALL of the "delegate rich" states, save his home state.
you must be bignbushy's little brother. what a fucking joke you are.
Poor poor Buck.

OMFG you little weasel.
obama lost ALL of the "delegate rich" states, save his home state.
you must be bignbushy's little brother. what a fucking joke you are.
Never said that.
So what? You aren't contradicting my case.
Poor poor Buck.
yes you did, you lying little weasel.
substitute obama for hillary and it's the exact same thing.
i didn't bring up delegate rich states, you did. you little fucking weasel.
what do you think about 9/11 kynes?? is just another conspiracy theory right??? you are not gong to convince me chemtrails are not real, because they are very real and people like you are very blind...but seriously 9/11, i gotta hear your take on this one
9/11 was obviously a conspiracy.
some nutbars in sandland wanted to strike the Great Satan, but they didnt have the balls to do it in a civilized manner, so they hijacked airliners and few em into the world trade center.
it was carefully planned, well financed and utterly evil, so yes, conspiracies do happen.
if you are insinuating that GWB and dick cheney were the scheming plotters and it was all a false flag attack to serve the interest of some shadowy secret agenda by the "illuminati" (read as Das Juden) then youre full of shit.
just tell me which of the 9 re-edits of Loose Change you think is the real deal and ill demolish it's claims point by point for you.
After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors. But the White House never let it see an entire section of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals. It was kept secret and remains so today.
President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text isn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages are completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood (this story by comparison is about 1,000 words). A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.
I already told you what I meant by "delegate rich," so pretending you don't know in order to avoid making any real point is rather empty.
quantitatively you have zilch
you invented your own definition of "delegate rich" to weasel out of your own fail argument once i pointed out that hillary won the top 10 delegate rich states (save obama's home state), all of which have substantial black populations, but even far more substantial white populations.
obama won the top 10 whitest states in the union. probably because he is white.
hillary won one of the blackest states in the union. according to your fail logic, she couldn't have done that if she were white. good thing hillary is black.
your constant whining about black people taking what you feel belongs to white people is completely transparent.
go ahead and tell me that you are not bignbushy's little brother, i can use a laugh.
hillary lost the 10 whitest states in the union because she is black, and thus she lost the nomination.
go cry. call them race traitors. do whatever it is that racists like you do to cope with the fact that the world is changing and you are frightened by it.
White voters obviously didn't vote based on race.
I want to hear you indict black voters for voting based on race
you assailed white people for supposedly doing it
yes they did, as much as black voters did.
you're bitter because you feel like obama took what belonged to a white person, just the same as you invented a lie about how a black person took your spot in college.
i promise you are bignbushy's little brother. raised racist to be racist.
black voters vote in droves for the better candidate every time, hence why they vote 90% democrat no matter the skin color of the candidate.
white people do vote based on race, especially in the racist southern shithole that produced the likes of you and your big brother bignbushy.
why else would the rest of the nation, including utah, vote more democratic, while the souoth suddenly falls in love with lax mccain's immigration stance?
i bet it had nothing to do with obama being black, because like you said, white people don't vote based on race.
you are a racist dipshit. go back to devryU.
White voters obviously didn't vote based on race.
look at how red Tennessee is in your graphic--it's one of the reddest states! What does that say about white voters in Tennessee and their unwillingness to vote for a black man?*
How else can you explain it?
so it looks like white voters DO vote based on race, according to you.
they also DON'T vote based on race, according to you.
make up your mind, you racist retard.
i already did, they voted for the better candidate.