find your government reps

you are CRACKED.

or maybe On Crack.

it's very tough to be sure.

"chemtrails" are a bullshit story crafted by fools to terrify idiots.

when you spray an area for an effect you do it from a LOW altitude, not in the stratosphere.

the various governments including the US, HAVE sprayed various agents both for effects on the ground ( and for effects in the atmosphere ( but NEVER has the effect been "chemtrails".

if you gulp down every bullshit story you hear you will be the butt of many jokes, and the subject of derision.

the guy who doesnt know anything about secret societies and our government also knows NOTHING about chemtrails....SHOCkER! nice pictures of fighter jets???? an airplane breaking the sound barrier doesnt look anything like a chemtrail
the guy who doesnt know anything about secret societies and our government also knows NOTHING about chemtrails....SHOCkER!


nice pictures of fighter jets???? an airplane breaking the sound barrier doesnt look anything like a chemtrail

thats not breaking the sound barrier, NONE of those images were supersonic shockwaves. those are condensation plumes from the control surfaces during high speed maneuvers.

THIS is a spersonic shockwave:


anytime you have low temps, still air and high humidity, turbulence from ANY fast moving object causes those plumes to form.

here are some (notably subsonic) b17's doing it in the 1940's


they are not spraying anything, yet they leave contrails too.

even bullets do it when the conditions are right.

what do you propose my bullets are spraying?

subsonic dive bombers from ww2 also display this effect when they are making a high speed dive to...

wait for it...


"chemtrails" are a fiction.

chentrails AkA cloud seeding...very real indeed you fools

cloud seeding is a VERY different operation, one i mentioned earlier you dolt.

cloud seeding is also experimental, and unreliable.

since the begining of the age of aircraft, people have been trying to make it rain with airplanes, and so far there has been very little success.

it is also not dont constantly, at extreme altitude, on clear days with no cloud in the sky.

what do you propose they are seeding here?


you are defending a failed notion.
That is a contrail. Chemtrails look very different. They get wide and thin, and take an hour or better to go away.
there is a legitimate opposition that is not racist, i have identified them over and over and over again.

we just happen to have quite a few racists on this forum, yourself being among them.
What buck doesn't realize is that even someone who is racist can have legitimate opposition. What's the big deal with racism?
What buck doesn't realize is that even someone who is racist can have legitimate opposition. What's the big deal with racism?

Buck is all about discrediting people.

If he can find fault with you then your opinion is beneath him and thus he avoids critical thinking.