find your government reps


in case you couldn't click on the link

kynes please watch this video and try to explain to me again how these are fiction??

so this is about ten minutes of straight up footage of what i see everyday in central California, they spray like its going out of style..they like to spray things like boron and barium,,,,keep living in fantasy land doc where nobody does anything bad
i just went outside to see if there are any today and sure as shit!!!! almost evryday!

sorry i know this last video is over dramatic but it has some good shots of what i can see right now

in case you couldn't click on the link

kynes please watch this video and try to explain to me again how these are fiction??

yep, that totally proves shit.

cuz contrails are imaginary, skywriters cant use a thermal layer to keep their skywriting hanging around longer, and evil nefarious corporations (or is it the Gubmint?) are spraying... something...

high in the atmosphere for some purpose, because you believe it.

much like nobody can convice a religious fanatic that their magic book is bullshit, nobody can explain your fantastical delusions away, since youll always have some new "evidence" to display in support of your fictional conspiracy theory.

enjoy being the butt of many jokes.

perhaps youll regale us with the "connection" between "chemtrails" and "morgellons syndrome" (which is what dipshits call the "new" phenomenon of tweakers and psychotics scratching and picking at their skin)

so this is about ten minutes of straight up footage of what i see everyday in central California, they spray like its going out of style..they like to spray things like boron and barium,,,,keep living in fantasy land doc where nobody does anything bad

you got the chemical analysis of those contrails proving boron and barium are being sprayed?

no. some dipshit TOLD you that nonsense.
Buck is all about discrediting people.

If he can find fault with you then your opinion is beneath him and thus he avoids critical thinking.

avoiding critical thinking is disregarding a mountain of scientific polling data and instead worshiping at the altar of dean chambers, like a good little easily duped partisan hack.

all while simultaneously asking me to draw iran's route to the sea.

kiddo, you are not qualified to talk about critical thinking with your track record of complete and utter idiocy.

just give up.

Chemical analysis.

a news report about how people are talking about something, featuring ONE dipshit who "put some bowls in his back yard" and found barium...

but it couldnt have come from a nearby chemical plant, agricultural spraying, or even deliberate contamination by that dipshit to "prove" his pet theory.

alex jones believes this shit, and thats Proof Positive that it is BULLSHIT.

perhaps theres a barium bearing rock nearby which is eroding, which is exactly how asbestos was found throughout the central valley in california a few years ago, sparking a similar hue and cry from the dimwit brigade.
a news report about how people are talking about something, featuring ONE dipshit who "put some bowls in his back yard" and found barium...

but it couldnt have come from a nearby chemical plant, agricultural spraying, or even deliberate contamination by that dipshit to "prove" his pet theory.

alex jones believes this shit, and thats Proof Positive that it is BULLSHIT.

You could be right....just sayin....seems like I remembered an analysis somewhere, and thats the clip I remembered.
i just went outside to see if there are any today and sure as shit!!!! almost evryday!

sorry i know this last video is over dramatic but it has some good shots of what i can see right now

ya know what else happens every day?

commercial air travel.

contrails happen when a jet passes through a moisture laden layer of still cold air, which is EXACTLY where pilots prefer to fly, to reduce turbulence, prevent navigational drift from crosswinds, and so they can put on the autopilot, and get a hummer from a stewardess.
a once great party reduced to chemtrails, racism, and austrian economics.

eisenhower is puking in his grave.
They are currently calling themselves "flight attendants" right?



Flight Attendant:


the discriminating gentleman's choice is obvious.
there is a legitimate opposition that is not racist, i have identified them over and over and over again.

we just happen to have quite a few racists on this forum, yourself being among them.

The list of Republican actions you labeled racist undermines your claim. You should face the simple reality of the situation: Obama had no executive experience whatsoever when he took office, having never led anything, and he barely had federal government experience. Obama was elected because he was personally popular, not because he distinguished himself as a leader or capable government servant. Obama is no good at politics, and that's why he's been so viciously opposed. It has nothing to do with race. If he were white and conducting himself in exactly the same way, the Republicans would oppose him just as viciously.

You see racists like McCarthy saw communists. Most of us don't inhabit such warped little realities.